Surviving A Breakup - Russell Brand

Surviving A Breakup - Russell Brand

Russell Brand

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@richardbirch4115 - 24.01.2024 19:42

For me its not the breakup its the loss of my family unit and a lot of my purpose for living. Every day for the last year has been like a gray, monotonous, living death. Every night I go to bed hoping I dont wake up the next day. I just want to let go of the past and experience some peace but there is no end to it.

@jamesmorrison991 - 24.01.2024 07:47

Amazing I enjoyed every minute of your advice I’m going thru a divorce and I find me myself thinking box my ex ! Even though we were not happy the marriage was over years ago .. god bless

@emilianzaharia5471 - 23.01.2024 00:28

start bjj

@BigJackCreeper - 21.01.2024 22:56

Russell would know about breaking up. He broke up with heroine.

@GodHelpMe369 - 18.01.2024 20:55

homicidal rage.
suicidal grief.
I'm dead inside.
my life is hell
I am raped.
I cannot wait to die.
grief rapes me.
I am drowning and suffocating.
44 years of utter hell and trauma.

@sarahk7918 - 15.01.2024 17:47

It's been 6 days since being broken up with, it's such a stange process between the pain, anger and confusion. And yeah, letting go of the idea of the future with that person is so hard as you get older. Feels like you wasted years of your life. I know most likely I'll meet someone else, but it's the idea of having to show them who you are, investing more time, only for what...what if it doesn't work out? Makes me so sad. I also live across the world from my family and friends, and so mainly rely on phone calls for support. The loneliness is hard.

@davidciccarelli4367 - 08.01.2024 22:09

Deeply appreciate your insight, Mr. Brand. God bless you.

@daisyfish-fn4js - 08.01.2024 16:16

What's horrible is when your the one who did the breaking up but it also broke you. I was with someone who truly loved me, problem is once honeymoon faze wore of I didn't feel I had that connection to him and didn't feel chemistry started to go from counting down the second until we could talk to dreading it, went from feeling warm and fuzzy to see his morning texts to feeling sad. I tried because my god he was perfect on paper but ended it because it was just not meant to be and now I'm also heartbroken. Heartbroken at hurting him because I do care about him, heartbroken at the future I have built in my head, scared of being alone, and worried about whether or not I've made the right choice. To anyone who has been broken up know that sometimes its genuinely nothing you did wrong, that sometimes it's that the other person did love you but for whatever reason doesn't anymore, and that just because they don't want to be with you doesn't mean they don't care about your happiness. I broke up with my bf because I cared about him, I couldn't lie to him about my feelings, I couldn't lead him on, I couldn't risk turning cold to him I couldn't do it. It hurt me so much and still does. Just know your self worth and that sometimes two good people can meet and just not be right for each other.

@tazydog511 - 08.01.2024 04:32

Much love, and many thanks bruv

@danielstocks3271 - 08.01.2024 01:20

ONE YEAR ON... I remember watching this a year ago when a 7 year relationship ended. I was a broken shattered man. I was crying everyday and could barely sleep. For anyone who is now going through the pain please believe it gets better over time. Despite not being ready for a new relationship I am over the heartbreak and you will be too. Please reach out to your support network. Please pursue activities your soul needs to live. Dont deprive your basic needs for mind body and soul. If you need medical help or a therapist please arrange it. I had 5 months of therapy which helped me immensely and saved my life. Stay strong everyone you will be okay I promise 😊

@AdalbertAlexandru - 04.01.2024 17:34

Still this doesn't change the fact it hurts

@lduk941 - 04.01.2024 15:05

Thanks Russell 🙏🏻❤️

@leonardfairground5937 - 04.01.2024 11:17

It’s as if he knows me, my thoughts and behaviours. This really helps. ❤

@JohannusFandangulus - 04.01.2024 01:31

This is a helpful and an incredibly concise dose of the main components of moving on healthily I believe. I reckon Russell probably did a load of those bad things mentioned in that documentary, but this is a great demonstration for why he mustn’t be cancelled or rated as a completely bad person. He is complex and contributes a lot of good to the world as well. Just a fallible human.

@jonathanpooley1255 - 03.01.2024 21:05

Words of wisdom , just what I need !
Thank you

@george12ispas - 31.12.2023 20:04

This guy is amazing ❤I love you man Trust in God no matter what happens to you I ve been to a lot of pain but You can escape Within. Go within !

@skeleton599 - 31.12.2023 09:37

It’s very difficult when everything in your life is falling apart and the only good thing you had to look forward to was your lover, and now they’re gone, and you have nothing.

