Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Before You Buy

Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Before You Buy


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gameranx - 05.10.2018 01:31

9 minute video and we still couldn't cover everything - the new mercenary system, the ability to steal stuff, and the photo mode are other things worth checking out.

SpatialPrescence - 19.09.2023 00:04

Imagine if you could play assassins creed Odyssey as kratos.

Shridutt Bhatt
Shridutt Bhatt - 18.09.2023 09:55

It's 2023 and about time ppl acknowledge that odyssey is a good game. It's just not the typical old school assassin's game - and that shouldn't bother ppl so much. It's got a damn good story, damn good open world, good combat mechanics with the 3 branch build system, and a great naval battle experience. Not saying you'd play it again and again. But it's definitely worth experiencing.

Lacatus Alex
Lacatus Alex - 17.09.2023 16:44

Assassin's Creed Odyssey is a great RPG game full with unique missions,side activities and one of the best Bounty Hunter system,but it is an AC game only by title.The gameplay and some missions are similar to AC Origins but Odyssey's story has nothing to do with what the previous games added to the AC Lore.The first time I've played the game,I didn't enjoyed it too much because I wanted to play just another AC game,but the 2nd time I just played the game with the thought that it's a great RPG game about spartans.The same goes for AC Valhalla.

Paul Harris
Paul Harris - 03.09.2023 00:15

Get to the point

# Guiltless
# Guiltless - 02.09.2023 23:12

Soy bois love playing as women. How manly.

Alex Galate
Alex Galate - 31.08.2023 09:14

The big before you buy: Game is designed for you to spend money. The grind is ridiculously long that no casual gamer could ever hope to finish the game in a reasonable amount of time.

Michael Hinton
Michael Hinton - 23.08.2023 19:16

The first assassins creed game I've played was syndicate, that's was the first and last time I've played one , not really into em but i just purchased origins and odyssey, hope they both are good

IanoReeves - 17.08.2023 08:38

might be controversial but AC Odyssey is a top 3 game for me.

Dimitris Konstantinou
Dimitris Konstantinou - 24.07.2023 23:10

Looks like Origins 2.0 I liked origins, but I got fed up towards the end. I don't think I'll be getting that. Especially as it isn't an AC game

charan reddy
charan reddy - 24.07.2023 22:40

My first assassin creed game and its amazing

Bearded Badger
Bearded Badger - 21.07.2023 03:29

I.juat atarted.playing this a couple months ago and its amazing!!!! Im at level 51 currently

Klaas - 20.07.2023 08:33

Just started playing it. It's amazing.

The atmosphere is so nice. And graphically its gorgeous at times. Best water FX too.

Ali Kidwai
Ali Kidwai - 10.07.2023 16:49

This didn't really feel like an ac game

The Immortal Mushroom
The Immortal Mushroom - 06.07.2023 20:54

Jokes on you it's free for me and I love Greek Mythology, I just wanted to see if it was worth the time

Doobster - 29.06.2023 03:53

He said 30 plus easily lmao. It takes like 1 hour per level

Malikon - 28.06.2023 17:25

Origins, Odyssey and yes even Valhalla are fantastic RPG games. I know the diehard AC fans feel the games are too RPG but I also know a bunch of people who don't like RPG's that love these 3 games. Ubisoft really did good work with these.

Victor Mendoza
Victor Mendoza - 26.06.2023 19:10

I played Skyrim before this and I almost could care less about the story I would constantly skip dialogue meanwhile in AC Odyssey I’m super attentive and I’m retaining all the story it’s just so interesting I love the Cult secret society portion of the game gives it such a unique feel

Jerms Winz
Jerms Winz - 19.06.2023 16:28

They need to make an Assassins Creed game where you create your own character.

Why do game developers even try to create characters anymore? People want to be who they want to be. Not some cookie cutter character with lame dialog.

FUSION - 19.06.2023 02:20

I just bought it and star is super slow, does it pick up later?

Thaxton Cook
Thaxton Cook - 15.06.2023 17:18

Just got it for 20 bucks, looks amazing

Zen Draw
Zen Draw - 12.06.2023 13:29

again with this levelling bs...

Himzo Vokic
Himzo Vokic - 11.06.2023 23:35

I know this is not original AC game,but nam this Ancient Greece makes something special and to me its the best!!

BP MANN - 11.06.2023 19:59

My favorite game of all time
I’m on my third play through

Ngwane Daniel
Ngwane Daniel - 22.05.2023 04:33

This game would've been without blame if Ubisoft had just ditched the Assassin's Creed out of the name.

Anime Protag
Anime Protag - 07.05.2023 18:08

If u don’t care about history ur not gonna care for these games

Andy Bolton
Andy Bolton - 05.05.2023 19:26

I played this on release, thought it was decent, took my time and got immersed but got stuck at the minotaur so I put it down and left it alone, 4yrs later I got a series X and decided to pick up where I left off and boy have I fell in love with this game, don't know what's different but I'm hooked, can't put it down and you bet I'm taking my time with it, at level 54 and I've still only got through half the cult 😁

Luke Hawkins
Luke Hawkins - 02.05.2023 06:43

I can't get an answer from the internet on this. Maybe I'm wording it wrong. Can someone here on this wonderful channel, or someone who watches these Gameranx videos clear this up for me? Why does the control scheme change from game to game in a series. In this series I just finished Origins and started Odyssey today. Used to be (PS4) hold R2 to make the boat go faster. Now in Odyssey it's hold X. This happens all the time in game 2 of a series, and then again in game 3. O is duck and then the next game it's X. Does anyone have insider information on game production? Why does this happen?

