Windows 10 to Linux Mint | Installation

Windows 10 to Linux Mint | Installation

Chris Titus Tech

4 года назад

194,821 Просмотров

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Mayhemer - 13.08.2023 06:29

how do i go in the boot menu thing??

SuperJSM - 12.08.2023 04:37

The website for linuxmint looks different.... HOW DO I INSTAL WELP

It says the file is 2.8 GB but its only around a MB in size with both combined and balenaEtcher says there isn't a "partition table".... I don't get it.

~Solemn Kaizoku
~Solemn Kaizoku - 06.04.2023 19:01

Is it necessary to verify the iso?

Gurashish Anand
Gurashish Anand - 14.02.2023 06:03

worked for me, i guess i was downloading the wrong ISO file, thanks man !

Computers repair Cote Saint-Luc
Computers repair Cote Saint-Luc - 16.01.2023 04:32

anyway to install without password?

Street Stunt Brian
Street Stunt Brian - 15.01.2023 02:56

After fresh install when it asks to restart, why does the booting cause lines across the screen during black screen?

downtownlife - 08.01.2023 17:39

I'm so sick of windows 11, tired of being the product of my data for harvesting. Moving over to Linux

Coldsmoker - 05.01.2023 05:52

Flash went good but I can't get it to install off my usb flash drive 🤔 I suck lol

Shane May-Gunlogson
Shane May-Gunlogson - 31.12.2022 19:53

Had to trouble shoot a bit, but it worked. Thank you!

ABUFARAH - 24.12.2022 17:15

error code 0xc00000e after installing linux. blue screen .

Brian Storm
Brian Storm - 11.12.2022 17:31

What is it that Ubuntu based Mint has, but the LMDE does not, that would affect my audio working vs not working? I tried installing both on my laptop, but no matter how much I try fixing the audio with my LMDE install, I can't get any audio to work.

Caleb Klinger
Caleb Klinger - 05.12.2022 00:22


HelaPortal - 26.11.2022 08:44

Hello, my pc gets a blue pop up when restarting saying "Perform MOK Management" what do I do?

bern paul
bern paul - 15.11.2022 13:38

sir do you teach how to create a password manager pendrive using linuxmint ?

AguyonYT - 22.10.2022 14:05

I have a question do you download linux mint from balena etcher or separatly?

Aaron - 29.08.2022 22:44

I've found PNY drives to be very unreliable a flash drive and SD card both failed in a few months anyone else have the same experience?

Denis Farcaș
Denis Farcaș - 03.08.2022 15:29

How do you remove windows?

1701:TheFyldeFlyer - 04.07.2022 00:28

Recommending letting Linux automatically install is the pits. You end up with an installations that is the poor and extremely difficult to either upgrade or, perform a new install such as Mint 20.

I wish there had been proper 'Do something else' installations videos when I first install Mint instead of the 'just let Linux decide' because now, Im faced with backing up all my data and erasing the linux directory on my HD to do a new clean Mint 20 install.

gixxerboy555 - 27.06.2022 11:11

When support for WIndows 10 will stop..I'll jump over to Linux.. and never go back to WIndows . I will never make a "trash and spying" Microsoft account..! :)

Tony Blount
Tony Blount - 29.04.2022 09:08

You Rock's.!

Sara Maeks
Sara Maeks - 18.04.2022 02:23

Thank you so much. This video helped me finally switch over to linux as a first-time user. I’ve had it for 20 minutes and already love it so much more 😂 thanks again!!

MrTimjwilson - 06.04.2022 23:03

I did not notice that you verified the ISO. This is stated as necessary on the mint and ubuntu sites. Is this unnecessary?

rick traylor
rick traylor - 25.03.2022 05:42

who does this? too complicated for me but want linux mint on a laptop

Owen Bowen
Owen Bowen - 21.03.2022 23:54

How do we down load it on windows, what happens when we need a Microsoft account

James Brinn
James Brinn - 11.03.2022 07:47

Im sorry but i just unsubscribed Why would you just leave new users .. Ugggg OK I just watched a couple of Videos and re installed But you Windows content just Pisses me of but now I understand it Sorry

James Brinn
James Brinn - 11.03.2022 07:44

OMG why would you delete inforomation from new usesers

Jordan Madick
Jordan Madick - 21.02.2022 01:15

do u have to connect to ethernet when instaling linux mint

Dylahn Rossi
Dylahn Rossi - 11.02.2022 19:23

Hi Chris, would you still use LMDE over the new mint 20.3 ( Recommended )? Also after I flash the file to the USB drive can I do the official install on my SSD?

