My ChatGPT 4 Workflow & Tips as a Software Engineer

My ChatGPT 4 Workflow & Tips as a Software Engineer


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@ethanlewis1453 - 15.06.2024 05:35

It has been a year now and the context window is much larger for much larger code projects. I find it is great for figuring out functionality I have not thought of, but is not great at logic. Its debugging skills are a bit lacking... I have to help it sometimes, but it has no access to test the code it writes while I do so perhaps that will change when it can do both writing and testing iterations itself. But, it does work to accelerate code development overall. I'm in agreement with others saying this is an assistant but not a replacement.

@user-uk9er5vw4c - 08.06.2024 17:31

try it again now with ChatGPT 40, it's outstanding

@AndrewSouthworth - 05.05.2024 12:01

The whole context / memory thing is definitely a bottleneck now. Once your code gets long enough you have to start asking it questions in pieces to contain it's focus to what you're currently working on. But that also means you must have enough knowledge on the topic to break it apart and put it back together without issue.

Imagine a future IDE with built in AI that has full knowledge of all files in your project and how they interact, and takes all of that into consideration with every prompt.

@traceburroughs - 10.04.2024 20:11

Seeking developer Ismael GKproggy email contact?

@intterror - 29.03.2024 04:18

tamo em quarto lugar

@BadGringo - 15.02.2024 20:08

I actually used it to finish a client's work

@chrisbana5874 - 05.01.2024 16:33

I use chat gpt alot as I program it helps but it isn't that good as they hype it. I mean sometimes it gives me hints or helps me forward when I'm stuck but it can't build the whole thing itself

@zeg2651 - 27.11.2023 01:49

Imo ChatGPT is especially useful the less you know about a programming language (considering you having at least a little background in it). Because it shows you ways to do things you would have never thought about. I think when you know how to direct ChatGPT into doing what you want (which takes practice, definitely) it can speed up the development process quite a bit. From what I've found, the quality of your code will suffer a bit, however that should be fixable by feeding ChatGPT code and telling it how to optimize it.

@starrunner3220 - 09.11.2023 00:54

my same workflow XD

@mukst1o - 21.10.2023 22:07

I love how people say its a tool, an assistant, a helper... It only speeds up the workflow... its not a replacement...
If it speeds up the workflow, it means less devs can make more code, so people need less devs to do stuff... so some jobs were taken
And, unless this reach a ceiling soon (wich some people say it will.. i will not pretend i understand it enough)... look at how much it improved in the last year...
OpenAI funding exploded, everyone seems to be building somethig with/for it, learning how to better use it, integrating it with other stuff...
It's a baby tech. If it does what it does now... what will it be able to do in a few years?
Sure, not all dev jobs will disappear... but certainly we will need much less devs soon...
Our best hope is that as it make software dev cheaper, more job openings appear to compensate...
But we surely shouldn't be optimistic about our market in a decade...
And not only our market, but many others...

@ShareMyGadgetHouse - 17.10.2023 11:23

I enjoy to watch all your videos! What headphones are you using?

@Symbiatch - 05.10.2023 08:05

So instead of writing the simple code in that time you spent the time trying to make an “AI” to understand what you want? To me that wouldn’t be in any way useful. I’d rather write the code myself and be done with it. Especially, as you said, “I have to double check it.” That’s the thing.

@Merrlin - 28.08.2023 08:20

I dont even know whats really going on but this was still very entertaining

@blank-964 - 22.07.2023 16:47

good video

@jonmultimedia - 08.07.2023 06:04

AI is a tool,, an addition to a dev, not a replacement.

@dera_ng - 04.07.2023 23:36

You live in Norway.... I would honestly love to emigrate there.

@zltg.mn0ng99 - 12.06.2023 14:16

Chat GPT won't but it's a great tool, so great that I'm learning faster now than I have been when I was just watching tut vids at udemy. It's like having a tutor beside you answering your questions.

@DreaminBig - 08.06.2023 01:57

It seems like chatGPT can be used as the map app to get around the city, but it can’t actually drive.

@dave4347 - 04.06.2023 20:05

If AI had the ability to replace software engineers completely, then 80% of all other jobs could be replaced as well. I don’t believe this will happen, at least not in our lifetime. Engineers who know how to leverage AI will out perform other engineers stuck in the “dark ages” who refuse to get on board. Those engineers will be able to maximize their time efficiently and receive more and more opportunities therefore squeezing other engineers out. AI will also continue to integrate with the dev tools we use. Therefore, the context of our jobs and roles may change, but most of us will still be necessary. I think that an increase in jobs and opportunities in the AI space will increase before we see a decrease in jobs due to increased efficiency. There will only be more and more opportunities for exciting products and services using AI.

