Tune in every Sunday until the end of the season to see all the progress! For the entirety of season 1 I will be doing a goodie bag give away every episode. Leave a comment with your runescape username to have a chance at winning.
This series will document the journey from a low level iron man to the goal of the best ever iron man rune pure account in old school runescape. I will be obtaining every pvm item usable on this account as well as finishing all quests/diaries and skills to 99 that I can on the account.
This account is an iron man - an account type that can't trade other players or obtain items from other players in ANY way. Everything I obtain I must obtain myself, all bosses must be soloed with a few exceptions such as tob, nightmare, and zalcano. This account will also have the restriction of being a rune pure, aka berserker pure, meaning my defense is limited to a max of 45.