Ashes of Phoenix dev video 1: 'My life for a scope'

Ashes of Phoenix dev video 1: 'My life for a scope'

FOnline AoP

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@TKsMantis - 05.04.2016 07:44

expect the khans....

@shadowrulz121 - 03.09.2014 08:29

Oh boy, can't wait to get killed on my way back to HQ after a scavenging run!

@Steelion69 - 01.09.2014 09:51

As long as the ability to play by yourself with NPCs is present, I'll like otherwise, the idea of player with others is shit, because you'll do nothing, and some guy kills you for your stuff like dayz for no reason

@FedeUnimev - 25.08.2014 03:48

no worldmap? omg men!!! thats is brilliant!!! more random, more fun more danger :D

@congruent2006 - 20.08.2014 21:43

so is there no world map? just one big city where encounters come by randomly?

@vilhelmpuddintain9295 - 25.03.2014 09:17

Sooo... I just sort of stumbled across this project while looking for a badass picture of the T-51b power armor(holy crap that picture was amazing), and I was wondering... is this going to make any sort of reference to the newer 3D installments of the series? This certainly doesn't look like Legion territory. I mean, there's a distinct lack of crucified dudes, and flags, and burning piles of corpses. :P

@screamingmeanie - 10.02.2014 02:31

Holy crap I just had a gamegasm! This is the first I have heard of this. You just made my year!

@uplusion23 - 27.01.2014 04:39

This is quite crazy... Looks great

@FOnlineAoP - 08.01.2014 03:26

Hello GroeneAppel, note that shooting animation speeds depend on weapon types. Some examples: here in the first PvP fight, you see three typically fast weapons - a Remington shotgun and two pistols - with low AP costs, which allow to shoot fast and repetitively. Other weapons, such as sniper rifles for example, shoot much slower. Others, such as the machine gun showed near the end or assault rifles in general, have average speeds. The minigun you also saw here allows to shoot continuously and efficiently from afar but lacks good close combat capabilities because of the heaviness of the weapon.

@Maged99 - 08.01.2014 02:08

Looks neat, But im not sure if I like the pace. Im used to much slower pacing.