@Jirayu.Kaewprateep - 03.06.2023 20:27

📺💬 Yui you are true about ChatGPT but you need to try it write code this way too / ...
🥺💬 I understand of its scope, I watched VDO and read about it but what I try is to explain that is not very fast generation as the program does.

@powerofzeus - 02.06.2023 12:24

I created a simple CRUD app,for my phones database,with PHP,Mysql,Bootstrap,within minutes!

@yuriisenenko4796 - 02.06.2023 11:30

what is the clock in the right side?

@jravenk8704 - 01.06.2023 11:56

What does gpt mean?

@abhilash651 - 28.05.2023 14:44

Can u share the link to the table clock, looks really cool tbh...

@hawk-rj3bs - 25.05.2023 19:12

First time I've actually got to see a software engineer work, looked like so much fun!

@HermanPerez-kf6ew - 25.05.2023 01:16

Can you help me create two apps please 🔥‼️☮️ You can have 49% ⁉️

@adwaitgodbole7671 - 21.05.2023 08:55

@Marko funny how you put all this effort to resolve a link to local Amazon store but forgot to resolve your own accessories links in the description

@havardottestad3450 - 12.05.2023 19:55

Løren :)

@Valentyn90A - 12.05.2023 18:25

Software engineer with a macbook...

@mking1982098 - 12.05.2023 14:53

At first I was basically using it as a google 2.0 (would ask it questions and then let it look up the answers for me). But recently I've been getting it to do monotonous coding for me, like creating style sheets based on the themes I describe etc.

@Asky_ - 10.05.2023 12:23

where are the tips??

@mentalstatement - 09.05.2023 08:19

I lot of people in the comments are saying programmers will not be replaced anytime soon.. I would highly disagree.

I am currently developing an app using upwork with some coders in India. I provided them with a design doc and then give them instructions through chat. How is that different than ChatGPT? Suppose Microsoft buys a company like Figma which has a visual app designer. You just drag and drop the UI, provide the app with instructions and the IDE will just code the app for you and do all the plumbing.

@mathewi2761 - 08.05.2023 22:50

Really, you are really working in a cafe?

@fantasdeck - 08.05.2023 09:13

The token threshold will follow Moore's law until it's no longer an issue, which will essentially be the point where its retention will surpass the long-term memory of a group of humans.

@theglobol - 08.05.2023 05:43

One tip about the token limit of ChatGPT: When ChatGPT forgets or hallucinates a function, you can give it some of the existing code as context in your prompt. This method has worked very well for me.

@gabrielsandstedt - 08.05.2023 01:21

It works much better if you remind it about your own code after a while and then asks the question. It only remember a certain amount of content. Just paste your own code before the question

@leendert16 - 07.05.2023 10:09

Thank you for creating and sharing this content.

@kosmonautofficial296 - 07.05.2023 01:21

Isn’t “single” software engineer redundant?

@ianokay - 06.05.2023 16:29

Of course it will in the future. I want you to think about the Nokia brick phone v.s. the iPhone (or the first Android phone vs the Galaxy S22+). This AI that we're using right now, which is genuinely already impressive, is the first ever cell phone brick, in terms of quality and capacity. The future is a humanity with a Supreme Intelligence that can instruct us all. The world will be divided into pre and post AI, starting right now, we just don't see it yet.

@johnw2799 - 05.05.2023 11:26

hey Marko, thanks for your video. I like your way of telling a story. Only I wont put drinks beside my mac nor eat in front of my keyboard. If there was…u knew…😢

@Rakesh-ec2pz - 04.05.2023 11:57

Amazon not redirecting you to your local amazon is the best shit ever here in Europe. I regularly order stuff on sales from Spain, Italy etc and it's so much easier without constant redirects

So no, not ridiculous at all

@usernameL1 - 29.04.2023 09:11

Why work in a cafe?

@henrikfahlen5730 - 24.04.2023 22:13

Hello from Sweden 😊

@babyfox205 - 21.04.2023 17:09

can you set a different context window? what version did you use the 8kb or the 32kb?

@jakemeyer8188 - 20.04.2023 03:51

...I just want to go to a coffee shop in Norway...

@jsmythib - 18.04.2023 04:03

Jaw on floor....Were all gonna die! For noob coders, this is unreal.

@Narc0YT - 18.04.2023 03:51

The ways I use GPT as a dev are mostly for quickly doing tasks that would take me a while to do, help me go through a problem that's maybe more complex and requires hours and hours of testing different ideas, and finally I use it to learn and better myself, asking it things like "What are some good practices to X, Y, Z"

@Something5059 - 17.04.2023 15:10

I don't think it will replace developers and instead will be a tool to fast-track things, such as the example you gave at the end when you said it was saving time. The only issue is learning how to fully use it. I do think in the future as it's developed more that it may start down sizing teams.