Stephen Saul
Stephen Saul - 23.04.2023 03:28

Great game but not like early assassins creed games... I'll say it again - Great Game!

Joseph Selser
Joseph Selser - 22.04.2023 04:32

It's one of the greatest games I ever played.

goofeyarmyYT - 18.04.2023 13:47

I've only put maby one hour into it and l love every second of it

Bee-Bear Gaming
Bee-Bear Gaming - 16.04.2023 23:55

This game will always be my 2nd least favorite AC game besides Valhalla

Liquid_Snake_RD - 07.04.2023 22:31


Destroyer - 27.03.2023 18:36

This was the first assassins creed game I played and I very easily found myself addicted and this is the game that got me hooked as I’m in ac Valhalla now

Starry Gacha xylop
Starry Gacha xylop - 25.03.2023 20:37

Thanks for the video! I haven't been able to play this yet but i definitely will when i can. It looks and sounds like a great interesting adventure!

Krrishna - 12.03.2023 19:58

Me who bought it and at 97 level still watching this😅

icjinu - 06.03.2023 10:55

Wow, no mentions of micro transactions??

UserFT - 06.03.2023 03:58

This game will feel like an open world, hack and slash, rpg/mmo game instead of a rich storytelling experience. And on top of all that, the game is super "cheap" and feels like they cut corners when it comes to dev time and attention to detail. Motion capture, script and writing just isn't quite there for a triple A experience. You could tell that Ubishit was riding the wave of AC Origins and instead of going back to the drawing board and trying to continue the rich story of Assassins vs Templars, they went in a direction that was make or break for the series. In my honest opinion, they've broken the entire franchise. Odyssey tells the origins of the entire franchise and does so in a terrible way, the cheesiest and most pathetic way you could imagine - Greek mythology. We can only hope that AC Mirage can save the franchise, but I'm very doubtful.

Prakhar Chaurasiya
Prakhar Chaurasiya - 03.03.2023 19:32

The game is a literal masterpiece. So much to do and explore.
For the best experience, play it on nightmare without assistance. Because the game starts off hard, but becomes kinda easy towards the end. Probably because you become better at the combat.

TheMeJustMe75 - 24.02.2023 18:00

I haven't upgraded my game system yet, still playing my 360. My son has a gaming laptop so I might get Origins next. Not thrilled with how Unity controls especially in combat or being chased.

wyzeyzere - 14.02.2023 03:18

Look it's dressup iceskating

PaulNotWalkin - 11.02.2023 18:53

Yes 7 days to platinum

Mike Doverskog
Mike Doverskog - 07.02.2023 03:31

Also, kudos to the architecture. Those pillared temples and stoas. The greek villas. Athens. OMG, just walking in those environments had me smiling. As with the other two "new style" games I was less impressed with the "divine realms" parts of the game.

No Bedtime
No Bedtime - 25.01.2023 23:04

As someone who picked this game up through Game Pass Ultimate for free in January 2023, I still can't put it down. For a game that is 4-5 years old, it doesn't feel outdated at all. I'm enjoying the game play immensely but I'm also blown away by the size of this world, and the beautiful detail that has gone into everything that we take in visually. It's been a lot of fun to play! I'm a little burned out now due to some of the game being a little grindy (lowering nation levels, trivial side quests to make sure I'm not under level, etc.), but overall still enjoying dozens of hours in. I'm currently most of the way through the Elysium storyline in the Fates DLC. Having completed the Legacy of the Hidden Blade DLC in just a few days, I'm enjoying that this one takes longer to complete. Most of all, I'm really loving the rich cultural and historic influences of greek mythology on this world and it's story. Running into characters like Hermes, Adonis, Perakles, and Socrates has been so cool and made the story that much more enjoyable! Personal favorite AC game for sure!

Monkey Face
Monkey Face - 03.01.2023 15:17

30 hrs ?!
Try 130

Versinalnotfound - 31.12.2022 18:59

Should i buy it i love ac games and open world games so

icemann1419 - 26.12.2022 05:20

I put 50 hours in this game and just completely gave up. It just stopped being fun and didn’t really feel like an assassin’s creed game so I don’t really consider this apart of the lore. Was honestly a complete waste of time.

babbu stars
babbu stars - 08.12.2022 16:39

I want a game in the British India that will be very good

Clairavoynce - 26.11.2022 12:55

Still havent played it yet might buy tommorow cause I've put hours into AC valhalla , valhalla is pretty good this looks a little better.

Sarcasticron - 26.11.2022 05:14

I'm not a fan of the Assassin's Creed series, but I loved this game! It's like everything that was good about The Witcher 3, and none of the annoying stuff. No collecting stuff for crafting and alchemy, no getting your gear repaired after every fight... The fast travel is streamlined, and being able to climb anything makes me so much more free and able to engage with the world. It's like the designers did everything they could to maximize player enjoyment. Also, it's the most beautiful game world I've ever seen!