Dark J
Dark J - 13.01.2022 13:17

How about changing it to the other way around.

Victor Joseph
Victor Joseph - 28.12.2021 04:54

How easy is it to install Python for linux mint? or is it complicated?

Alvin Guray
Alvin Guray - 21.12.2021 11:44

why is it that every time i install linux mint Cinnamon Edition it keep OUT OF RANGE? What do i need to do?

Tyler Barnett
Tyler Barnett - 14.12.2021 07:57

Based on the video and recommendations for a beginner distro, I’m looking to Linux Mint as an option to bring back to life an old Surface Pro 3 I have. I’m running into an issue, however… During the update manager portion of the video, I’ve tried to go through and update my mirrors only to find it errors out and tells me to check my internet connection. When I check under at the details, it keeps mentioning changing of suite values and keeps saying the repositories are now ‘oldstable-updates’. Is there something I’m doing wrong?

Anna Funny Murphy
Anna Funny Murphy - 13.12.2021 15:01

Thank you for making this video. Unfortunately I didn't managed to change from Windows 10 to Linux Mint. You used 3 min I over 3 hours :( I were ending up with black screen and little white line in top left corner. I tried other videos, Rufus etcher, F9 button (have pretty new HP laptop), deleting and starting over, POP... Maybe it has something to do with it that there is no mirrors in Norway and I used first Kent in UK, then one in Poland... Now USB device doesn't show anymore. :( There were some distraction going on so maybe it wasn't finish downloading What to do? I don't use twitter.

J. B.
J. B. - 12.12.2021 09:41

You should have made the partitioning more clear, some people will probably override their disc with Windows on it by accident

Alex OwO
Alex OwO - 14.11.2021 04:06

Hey Chris I kinda need some help with installing linux mint cinnamon version
Basically I just get to the bios then choose the flash drive with Linux but then the screen goes black and it crashes I've literally spent 5 hours trying to fix and it is getting exhausting. I just want to run the os I prefer but it doesn't work
I don't have an invidia graphic card and my pc is strong enough to handle Linux

Osirus J
Osirus J - 09.11.2021 16:24

My boot options looks different.. There's an u
Option to update it but theres many things I cna choose to update my bios... Scare it will mess up the pc if update bios..and am using ssd to boot from.. Its not detecting in boot menu.. Help

Erwin Bockler
Erwin Bockler - 02.11.2021 11:29

Didn't help! Win10 overrides Mint from OEM partition... Q is how to wipe the WHOLE disk.....

Seagull - 20.09.2021 02:35

>try it
>everything looks different
>just get a bunch of error messages on a black screen
It's everything I expected.

MAGNETS - 08.09.2021 16:40

fantastic video I watched this 3 times

Fish Bita
Fish Bita - 03.09.2021 06:20

I'm new to Linux and installed the LMDE 4 but can't seem to find how to run a file. Should I have installed the Ubuntu version or am I missing something? I'm mainly trying to get Bluetooth to work.

Mickey T
Mickey T - 16.08.2021 17:03

I have Windows 10 on my laptop. Converting to Linux Mint or any other version of Linux, am I able to save my files on my C drive?

wolfnightyt - 01.08.2021 08:11


Chad's Tech Hut
Chad's Tech Hut - 30.07.2021 13:28


Zach Smith
Zach Smith - 30.07.2021 01:21

How can I transfer my files over to Linux from Windows?

bob palmer
bob palmer - 29.07.2021 20:26

so i tried the etcher and the zip will not open and i tried the 19.3 and i get download failed. i have 19.3 on the pc now and want to go to 20.1 and i can't on the machine so i figured booting and reinstalling would work. next step win10 that is far easier. thanks

jenidu - 29.07.2021 18:34

It didn't boot for me, Enabling legacy in the boot menu, fixed the problem. Its kinda strange because my laptop is newer then this video haha

Simple Repairs
Simple Repairs - 23.07.2021 18:41

I have followed this video, and I'm moving from windows 10 to mint, and the first boot went fine, but when I waited the 10 minutes Installing mint on my computer, when I remove the thumb drive, it says no os detected, or something like that. I have a few more things to try, but this problem made this already kinda complicated video even more complicated.

StoneApollyon - 21.07.2021 03:29

Linux is super slow, i’m using two ssd’s and one is still formatted to windows, could that be the problem?

Daniel Jackson
Daniel Jackson - 17.07.2021 20:09

too too complicated.
