Khowar poetry 2023 | Ashar studio
I am uploding khowar videos in my official channel 'A.S'. If you want to see latest and new khowar videos like khowar songs, dancing, exploring new areas, saqafati videos, khowar mehfil, chitrali songs, chitrali dolls,etc. You can visit my channel. And new and latest songs of Muhsin Hayat Shadab, Mansoor Shabab, Fayaz Ali Shah, RIzwan Rizwi, Imtiyaz Asir, Imtiyaz shahid , asghar ali, Basharat basha, Danish Rashid & songs of other singer are also included which i am uploading in my channel. You can also visit my channel for watching poetries of Abdullah Shahab, Zareef,Siraj uddin Sahil,Faizan, Afzal ullah Afzal, Afzal Mehjoor, Akhtar Azam Akhtar, Iqbal uddin Sahar. Basically that videos are aviliable in my channel which are related to culture, civilization, tradition and litrature of chitral. Through my channel it is easy for you to get more information about the famous places like Shandure, Kalash Valley and Qaqlasht.
This channel is for yor enterterment & enjoyment. My channel will help you to make you feel happy & entertane. If you want to intertane yourself & watch new & latest khowar videos subscribe my channel 'ASHHAR STUDIO'.
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##khowarpoetry_#newstatus2023_#chitrali ##bestkhowar_#mehfil