An Idiot's Skills/Abilities Guide to BARD!!! | FFXIV Endwalker

An Idiot's Skills/Abilities Guide to BARD!!! | FFXIV Endwalker

Megastar FFXIV

2 года назад

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へりこかる - 02.11.2023 21:45

Bard and Dancer should have an exclusive buff that complements each other.

DruidsCalling - 19.10.2023 00:19

Two seconds in, immediately annoyed

PlatinumCyGirl - 13.10.2023 00:44

What class do you recommend, where I don't have to micromanage the hotbar?

Link The Unsung Hero
Link The Unsung Hero - 17.08.2023 03:23

I know this video is older but probably the best Job guide I've found! Thanks for the help!

Ezequiel Prego
Ezequiel Prego - 13.08.2023 10:59

this video help me a lot, i just come back after more than a year with out playing, i was really confuse having a lvl 90 bard and dont remembering how to play it but now i remember the how ty ^^

pilote111 - 05.08.2023 03:30

my nose is bleeding 🤧

Cheelai - 27.07.2023 08:44

Your character is so cuteeee❤

eFesti - 06.06.2023 14:46

I'm on free trial so i don t need more than lv 60 abilities, but every time i take a new job i check your guides first, they're amazing to have a preview on how to play the job

Plantago minor
Plantago minor - 31.05.2023 21:09

why is this guy yelling, this is awful

Daniel Conway
Daniel Conway - 30.04.2023 06:33

"I hate brd," "Why?" "Because it's too busy." "Oh. Well, the most stripped down version of how to do that is this." "Oh. Ty."

Ventura - 24.04.2023 19:37

WTF DOES ANY OF THIS MEAN???? Lol! I clicked it bc it said idiots guide but I’m a literal beginner and don’t understand

PresidentCthulhu - 06.03.2023 16:50

Very good content, your voice is fucking my ear though. Those occasional high pitched screeches are annoying. Maybe you want to work on refining your speech patterns if you want to get into content creation. Sorry for being rough this meant to be a constructive comment.

Sam Records
Sam Records - 24.02.2023 05:40

FYI, this is not an "idiot's" guide to bard. This is like a "person who's played a lot of mmos and probably even other classes in FFXIV's" guide to bard.

link670 - 18.02.2023 17:02

Feel like this class is in dire need of a redesign. I get that they probably didn't want another class witb a 1 - 2 - 3 combo, hence the straight shot mechanic, but the result is just a class where you repeatedly mash the same two buttons in the hopes that your more fun abilities will proc, not to mention the general ability bloat. When half your abilities can be assigned to a single macro with little to no loss of dps, something has gone wrong.

Tamia Daneille
Tamia Daneille - 10.01.2023 06:49

BRD really goes brrr. One of my fave jobs!

Lufasu Mafalu
Lufasu Mafalu - 31.12.2022 00:39

best guide if one need a simple and quick look at jobs..

Neon Sixth
Neon Sixth - 26.10.2022 02:33

OMG bard is so nice! I was also a bard in Archeage Unchained and made a lot of songs from it. I enjoy making songs than doing pvp or pve. 🤣

lee mills
lee mills - 07.10.2022 18:46

nice tux, and i like how the bow is skimming the ground =D i had a vague idea how useful bards are but because i got to lvl 50+ last night from mostly solo play and npc'ing dungeons i had no idea how much til i saw this, thanks m8

Patrick Dezenzio
Patrick Dezenzio - 03.08.2022 16:00

Thanks for explaining the music notes. All I've been doing is firing off all my songs and then return to my other abilities and rinse, repeat. I haven't paid any attention to the proccing. I know this isn't part of the video but I'm level 55 now and have done the level 50 job quest but I'm not able to pick up 52 and 54 yet because I haven't made it to some storyline quest. From what I see online, I'll be in my 70s before that happens. Did I do something wrong in my leveling? All I've been doing are the job quests and MSQ with a few blue quests thrown in. No side quests at all and I'm still a private 2nd class in the company. Yet, I'm about to do the Ultimate Weapon quest.

Dan DeW
Dan DeW - 20.07.2022 17:50

makes a video titled "idiot's guide"
proceeds to info dump
Sir, know your audience!

