E3 SolidWorks 2020 - Basic Modeling 3 Tutorial

E3 SolidWorks 2020 - Basic Modeling 3 Tutorial


4 года назад

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@gkalkowsky - 27.02.2025 03:49

the volume on this video is really low - am I the only one? Please re-upload with better levels

@sanalkumarar503 - 02.02.2025 16:44

very helpful

@efsaervaaydn5698 - 26.01.2025 12:30

you are a amazing teacher thanks for your videos :)))))

@michael102387 - 26.12.2024 17:36

I have been stalking the Goodwill's in his area looking for a couple of those shirts.

@michael102387 - 26.12.2024 17:35

I am trying to buy the house next door to his.

@michael102387 - 26.12.2024 17:34

I just got my Vertanux1 Tattoo.

@easonwuc - 12.08.2024 13:43

Great videos. thanks/

@tornadofactory - 13.07.2024 18:31

I accidentally woke up the + mark for the upper circle by pointing to the center of the lower circle and going all the way up vertically

@blazingamr - 19.06.2024 15:47

I hope God rewards you with the good rewards that you deserve for sharing the information generously like this, Sir. Thanks a million. You are changing my life.

@Therysin - 29.02.2024 04:59

Thank you.

@veste75 - 02.01.2024 15:02

I have gone through most of your exercises in 2020 and keep revisiting them as you either use it or loose it as they say. I just need help running the correct graphic card for solidworks if you can help. I am using a Tornado R5 AMD Ryzen 5 GTX 1660 Gaming PC with solidworks 2022/23 version my current graphics card is NVIDIA Ge Force GTX 1660 SUPER but it is not giving off any enhanced rendering when i run the software. I have been on the slwk support page countless times with no avail.

@kayakdale - 02.11.2023 21:06

OMG I love how good an instructor you are....I tried following CADCAM Tutorials who is also good but not good for beginners like me

@3dseri8 - 11.09.2023 12:19

I work on several cad software such as creo and fuison and recently i have decided to learn solid it’s quite similar to other software but i really like how you talk about the details of the solidwork and what is the difference between them 👌👌👌

@3dseri8 - 11.09.2023 12:17

An amazing tutorial 🫡🫡🫡

@johnq.public2621 - 07.06.2022 04:09


@tommylandrix6070 - 18.04.2022 04:04

You are such a great teacher. I feel bad for everyone who is learning Solidworks from anyone else.

@xozmiumx - 04.04.2022 18:20

Offset entities is greyed out for the second time after doing this tutorial.

@mammeritarek5060 - 31.12.2021 01:11

Your videos are so informative.
Thank you so much for your time and effort.

@jiritichy6855 - 23.12.2021 00:30

Very nice class of modeling. But it would be nice to show, how actually the designer engineer works: first you decide what you want your mechanism to do, then you design the mechanism (after analysing the forces and material strengths needed to withstand them) and only then you design the enclosure of the mechanism.....
This is not meant to be criticism....only a suggestion. The teaching is actually very good! Just that future engineers need to be aware, what is going on in real world.

@Riprazor - 14.08.2021 20:55

Finding the content excellent as well as the explanations. The biggest issue I am having is that when I do the labs I do not necessarily have the engineering background to fully interpret the drawings. For example, on the second lab, I did not realize that the part was hollow. I also could not initially determine that the lower arc was tangential (it looked that way but I am unclear on how the drawing is indicating that). I struggled on the 35 degrees....at first I thought it was 35 degrees from the midline, not the mirrored line. I suspect as I look at more of the drawings, interpreting them should become easier.

@hotsauce7362 - 16.07.2021 23:50

This question is to ANYONE. If I get my SolidWorks certification, will it be enough to apply for a job as an entry-level position? My background is NOT in engineering, it's in Liberal Arts/Econ

@uzairsyed136 - 27.05.2021 06:55

i am unable cut extrude it

@Hudson96 - 18.05.2021 13:14

Hello. Is there a solid works certification that one can get after your lessons?
What are the costs of the certificate in the case that one has gone through all your classes and done all relevant exercises from your course material?
Can the certification be used for jobs or employment?

All follow up questions are based on if there’s certification. Kindly do inform I’ll appreciate cause I have been doing your classes and I can’t imagine how much I have learned in a span of a month. I think it warrants some credentials seeing that you are doing a good job even if it comes at a cost.

@manroopbhattasali1757 - 05.05.2021 01:36

Hey...first of all extremely nice and detailed tutorials. I followed your tutorials on Creo too. Now i need to learn SOLIDWORKS for a company I am working in. I wanted to know if there is a way to select an entire part, say a closed cuboid, which is a shelled out feature (4mm thick) and offset that by a certain distance inwards? So it's like the two offset walls of a sandwich panel, except it's a closed solid. Please let me know of a possible way to execute that.

@baileywilliames8126 - 01.04.2021 02:11

absolute legend, making it possible to start without having the cash to pay for expensive courses. Cant thank you enough

@obviousabsurdity3181 - 18.03.2021 01:49

I am loving your way of teaching as I'm just starting out with solidworks. I am following along with this and I keep getting a dimension driven popup come up when i either try and do the 35 degree or the bottom R0.6. Ive deleted the whole sketch a couple times now trying to smart dimension it in a different order but as soon as I try to add in the angles im getting this popup which makes it over defined and then I cant do anything with the sketch. Any reason that might jump out at you as to why this is doing that?

@miketian9370 - 04.02.2021 07:14

Very great courses for a starter. Actually the skills you introduced in them are good enough for the most working conditions.

@kimtae858 - 16.01.2021 07:32

Lab3A is pretty crafty. Thanks for going through it; I had a tough time reading the draft on my own with regards to making it into a shell along with the order of the fillets being so specific.

@esmth - 10.01.2021 19:47

Great videos. I like the way you teach. Thank you!

@kevinkidderphotographer - 01.01.2021 06:58

I know that it has been a long time since you have made any videos about ViaCAD, but would you consider making one on adding female threads to a part? (ie: part to mount on a standard tripod with 1/4 20 thread)

New to 3D and just purchased ViaCAD 2D/2D v12.
Your past videos have been a huge help in learning the basics!

@BenMcCarthyFunkyDirtyDusty - 01.12.2020 18:38

Hey, thanks for all the informative videos. In this segment you mentioned an online credited course - can you link to this? Thanks!

@Syroco18 - 12.11.2020 15:38

Can someone explain how to get the background with reflexction like him? I can't do it and my english is not the best so maybe i missed the moment where he explains it (in an othervideo) thx

@harivardhan8678 - 14.10.2020 18:51

I started by sketching the arc and then gave the dimensions of arcs and distance between centers and at last i joined the end points of arc ......the result isn't same......... are the any rules to approach this kind of profiles?

@erenkad7154 - 10.08.2020 22:34

I just finished the first three lectures and I'm loving it. Concise, communicative, full of tips and insights. Can't wait to gobble up all the information you are willing to share. And you are one heck of an educator sir, thank you.
