Is Alex The Worst Marriage Candidate In Stardew Valley?

Is Alex The Worst Marriage Candidate In Stardew Valley?


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Evergreen Legacy
Evergreen Legacy - 14.10.2023 19:45

Officially hate Alex. He's lazy and thinks too highly of himself while doing absolutely nothing all day long...

🐮{•Strawberry_Cow•}🐮 - 09.09.2023 22:35

I hate Alex, thank you very much for hating on him too

The Oasis
The Oasis - 04.09.2023 01:21

I'm sorry but him ordering the female charcater a salad is like the worst thing a guy could do on a dinner date with me :/ like nah bestie that's just ew

Qo - 24.08.2023 16:48

I married him, hes my malewife and sometimes cooks me food. I love him

Cryptid_S0da - 24.08.2023 13:21

Not bombing George after he’s homophobic LMAOO ☠️☠️

non - 24.08.2023 06:02

I love him because I'm love man
He love me because he hate wowman

leichter panzerspähwagen
leichter panzerspähwagen - 23.08.2023 01:41

Never knew this mf had such a deep character development, im on year 3 winter and i have one heart with him

Aeshma - 20.08.2023 03:01

I dont see how alex is a mysoginist or whatever, just because he said one thing. Tbh i always chose him becaude my boyfriend is a muscular jock and looks very physically similiar. Im attached to him because of that lmao.

•hails_gacha• - 19.08.2023 20:34

I Play as female and after I helped Haley open the jar in her kitchen he let me try and catch the ball once. But didn’t laugh he just said good try so idrk

Sylaryss - 19.08.2023 12:37

Alex? Why? Maru and penny so annoying... Alex just a guy who never loved, but if you love him, everything changing ^^

Gh0ostGio - 17.08.2023 08:50

(i always play as a male player) On my first ever gameplay i fell in love first sight with Sebastian, after he rejected me at the flower dance (everybody's villain origin story lol) i started to get a little bit more in alex, but still at the end iarrued seb and i was sooo bored. Iit really felt like i ruined his life, even if he says he doesn't mind staying at the farm. Still i felt bad, but didn't want to divorce him, so i started a whole new file and went for alex insted. BEST CHOICE EVER. Not one moment i was ever dissapointed or ever regretted romancing him, even at his 14 hearts event, id do anything for that man istg. That file is still today my main file and I'm happily married to alex and we have a kid 🥰🥰

moonz - 15.08.2023 03:33

I HATE how people praise him for getting a cute story for gay guys, like thats good and all, but what about women?? All the love interests are supposed to be bisexual, but Alex is pretty much gay and thats not good cuz female players get 1 less love interest than male players.

Rihanna Dora Prochette
Rihanna Dora Prochette - 13.08.2023 00:07

Every bachelors in star dew valley feels uncompleted for some reason

EroticInferno - 12.08.2023 21:35

It’s actually worse than just george sleeping in his wheelchair… Evelyn’s character can’t get to the bed with the way the room is laid out so she just ends up sleeping like a horse, standing up, next to george all night. You can see it with the Qi key xD

Cecil - 11.08.2023 07:39

I’ve played as a male character and he was fine towards me 😅❤ this is a surprise

blake leiberg.
blake leiberg. - 05.08.2023 08:26

he called my house horrible

CRUASSAN-FAN - 27.07.2023 09:18

That old farmer is based ah.

That spawn from hell
That spawn from hell - 26.07.2023 20:55

I’m CONVINCED that Alex was made to romance a male farmer character. Because the female farmer dialogue just makes me cringe. In the male option is just like Alex is coming to terms with being a gay Himbo 💀

Craig Brooker
Craig Brooker - 23.07.2023 16:41

I like him ive not dated him as a girl yet so not sure what thats like... but he reminds me of myself in some ways minus the talking about muscles all the damn time 😂. I grew up with a homophobic father who threatened violence if i ever turned out that way. So naturally i suppressed it and became homophobic myself. So i related to alex on that one. My mums still around but thats something else that drew me to him i could tell his personality was a front because ive been there myself. Aaaand i also really wanted to piss hayley off by having a big gay wedding.😂 it was fun to see him grow as a character and better himself despite all the crap he went through. Its all any of us can do right ?

