Allods Online First Impressions "Is It Worth Playing?"

Allods Online First Impressions "Is It Worth Playing?"


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Loki - 01.07.2022 02:23

and now it looks as if blizzard "copied this" or rather sunk to its level, look at BFA maps, you could say any of them is from here and noone would bet an eye. its weird really. Remember when wow maps had quality?

Валерий Князев
Валерий Князев - 21.06.2022 22:01

"Looks like a game you will play if you can't afford WoW"
... probably one of the most repulsive quotes you can find on the internet

Valu - 16.06.2022 15:35

"It's seems like the kind of game that you would only really play if you can't effort to pay for Warcraft" Exactly the reason I played it back in the days XD

Skruff - 15.03.2022 16:03

How is this game even more furry than wow?

Lieutenant BaconWaffles
Lieutenant BaconWaffles - 06.01.2022 08:54

Completely agree about the music feeling out of place. If you think about it, there's really no point in pointing out that something is a WoW Clone for 2 reasons. 1)People who played WoW generally avoid F2P games like the plague. 2)The F2P audience can't afford WoW & have not likely ever played it. Instead, pick the most popular F2P WoW Clone you can think of & compare it to that instead.

Lieutenant BaconWaffles
Lieutenant BaconWaffles - 06.01.2022 08:40

Space Fantasy with Alvin, Simon, & Theodore.

AKash Senanayake
AKash Senanayake - 16.10.2021 12:31

Allods was my first MMORPG. Since it was my first I have good memories of it but at the same time was frustrated a lot on how pay to win it was. Also a lot of mmos copied many elements from this.

Michael Ruiz
Michael Ruiz - 20.07.2021 18:25

What ruins the P2W server is that there's a bunch of under age cry babies that need to have there computers taken away. Why do some parents let there kids download anything they want nowadays. This is not a game for broke kids. Parents need to buy there kids a Ps5 or Xbox One. The game is full of punks that get mad when they can't scam you for your credit card. Go play Call Of Duty you little rats it's more down your alley and you can be the best being broke.

Hellscream Games
Hellscream Games - 06.06.2021 01:57

Good video.

The C and D
The C and D - 02.06.2021 07:56

You do have window boardless

The C and D
The C and D - 02.06.2021 07:52

Try again the game has been out since 2009 lol

Squidmustard - 31.03.2021 22:01


Gunther Wolfgang
Gunther Wolfgang - 30.03.2021 12:29

the graphical style of this game combined with the theme is very cool. Shame its p2w

Hunterend - 26.03.2021 16:57

Best music in any mmo

Jonathan Soko
Jonathan Soko - 15.03.2021 02:16

I LOVE slavic warcraft

David Moore
David Moore - 18.02.2021 19:26

those gibberlings kinda look like you

anna bochorishvili
anna bochorishvili - 23.01.2021 13:25

Allows online my firs mmorpg I remember my first character the character from fairy tails that I read and some stories that based on Slavic culture

Steinn Bjorn
Steinn Bjorn - 10.10.2020 23:49

Graphics looks like the newer locations of World of Warcraft, and, honestly, it's surprisingly pretty good, of course ignoring the fact that the visual style is entirely a WoW ripoff

farlon muentes
farlon muentes - 15.09.2020 00:59

Could have been a solid competitor to gw2 and wow back then but greed will always get you nowhere.

Bakhtaoui Rachad
Bakhtaoui Rachad - 14.09.2020 17:44

Forget about it if you're not gonna pay to just be decent enough. You need to pay consistently for some time.
What do you need?
1. You need 6 runes of level 11 (expensive af, by grinding you can only do full set lvl 8 or 9 if you're lifeless and will take you 4 years)
2. Patronage 5 (the most expensive thing ever in the game, you won't get it by grinding, not even forever grinding)
3. Shop scrolls (more stats, more talent points, more rubies, etc.)
4. Combat Shells, these are like armor with certain abilities. Equipped over gear.
5. Combat vehicles aren't really a big deal, but you'll need specific ones if you don't wanna take dmg from falling, or get dismounted by getting hit, etc.
6. No matter what you do, there's this one player you'll never kill on your own, his name is Penance and he has literally all shop items. He usually would join Battlegrounds, goes AFK until his team is about to lose, then starts to play and make it a win :)

Drt Fd
Drt Fd - 31.08.2020 16:47

Lol this game is better than wow in every single aspect. IN EVERY SINGLE ASPECT(except money sucking). all you said in the end is just not true from a guy who barelly did anything in game. When I was In school and after I discovered this game I would never play wow even if somebody paid me, thats how it was different and better back in days.
Long story short its like comparing path of exile with random super casual game where you need 0 brain to do anything. This is the difference.
I remember 2010-2012 golden age before p2w. I literally ran back home not walk just ran to play this game, while wow was on my PC and never launched for years. Never ever other mmo gave me such experience and feelings. And I'm not wow headed fanboi im open to all kind of mmo even including eve online.

But after....

This game is dead cause hard P2w. thats all. You have to invest like 5-10 k usd if you want be on top. Just p2w killed good game.

Vr - 24.08.2020 09:45

Too strange to hear this about its artstyle. It's artstyle and music are core thing things I loved about it, it's art is awesome.