TheBadassTonberry - 04.07.2022 23:46

You use the songs in the following order:
Wanderer's Minuet
Mage's Ballad
Army's Paeon

Radiant Finale is used in the beginning along with Raging Strikes and Battle Voice (Raging Strikes => Battle Voice => Radiant Finale), and then every 2 (ish) minutes when you circled through the songs and are back to Wanderer's Minuet.
Barrage is used during WM as well.
Apex Arrow/Blast Arrow is used twice: Once during WM (provided you have a full gauge, or at least 80) while all your buffs are up, AND once during Mage's Ballad when you have at least 80 in your gauge, and preferably before you reach the 30s mark, so you have more time to fill it to 100 until you play WM again.
If everything is done correctly (as correct as it can get with a Bard), it will all line up.

Inkastar 0312
Inkastar 0312 - 21.06.2022 05:14

hold up specialist is an emote?

Thorn - 17.06.2022 17:54

your video are actually the best and so super helpful thank you for all your hard work!

Fujikawa 1988
Fujikawa 1988 - 11.06.2022 18:02

Thanks for the awsome vid man, really helped me out figuring out the basics

Mikko Ollikainen
Mikko Ollikainen - 24.05.2022 01:21

You no longer have to be playing a song to use Battle Voice in Endwalker.

Dadsezso - 21.05.2022 07:22


What? I just started a trial of this game and picked archer. I think I may be too old to play this game because I can't remember this stuff when in the middle of a fight. Guess I'll go back to Farm Sim.

RedGeoBlaze - 18.05.2022 18:17

For once, the set-up is exactly what I did.
I started as an Arcanist, and within my first few minutes of playing, I saw someone playing music in Limsa. I stopped and listened for the next two hours.
It was that moment when I knew I was hooked on this game, and it's community. I vowed that I would become a music man some day.

Sailor_Anna - 16.05.2022 05:59

i just started FFXIV last week and i chose bard as my class. it's super fun but uhhh good to know i was using battle voice WRONG lmfaooo woops!

Red Caster
Red Caster - 30.04.2022 05:11

Bard has a ton of buttons

Howsik2sik Gaming
Howsik2sik Gaming - 21.04.2022 04:24

I never clicked on a video so fast cause that is me I just started bard and I'm so lost but this help thank u!!

T. N.
T. N. - 15.04.2022 23:17

All those skills and cooldowns and stats... How do u remember all that 😫. My first mmorpg and it's lookin too overwhelming, not to mention there's a dozen more classes... ughhhh

PhilosophicalDance - 15.04.2022 06:58

It's funny how you say bard is about micromanaging, but really, I feel that the standard combo dps classes that I've played are a lot more difficult to manage. Bard lets you be handsoff, and just make you glance down to see what ogcds are up and to keep your dots/songs up every 45 seconds. While with other dps classes, I've found that there's just this process of trying to get combos right and messing them up and such that are a lot more hotbar centric.

tuck295q - 10.04.2022 15:40

You used 1 coda right away for standard opener.
Cause then you will keep mage ballad and army codas as 2 codas and then get the 3rd one with another round of Wanderer.

Zee CH
Zee CH - 08.04.2022 11:43

I love how you explain the skills. I miss playing my bard. do you have gear guide for bard? like melding?

Ya Boi Herman
Ya Boi Herman - 16.03.2022 00:38


Random guy with a baseball batte
Random guy with a baseball batte - 12.03.2022 19:39

Straightforward and to the point updated guide, perfect

Princess Jello
Princess Jello - 21.02.2022 17:11

I've been playing bard for a year and didn't know warden's paean also prevents debuffs???

A Ray
A Ray - 15.02.2022 09:33

Ninja next pleaseeeee

Ectohawk - 12.02.2022 02:17

I'm jumping back in after 3 years of not playing. This helped. Question though - if I use Army's Paeon then Battle Voice, does it stack the increased direct hit rate?

subculturenz - 11.02.2022 10:53

Downvote because Lala

Ricardo Alonso
Ricardo Alonso - 11.02.2022 05:18


Jordon Petrak
Jordon Petrak - 11.02.2022 00:56

Quick, concise and funny to boot. Great vid!

Kiko Fernandez
Kiko Fernandez - 08.02.2022 17:17

For radiant finally you use it at the 2 min windows always so in the opening you use it with 1 charge since you only use one song, then go thought your normal rotation and then when wanderers minuet and battle voice are up again use radiant finally, since you just used wanderers you just get the third song.

Terry Crumly
Terry Crumly - 08.02.2022 10:35

Thank you for this. Been playing ff14 for about 2 weeks now. This is probably the best bard video that I've come across

Arrow - 07.02.2022 21:48

I love your guides <3

Zillah Star
Zillah Star - 07.02.2022 06:12

Can you do ninja next!? Pls and ty
