AoE4 - New Abbasid Fast Castle is OVERPOWERED

AoE4 - New Abbasid Fast Castle is OVERPOWERED


1 год назад

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Phil Roos
Phil Roos - 16.09.2023 20:29

Best I got is 6.40 on my first try. Loaded with gold but I'm definitely digging the culture /military wing. It's great when you scout and see them going fast castle as well, you know they aren't pushing. The camels really help if they build cavs and the infantry abassid build dominate the rest

Shtopr - 04.07.2023 16:14

If u play vs normal abbasid player u cant win with this bild, i am really bad abbasid player

StartCodonUST - 30.06.2023 21:35

Was the opponent doing the right thing going for an age-up during the raid? Seems impossible to put down enough production to produce crossbows fast enough while villagers are being idled. But spamming enough spears, horsemen, and/or expensive camel archers seems just as difficult when ghulams are just running around the base attacking villagers. Would trying to wall up the choke points on the hill have been better? That might have at least pushed you to pivot some of your resource gathering back to wood to produce battering rams or something while allowing villagers to gather and leverage that eco advantage.

I guess the best counter to this requires actually having initially scouted the culture wing in the first place and building walls and trying to prevent the ghulams from getting into the base? There were theoretically 7 minutes between when the culture wing could have been first spotted and when the raids started. Even if castle age is delayed, I'd bet that walling up and having a couple camel archers to punish attempts by the ghulams to burn down the wall would be more favorable than having spears and horsemen taking terrible melee engagements. So Eco Wing might still be viable?

Kubi Kameho
Kubi Kameho - 25.06.2023 15:57

Hey, bro of the Fitz.
Since were hitting that FC.
Does mixing Ghulams with Archers w the composite bow upgrade any good?

CloudCuckooCountry - 23.06.2023 03:36

I've been waiting for a good Abbasid FC build order for AGES. Thank you!

Spawnsy - 21.06.2023 06:45

I thing is better 2tc fast castle, cuz if ur oponent scout the cultural wing u are done

Skilliard - 20.06.2023 23:30

Any thoughts on this matchup against English or China? I find that that if they go 2 TC, all their extra TC fire shreds my Ghulams with both ranged defense upgrades, and I don't feel like my economy is strong enough to spam them fast enough to keep my opponent idle.

Also what about vs Malians? Their Musofadi counter the Ghulam's pretty hard

Liam Warren
Liam Warren - 20.06.2023 22:59

Why are you telling people this has been my technique for ages!

Twiet 94
Twiet 94 - 20.06.2023 20:37

Hi all
Thanks for the content
I like these new options with abbasid and I try to find new buildorders
My fastcastle buildorder was even a little bit greedier
At the beginning I sent 5 on wood 1 on food, rest to food
Golden age at about 3 minutes
After that send the 5 wood villagers to gold
Rest is nearly the same
Starting castle at 6 minutes is possible
But really greedy