@perlefisker - 30.12.2023 18:57

These are very good recommendations - giving that it's true that your future with this person has disappeared. But what if it's the past?

@annaholden2406 - 25.12.2023 02:04

Thank you 🤍

@alexrock4113 - 21.12.2023 06:27

You only have two options after a brake up. You can get busy living or you can get busy dying slowly. Why would you love someone who don’t love you back? Be careful with your rational mind and your emotional state they will be in conflict. Deep inside you know it’s over but your emotional mind wants to cling and keep torturing you. You don’t want to let go of how you felt with her when it was great. You do that because you are afraid that you will never ever find that again. You think it was something so special and sacred or divine that after it is lost it’s like if you lost an arm or a leg.

We all felt that. Now picture this. If you were a man with options and right now there were 3 super hot models waiting for you in your own house to have sex with you would you be stressing about this one bitch you can’t get over? No you wouldn’t you would laugh at your own miserable pity self.

So become a high value man, a man with options. Learn what it means to be in your masculine frame and how to never get out of it again. Learn about women mind. Learn what is hypergamy and understand that a woman will only date you if you are better then her, better in everything even in small things like dressing or scarring. If she don’t like you more then you like her walk away. Only love women who love you and not the ones you love.

Use this bitchy crying energy and sorrow and lift some weights become a man with a dream athletic body your ex would drawl if she see it in the future. This is your revenge become the male stripper guy she wanted to fuck when she left you. Disappear for a year or two. Block her out of your head and each time your mind goes into a spin and chatter about her punish yourself with push ups. Think about bad times she gave you. Make a list of all the negative shit she gave you not only the good stuff. Buy he time she realizes she lost a gold it will be late because you will become the best version of yourself and you will have a chick way better then her way hotter and more into you. Never look back don’t stress about the future and repeat to yourself every day: “no matter how deep I’m the dark hole right now I know in the end everything is going to be all right. Remember nothing lasts forever bad times or good times. So yes you will pull trough it and you will be way stronger and better in life.

@silvyink - 19.12.2023 04:15

Thank you so much for this video 🙏🏻

@2tsuprem - 17.12.2023 13:17

The new divorce drug. Antidepressants. They are now known to make a woman feel detached from people. They won't have a capacity to feel romantically involved. SSRI meds are evil. I wont go into Mania/hypomania.

@Lazcanorealestate - 14.12.2023 07:52

Thanks Russell 😊

@ebrub6033 - 13.12.2023 02:56

I love you ❤❤

@airt698 - 11.12.2023 02:58

Thank you. I broke no contact today and of course no response. It’s time to let go and stop self persecution. Thank you 🙏

@wnatalia3281 - 11.12.2023 00:34

My problem after a break up is that even tho there were some bad times I can’t think about any of them. I can only things about the good memories which makes me miss my now ex boyfriend. Also we didn’t argue and he treated me right. Which was nice. But I kinda think that it would be easier for me if he first made me hate him.

Remember guys that having a partner is extra in your life. You’re able to have a wonderful life alone, and then when there is a right time you’ll meet the right person. You’re the only one to take care of yourself so do it and just keep your head up.
I live by that rule: if you’re meant to be with someone- you’ll be with them. If you guys don’t work out then that person wasn’t meant to be yours. And there’s someone out there still waiting for you.
Good luck you all. Be strong!

@johnpoulton9446 - 29.11.2023 22:52

Wow!! This is so straight forward and to the point but so eye opening. Dang! Thanks man!!!

@bernardfitzsimons6942 - 26.11.2023 18:33

I'm not sure that this is the right man to be giving relationship advice...

@Zadek98 - 25.11.2023 05:57

Bro u look like Jezus

@user-zx5zx8wj5e - 23.11.2023 21:25

Thanks Russel. I needed to hear this. Some really good advice there. Keep up the good work. I think your amazing

@jimmy2055 - 20.11.2023 07:15

Russell Brand and I have the same eyebrows. It’s crazy I’ve never seen this before

@salvatoresimone727 - 18.11.2023 18:31

Great piece of advice!
I particularly like you tackling the component of co-dependency in relationships. Oftentimes one's self esteem is wrongly dependent on someone's approval. Feeling disappointed following the lack of emotional reciprocity from another individual is rather normal. However, a rejection is neither a reflection of one's personal flows or an index of self worth. Instead, it may provide additional insight (in some cases), about upbringing issues one may have experienced as a child, currently affecting present relationship dynamics, as an adult.

@dirkvandermerwe6027 - 17.11.2023 13:43

Wow.... Excellent advice. I'm struggling to get over my ex gf for months n the anxiety is tormenting me.

