Excel VBA - If Statement

Excel VBA - If Statement


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Video & Art
Video & Art - 27.01.2022 18:50

For God's shake... I was hoping you will show us how to correct this and check always the price and not only once... what is the purpose of this video ? to show us just that "if" statement" is incomplete ?

Omar Zaddy
Omar Zaddy - 06.07.2021 21:19

What to do if i want to copy the data to different sheets ???

Point - 09.05.2021 18:54

Sir, You have any idea how to correct this code.
I am trying to When i entered Cell e Value is (=Whatsapp Group) then Cell K value is show as 1 and this can be done automatic to last available data Row.

If Range("e3:e" & lastrow).Value = "Whatsapp Group" Then Range("k3:K" & lastrow).Value = 1

When i apply this formula the error show "run time error 13 Type mismatch"

Nishant Singh
Nishant Singh - 13.02.2021 17:10

Sir mine is showing eror no. 75?

Anisur Rahman
Anisur Rahman - 30.04.2020 07:33

*Nice* Thanks a Lot.

Олег Олейник
Олег Олейник - 07.06.2019 22:16

Thank you, it`s really good tutorials

Adsam Gideon
Adsam Gideon - 23.03.2019 13:04

Nicely explained. Thank you very much

Ashok Koparkar
Ashok Koparkar - 27.02.2019 18:49

Sir How to prevent sheet tab names means user can't change sheet name ?

Jaswant Dhillon
Jaswant Dhillon - 18.06.2018 08:22

you are great sir..

Jose Mathew T
Jose Mathew T - 21.02.2018 17:07

I want date in a cell is changed as next date when click a command bottom, please give me the code!
