Fast C# Scripting in Unity with JetBrains Rider! – Overview

Fast C# Scripting in Unity with JetBrains Rider! – Overview


4 года назад

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Unity - 15.08.2019 11:33

Thanks for checking out the video! Have you tried Rider? What do you think? I was impressed by it in filming this video. - Matt S.

Raphael Tobar
Raphael Tobar - 10.11.2023 00:19

One word: Amazing!

RebabX VR
RebabX VR - 02.11.2022 23:06

Is good, only one thingh is “eating” to much ram memory.

stb NY444
stb NY444 - 10.09.2022 07:08

Rider is such a bomber IDE. Brilliant product. Worth every penny

R K - 11.06.2022 11:58

When you consider visual code also people are saying that it’s wonderful but in practice it doesn’t work
IntelliSense always breaking and you have to install I don’t know how many other things without knowing what you’re doing and finally you getting no result

well I’m going to try it we’ll see if you are true sir

Skippy The magnificent
Skippy The magnificent - 21.05.2022 19:20

Really valuable video many thanks :)

Alec AlMartson
Alec AlMartson - 06.04.2022 18:44

This IDE was made in Heaven.

Great video 👍🏻

DarkBrave - 03.09.2021 18:16

I use a Rider and Unity student license

Browser Mage
Browser Mage - 05.07.2021 15:41

Great video

Mufelo - 10.05.2021 15:53

Ohh boi, gonna give this a try. Used phpstorm professionally for years, this looks great.

Kris - 15.04.2021 16:22

Why you delete Rider form AssetStore, are there any other way to configure rider with unity 'cuz vs didnt autocomplete code (idk why)

Tarkas Bane
Tarkas Bane - 25.02.2021 16:18

He forgot the most important thing: There's a plugin replacing all progress bars with Nyan Cat.

mykalimba - 28.09.2020 23:34

You forgot the cast credits: Unity Rep - Jim Piddock. Bobblehead Guy - T.J. Miller

Richard L
Richard L - 13.08.2020 00:00

I use the full Jetbrains Suite... best purchase in my career. Hand down.

Shiro Surfer
Shiro Surfer - 15.06.2020 06:36

forgetting to add a using statement can totally break your flow.. specially if you are getting how to solve certain problem

rider is on fact for professionals wow

Shiro Surfer
Shiro Surfer - 15.06.2020 06:34

Can we now rename in rider and directly in unity? This could make me just instantly purchase even yearly sub.. very good if it really implemented that.

Shiro Surfer
Shiro Surfer - 15.06.2020 03:08

I like how this guy guides the expert guy who knows everything good and points out the very things newbies need to know

Obviously two very good programmers developers to look up and learn from ty

Muhammad Fareez
Muhammad Fareez - 28.05.2020 09:49

Hi for student you can get rider for free

Bash - 20.05.2020 20:05

I can't see anything the IDE is so bright lol

MEWE Interactive
MEWE Interactive - 09.05.2020 16:31

How tf do I tab out of braces and brackets without jumping all the way to another piece of the code.. I’ll spend money if someone can give me the answer

Salmontres - 11.04.2020 02:26

if you're looking for good features over VS, start around the 12 min mark. The event usage search feature alone sold me on rider

Jon Brant
Jon Brant - 23.03.2020 05:22

Guy on the left asks all the questions I had. Thanks, left guy

moduntilitbreaks - 21.03.2020 18:11

How do you get Rider to open local offline docs?

TYNEPUNK - 02.02.2020 15:53

Very cool, just installed Rider! Thanks!

nexxogen - 17.12.2019 14:39

But [FormerlySerializedAs] is not a Rider thing. It's a Unity thing that's been in there for a long time. Why are they talking like it's a Rider thing?
Same with auto completing Unity callback names (Start, Awake). That has been in Visual Studio for a while now.