@SMacCuUladh - 16.11.2023 08:03

he says things i like, but he's always been a prick, ever from his earliest days, and he has been, which i remember. I hope he's innocent, I suspect he is, but he'll never be innocent of being an arrogant English prick. I mean English in the type of prick he is, not that English people are pricks n general, even though a lot of you are.

@omarduran1736 - 12.11.2023 21:27

Just wanted to say thank you Because this is what I needed to hear. 😀

@CaptainFrandy - 08.11.2023 20:54

I would love a longer video on this, I appreciate your insight and it’s helping me. I would love some more

@decmadine - 06.11.2023 18:56

Man, I’m in the pits, but this helped. Music is my only remedy…not listening to it but playing. I just wrote a song about how I feel, if anyone wants to take a listen. Ps I can’t sing very well

@haleygriffin2269 - 06.11.2023 08:54

🫠🥹😼😳😳😮🙃 I wish I could just sit and talk to you for hours...I literally just typed in on YOUfreakin tube "how to stay strong before a breakup". I have always wanted to just sit and talk to you to see what you feel and know about everything...thank you for this. I USED to know this!....❤

@ethanmcquaid1 - 02.11.2023 13:24

I'm so resentful and full of hate and anger right now. Angry with her for not being honest, and angry with myself for letting this happen again and essentially throwing 5 years away. I don't know if I will ever trust someone again. I want to but I don't know if I will.

@ScottH. - 01.11.2023 20:47

This was Russ before he decided that making money off of peddling right wing propaganda was worth more this integrity. Sad.

@ballstv4085 - 30.10.2023 08:38

Great Video. She left me today, and I was the toxic one at the end. We both know the love was real and strong. I keep thinking the good outweighed the bad. But I know if i truly love her i must let her go. I Know that i love myself, and i know a week ago I loved myself even more. But i feel like i made such a mess and it will take a long time to see some truth out of this. I pray to god one day when we are stronger and better the universe will bring us together again. But this is an uncertainty that only time can reveal. I am grateful i got to meet someone so special, and so sweet. She really went above and beyond for me at her own risk. She deserves the world and more. I am dreading the many mornings without her, the nightmares. The dreams of having her at my side. A week ago all was perfect, but I am not her. And i trust her decision. I wish you the best my Rose, I pray one day we will hold hands together again. But above all that, I pray that you find your peace and harmony even if its without me. I love you.

@SumanthLazarus - 27.10.2023 19:07

After a breakup what's the most painful thing to do is to delete photographs, phone numbers etc.
So when I understand that the relationship is souring and a betrayal has taken place, what I do is to set a reminder on my Google calendar for 2-3 months down the line to wipe out such details, media etc. This sets the context to move on gradually and also as a commitment of letting someone go, not impulsively and then go onto get clingy, but in a phased manner.
Doing this has allowed me to gradually but surely wipe the slate clean.

@mrmachinehead8059 - 26.10.2023 19:52

The worst part for me is she never had any negative qualities. We got on amazingly. It was a long distance relationship but we spent time together, it wasn't completely online and when we were together it felt so right. Waking up next to her was the best feeling I had ever had. I did everything I could for her, dedicated every spare minute to helping her with her Twitch career whilst back in the UK, whilst with her I did everything I could to help out, hell I even sat and brushed her hair as she watched Love Island, which is awful...But I tried to take an interest since she likes it... and ultimately she just couldn't wait any longer. It wasn't enough. I begged and pleaded but I was just being selfish for wanting her to wait. I've been in the process of trying to move to Canada for a while and it just wasn't fast enough. I failed.

I genuinely feel like I have nothing left to live for now. She was the reason I worked hard for the future we had planned together, the reason that I was happy. She made me a better person.
Now I'm nothing...

@anitasseo - 26.10.2023 05:52

It's not only the breakup, the projects, the future; it's the animosity, the hate, the horrible words that he's suddenly calling me. Some people don't warn you; and then one day you realize that they were monsters.. Because why the hate. We can part ways without wanting to hurt the other, wanting to destroy them. Why. This is sad enough. Why make it hateful and ugly too.

@anitasseo - 26.10.2023 05:46

Short, sweet, and without cellos or pianos. It made a difference for me. Thank you

@autonomous8108 - 23.10.2023 08:51

Watched so many videos about this topic, all 10, 15, 20 minutes long, just tryna find something to help me through this. None of them come close to what I got from this 2 minute, and 40 second video. Never in a million fucking years would I have thought I'd be saying this, but thank you Russell, for helping me through this painful breakup.

@joshuaboyd-gn1xf - 21.10.2023 15:09

This had me crying. It’s been almost 5 months for me. I really struggle to forget the memories