John Whitehill
John Whitehill - 25.07.2020 20:16

pinklivesmatter xD that was good.

Gutigwolfe's Den
Gutigwolfe's Den - 25.07.2020 03:34

Allods is Russias version of WOW. It literally just exists cus Russia wanted WoW, and at the time WoW didn't have proper Russian servers, not sure bout now, but ya. Least that is what I heard. So basically this game is like a less fun version of WoW. I couldn't get into it for the one reason you mentioned. The questing is boring af. The races and classes are cool though. Had the questing not been so boring I might of gotten into it, cus the class system is actually quite good.

Nakano27 - 23.07.2020 04:51

You know that something is wrong with the game, when you leave the tutorial, and find out that your character is significantly weaker.

HeavensEmbrace - 10.07.2020 13:02

At least it looks slightly better than WoW and even better it isn't run by activibitch and blizzcuck

Pedro Martell
Pedro Martell - 05.07.2020 19:29

Damn ur guitar skillls are good

Robert Ballentine
Robert Ballentine - 31.03.2020 23:20

The cool thing about the pay to play model is that all you need is $10 for a 3 month period and you can earn a lot of the "essential" items from the cash shop from playing the game and participating in events. The pay to play server is quiet but there's still people online at most times of the day doing content so it's not so lonely. It's a really solid game for what there is.

Succubus Glory
Succubus Glory - 23.01.2020 15:50

lol allods is classic wow but under another name and another races

FuuckFaaceJ - 12.11.2019 11:28

"worshipping the bush" pretty much sums up my first ever sex experience

evelyn bowers
evelyn bowers - 30.09.2019 21:13

would love to hear your take on the Game Eldevin as your take on this one seems accurate from what I saw in your video

Ivan Dovranić
Ivan Dovranić - 22.09.2019 15:03

Given the fact that this is supposed to be continuation of Rage of Mages RPG, this game's lack of originality is quite sad.

Kane Citicani
Kane Citicani - 05.08.2019 20:54

I remember this game years ago, I was in high school.

Played with my brother and tons of friends and meet lots of others, to make this quick and short.

Hide yo wife hide yo kids was uploaded around the same time, I was within the 500 first viewers, I remember staying up late that night and showed my brother.

A lot of memes were born all while I played this game, it was a work of art and fantastic. I was pretty young.

The pve was great and anyone who didn’t play at the time for sure missed out of some fun but not that big of a deal

Artem Esaulkov
Artem Esaulkov - 27.06.2019 23:59

Hahhahaa lmao allods online. Its a game played only by russians

Tunç Uzun
Tunç Uzun - 29.05.2019 08:18

How can i show people that i can play guitar

Synns - 05.05.2019 18:49

Could have been a great game but the p2w destroyed it and the sub server is far better but empty. As for auto travel, you don’t have to use it? Just saying and the graphics hold up to wow 🤷🏼‍♂️

D R - 19.02.2019 21:27

Is it just me or does it look like they've just tried to copy paste WoW?

Avalon Azure
Avalon Azure - 07.12.2018 15:31

"The auto path system ruins the game!"
Don't... use it then? >.>;

㊙️Nerwen - 02.12.2018 01:51

Played this game in 2011-2012 and it was quite fun for like a month or so. Tried WOW a year ago but found it terribly boring...
When I played Allods used to be a boss at the end of newbie island and you needed a big party to kill it. Is it still there?

Emperor - 03.11.2018 11:44

man every fking game i've seen u play u complain about everything can u tell me one or two videos u have found a game perfect?

Captnrex - 03.11.2018 01:50

sad everyone forgets/forgot theres a pay to play server added that has no shop items

Mediocre on a good day
Mediocre on a good day - 09.10.2018 07:13

You play on storm wind... North America? That’s the server I play on lol... and that server is freaking packed, like most populated pve server last time I checked. Oh wow, I missed the content cop reference the first time around , nice

SpoopyNoopers - 28.09.2018 00:19

they're gerbils dude

IrmaHamster - 24.09.2018 08:16

I miss allods so fucking much Really wish they didn't ruin it with p2w its even worse now tho its p2w and they gutted the gameplay dumbed everything down and made it EVEN more of a grind

Sticky Wicket
Sticky Wicket - 23.09.2018 13:59

PS I also play guitar during games. I have a lovely Yamaha THR10X and my Chapman as well as a 2/3rds acoustic by my desk at all times.

Sticky Wicket
Sticky Wicket - 23.09.2018 13:56

This game is about the most P2W. High level guilds are populated by people who have dumped over $1000 into the game. In fact all high level content requires you to have spent at LEAST $500 in the game to stand a chance. It's not a good game either.

Alovatololo - 15.09.2018 07:14

Ok, so the concept of the Gibberlings confused and intrigued me so I went to check what that was about and it turns out the little buggers are siblings and travel in threes for safety. Also one is your brother and the other is your sister.

Canadian Guitarist
Canadian Guitarist - 09.09.2018 04:40

hahaha i love your accent by the way, when you said "it looks like mate just got fucked!..... " your made you sound so sad and tramuatized when you said ith