Harvest Media Company
Harvest Media Company - 12.10.2019 15:17

Great video, especially in comparison to the previous one that appeared in my search. In my opinion, the integration of Rider into the Unity platform in a great benefit for Unity developers. Having a full-fledged IDE with not only code completion, but JetBrains Resharper's core functionality, will improve your game at runtime, and enhance your coding skills as a developer. Rider is like having a seasoned "session" programmer looking on, advising you at every step. JetBrains does it again...

ProxyDoug - 18.09.2019 18:53

I miss MonoDevelop, it was fine the way it was. Visual Studio is far too much for what we need and I can never get CS Code to work properly with Intellisense.

Alej M-C
Alej M-C - 02.09.2019 02:17

Now, what would be your suggestion between Rider and ReSharper?
As it is my understanding that ReSharper has also quite a lot of these functionalities... I have used it before some time ago and just the "create a ToString" method or create constructors, etc were mind blowing.

Jimmie - 28.08.2019 20:11

I love Rider. Way better than VS imho.

FELO - 26.08.2019 15:40

Guess I'll stay with Visual Studio

Vapor Trap
Vapor Trap - 25.08.2019 23:11

who else watched at 1.5x for even faster scripting?

Kian Nielsen
Kian Nielsen - 25.08.2019 13:21

I love this. The host takes just about 13.22 seconds to go from 'I'd rather be washing a cat in cold water by hand' to a big, interested smile.
It's nice to see some genuine emotion :D

Sai G
Sai G - 23.08.2019 08:21

Or just use Visual Studio Code

Rodane Samuel
Rodane Samuel - 22.08.2019 09:21

Does anyone know where you can find information on those different optimization approaches?

As it's hard to find the information all in once place, especially on the coding front.

Just from watching this I though I was optimizing but just realize there a few more things that I've missed in my checklist.

Josh Swanson
Josh Swanson - 21.08.2019 20:05

Please use dark mode

Zbigniew Ledwoń
Zbigniew Ledwoń - 17.08.2019 21:37

@JetBrains do you plan to add AWS integration plugin to Rider?

Brandon Moss
Brandon Moss - 17.08.2019 20:45

FYI This is free for students.

Marek Nijaki
Marek Nijaki - 17.08.2019 14:59

Great video !

Den Fehr
Den Fehr - 17.08.2019 06:51

*Looks at all the comments about the price* .. If only JetBrains cared about the small indies.
Edit: A good idea would be to make a deal with Jetbrains, and make that your default IDE for free. Like back in the day when you included MonoDevelop.

GameProgrammingNerd - 16.08.2019 23:03

Is every software in the world going to charge by year/month/day? IMHO this business model is getting crazy and will soon crash. All the small sums are adding up and I have no idea what the expenses are going to be in a given moment.

Сергей Колючкин
Сергей Колючкин - 16.08.2019 21:56

Oh no, light theme :(

Rodrigo Legendre
Rodrigo Legendre - 16.08.2019 20:57

$140 a year? No thanks. Call me when you get a decent licencing strategy for everyone like free until earning $ a year.

Rufi Games
Rufi Games - 16.08.2019 17:50

Hello. My name is Vlad. I want to work with you. Translate and voice your videos, on your terms. It will bring you more people from Russia. Since not every Russian can watch your video, because they are not translated. Your videos are very interesting, so I’m sure that you will have more subscribers from Russia. If this interests you, please contact me in response to this message.

1LS Gaming
1LS Gaming - 16.08.2019 16:48

If i had to pay for Rider only once, i would definitely get it. But Vs code gets the job done so I'm sticking with it

Fukoda Fufu
Fukoda Fufu - 16.08.2019 14:29

For those talking about the price, I totally understand.
I hope your companies will get it for you, I just can't use another IDE anymore.

The Metamax
The Metamax - 16.08.2019 13:13

Me before the video:
It's just a new IDE and it's probably not so different from VS, so am gonna stick with VS.
Me during the video until shortly before the end:
Wow, am just completely sold, I am definitely converting to Rider.
Me at the end of the video: Trial version??? checks actual price yeah, maybe later.