Mack Veltman
Mack Veltman - 20.07.2023 21:21

I love him!

Isabel Bimberg
Isabel Bimberg - 17.07.2023 20:06

alex reminds me of the kind of guy who wouldn't necessarily have bullied me in middle school, but would have sat idly by while the girls like haley did. maybe even laughed a lil at my misfortune.

Kaylee Thurston
Kaylee Thurston - 16.07.2023 08:58

He was the first i married in stardew as a woman, and he was the absolute best sweetheart.

Tighnari's Ears
Tighnari's Ears - 15.07.2023 19:44

Bro I married Alex and I'm the happiest ever, idk what are yall on.

joseph denk
joseph denk - 12.07.2023 18:37

It would be a really cool plot line if Alex wasn’t available to marry as a female farmer. Just like with Hailey, something is holding him back from pulling the trigger with a woman. His fragile masculinity and misogyny were defense mechanisms to subconsciously keep women away.

Once he meets the male farmer he’s able to come to terms with the fact that he doesn’t hate women or have anything against them, he’s just been confused about his sexual identity. It took a caring farmer boy to bring it out.

Samantha Moon
Samantha Moon - 12.07.2023 08:34

Alex also gets up & puts in work on my farm. He also cooks

Sky Watcher 10
Sky Watcher 10 - 02.07.2023 21:10

Alex made me want my farmer with him, because when I first talked to everyone in town I wanted Shane (cause his personality is kinda my type😭); but the more I talked to Alex the more I liked him, and the more he was opening about him and his feelings the more I catched feeling for him.
💓It was a nice fun experience, like being dead set on Shane and then Bam!, fell for Alex.

Babyface Weeb
Babyface Weeb - 14.06.2023 03:32

There's a group cut scene? Thank goodness I found that out. I chose alex ar first because he didn't seem that bad, until earlier I realized I accidentally chose the male gender. Was female presenting in every way and didn't realize... I guess the fact the villagers kept calling me a dude should've been a hint, but I was really skippimg that dialogue. 🤣🤣

daisy.stardewvalley - 02.06.2023 18:08

i hate alex and i never will like him. idc about people saying “well he’s had a hard life” yea no dip. he’s just narcissistic and rude. i ain’t doing it

Maru - 29.05.2023 05:09

Although as a gay myself i like it more when characters are gay i feel like a part of the "gay alex hc" is coming from the idea that men attracted to women can't be sexist and that being sexist is inherently gay. Although they could have had made his character unlearn misogyny so his arc could be just as significant to women mc's

Cookie% - 29.05.2023 02:21

I was tryna get to Alex but now I’m prob gonna go to Sebastian

Balan Wonderworld
Balan Wonderworld - 12.05.2023 19:51

Bros just super gay

Catroverted - 05.05.2023 02:06

The heavy topic/bad headspace warning was so incredibly kind. Thank you for doing that.

Edit: I came back 3 days later in a better headspace to watch this and I'm glad I did. I have always hated Alex, for obvious reasons. But seeing his vulnerable side with a male farmer helps me understand him more. While he is not my cup of tea, I love his arc. Thanks for sharing :)

chaos4oz - 04.05.2023 15:26

I feel like the reason he's able to change his homophobia is because Alex is perhaps mspec or gay

Not to mention, he can probably understand, at least a little more, what men want

He really doesn't seem to know anything about women despite being seemingly intimate with Haley

Ghostein Stereo
Ghostein Stereo - 28.04.2023 06:33

A lot of the Stardew characters have depth to them; that depth can sometimes mean they have bad qualities to them. That’s realistic though. I used to be transphobic but that’s because I was a closeted trans person. With Alex, he definitely comes around. I wish he could’ve been a bit better for the female playing players though. A small fix could be having him say something sexist before correcting himself and apologizing. That way we see the struggle there but also the recognition that he messed up and doesn’t want to hurt you. But alas lmao it is what it is. I don’t hate him that’s for sure. This is coming from a Shane apologizer though so…

Koyuvu! - 21.04.2023 00:10

im a male farmer and i married alex and hes perfect tbh - and i was talking to my bsf and she said that she married sam and i told her i married alex and i told her about dialogue and idk if this is a only male dialogue he says when your married to him "Come here, squeeze Mhmm You're getting firm from all that farm work" Im not sur because my friend has played and married alex to try find this dialogue and she couldnt do i think that his dialogue is more idk- when ur a male hahaha

Funny Bunny
Funny Bunny - 16.04.2023 19:30

funny enough i chose him as my first marriage partner i like his character but i think he's better off as a friend, also sebastian is my favourite i married him to get him out of that dingy basement

Suellen - 12.04.2023 01:50

omg best details for stard evaaah

jell - 09.04.2023 18:42

this was a very sad video but i cant pay attention now because of the stormlight reference letsgooooo

DevineCaesar - 09.04.2023 17:28

If you haven't paid much attention to Alex you might not have noticed but his birthday Summer 13 is one of the few days in the game where the weather is hard-coded to rain, this is by design to prevent the 8 heart event from happening on his birthday; even if the weather channel tells you it will be sunny it will still rain, even if you use CJB Cheats on the 12th to set the weather for the next day to sunny, it will still rain to prevent the heart event from happening.

HeartOfHelia - 07.04.2023 22:29

Alex is my all time favorite, actually :D <3 When you get to know him a little bit he's actually more than okay. I personally relate to him a lot because I have a similiar past with my Mom dying when I was a kid and my Dad being... difficult. I dated him in one playthrough out of necessaty so to speak, but learned to love him so much during the later heart events <3 (only dated him as a dude, though, a little bit out of spite xD)

Sindel1011 - 02.04.2023 06:13

My little gay high school self before I transitioned was so in love with Alex after going through all these cutscenes with him. And it was because, just like you said, it was a much more meaningful romance-line to go through as a male that I decided not to pursue him again post my transition.

Tacheater _
Tacheater _ - 31.03.2023 00:29

It took me a while to appreciate him, because the game really shoves that sexist behavior in your face (as a female farmer). But when my friend showed me his playthrough I was happy that he had more character than we get to see but also mad that female farmers cannot see this side. Now I see him as a good friend

Kodi - 30.03.2023 16:47

Have an algorithm comment. Everybody like my comment to improve engagement.

Meii Jasmine
Meii Jasmine - 29.03.2023 15:21

Currently going through an Alex playthrough. He's just so cute! I'm a girl, but I've always found comfort playing male characters and my farmer was no exception.

I think I do agree with the points here! To me at least, I understand where he's coming from. Growing up in a bubble, having no role models nearer his age, not to mention the abuse... it doesn't excuse what a jerk he had been to the farmer, but it does explain it.

What touches me is how he's actually sensitive and realizes his mistakes! Sadly yeah, his arc seems better if you're playing as a male farmer. There's a lot of unlearning for him to do and it's not really gonna magically happen despite doing his best (likely unconscious internalized sexism included), which is what I appreciate about how he's written. I'd like to believe he changes for the better when finally getting married to the farmer and getting the family life he's always dreamt of, but never had.

rusty.table29 - 26.03.2023 22:29

he’s still misogynistic tho

Zuzu Petals
Zuzu Petals - 26.03.2023 04:24

Alex is My Favorite!!
He is a Total Sweetheart!
He is sweet and loving and says the nicest things to you!
The most heartbreaking is Sébastien!

Lav - 22.03.2023 17:44

Let's play the game sexist straight man or closeted gay man (still sexist tho)

Hayhay :p
Hayhay :p - 22.03.2023 04:55

I’ve always liked Alex Since I started playing the game. he was the first bachelor I liked. I really enjoy his character, because it’s a work in progress kinda relationship. Don’t get me wrong I love the bachelors who are nice to begin with, but I just feel there’s more “to work in progress”. In my opinion, Alex is a very good bachelor

Mikerosoft paint
Mikerosoft paint - 19.03.2023 10:11

Hey Leap you should go through a bunch of cutscenes and pick all the worst options! It’s not a video I’ve seen yet but I’d be curious to see it
