Hey dan, would you make video about looking confindent in photos on social media like Facebook or intagram?
ОтветитьHey Dan... Is it possible for a girl to feel attracted to a guy but not interested in having sex with him?
ОтветитьHey dan, I want to ask something about texting goodmorning/goodnight.
Im in a relationship and I've been sending regular goodmorning goodnight texts. I saw the video about it getting boring overtime so I thought I wouldnt do it as much, but when I do not text her goodmorning or goodnight, she gets sad, asks why Im not texting it anymore, says that I dont care anymore and so on. How do I answer to that or deal with that type of reaction?
By the way, your videos helped me a lot over the past year with me relationship and its going much more smoothly because of your advice. Thanks
I girl I was seeing with incredibly bad past trauma. Beaten up by her boys father. Kinda a functioning alcoholic. But many good qualities also! Given me very strong mixed signals. I subconsciously overcompensated how kind I'd usually be, due to her past. She was playing the victim and I fell for it. Sure I wouldn't of been the only one to do so. I was firm many times with her and never reacted to like when she'd try and make me jealous.
Basically she's bolted. Saying I've pushed her boundaries and she's uncomfortable. Her last message was emotionally charged wanting a reaction. Most likely one where I get on my hands and knees and say sorry. I went silent, didn't respond until two weeks later. Briefly explained a few points, called her out on her bullshit. Saying I'm not an emotional punch and take no crap. It must've got a reaction as she blocked me! But I feel the right tone of message to send. I'm now wondering if she'll reach out?
As a 52 years old woman, single for years now, these videos help restore my faith in humanity. It's such a relief to hear a man speak the way Dan does. All my interactions with men on dating websites are so awkward and end up just making me feel bad about myself. Because I know how EASY it would be for basically almost any man to attract me. And they DON'T do it!!
I literally CRAVE a man that would just put an ounce of effort into it. It's so easy guys. 🙏
I want a friends with benefits relationship with a women but women's always do want serious long term to pursue a women for FWB causal?
ОтветитьActually women usually run all 3 tests at once by suddenly playing hard to get. By doing so they can see how confident a man is, how much he wants her and his social intelligence to realize that that is what she is doing. BTW, this is why virtually all women will play hard to get at some point. Why wouldn't they? It is such an efficient way of sizing up a man.
ОтветитьSo many guys are so scared now, all you have to do is simply TRY.. and you'll stand out.
ОтветитьPerfect timing on this video
Talking to a girl and it feels like there is a connection there, then suddenly she just ignores me, but still decides to sit within my zone. Thinking it is some kind of test, will remain calm and keep moving things forward
Love the videos Dan, tbh your channel is my favorite when it comes to this topic. No games.
Definitely guilty of #2, it would've been my first date in more than six years and I didn't want to look needy. On a dating site she agreed to meet me after a work trip, so I sent her a message then, which she read and didn't reply to. Then the coof scam hit the next month and now I'm unemployed, so things haven't improved.
ОтветитьTo really appreciate women you have to appreciate that women are there to be a natural challenge to men and that you should be grateful for it because it makes you a better man.
Ответитьthanks, good video
ОтветитьDan you've been a huge help this past year with my mindset. A year ago I could barely hold eye contact with people. Now I am talking to women with confidence and am able to flirt a little bit. The change in how women act towards me is crazy. The problem is I'm still doubting myself when it comes to taking things to the next level, even though I know these girls are feeling attraction. How do you suggest I get over that anxiety? I've read The Flow, but when these opportunities present themselves, I start doubting that women would find my lifestyle interesting (I hardly have any social circle, but am working on that too), or I doubt that I am asking them out at the right time/place. I've blown several great opportunities this year with beautiful girls, and I know I'm real close to having everything click, so any additional tips you have are appreciated.
ОтветитьDan, I often see guys approaching two girls who are by their table in the way that he invites them to go to their table, and it works, I guess that for those girls, it was enough that someone approached and was relaxed and confident, so then they were open for whatever may happen. The other guy was shy and unsure, I could tell that he avoided even looking at 2nd girl that was next to him, while the guy that invited the 1st girl gained initial interest so much that even the 2nd girl started taking his hand and dancing a bit.
Later, I saw them all at another bar; the girls were still sitting next to them, even tho they hadn't talked much at that point with them, while the girls were on their phones. 2nd guy relaxed a bit after a few more drinks and started talking a bit with 2nd girl, but I could tell by the body language that it was neutral. Yet, those girls gave them a chance by staying way longer with those guys, so yeah, as you said, most girls are way easy to pick up if you even just display one or two personality traits.
Every woman wants a strong man; every sister wants a strong brother; every daughter wants a strong father; every mother wants a strong son. As a man, being strong is your only option.
ОтветитьI really appreciate how you try to the best of your ability to educate young men like myself about women, it can’t be simplified anymore than this, thank you Dan.
ОтветитьDan help me out.. I had this girl who was really interested in me, spoke to me the whole time while I was away on holiday, but the moment we got back her vibes been off, still talks but dodges any compliments or flirts i throw her way..
ОтветитьExcellent video, Dan! I wanna ask you something. What advice do you have when it comes to interacting with women in loud places like a DJ in a bar or a band playing? Do I just need to man up and be confident while speaking loud and clearly? There's a side of me that says it's difficult to interact with them there if I'm not one of their friends, but maybe I just need to tackle the situation by embracing my confidence and social intelligence. Of course, I do not want to be "just friends" with them. I wanna take it to the next level with the phone number, kiss, date, sex, relationship, all that good stuff. Cheers!
ОтветитьGood 👍🏼 one Dan, thank you 🫵🏽
ОтветитьThanks for these videos Dan. I bought The Flow and it really improved my confidence and social intelligence with women!
ОтветитьDAn Bacon is legit. I have gotten two exes back using his get my ex back. I ended the relationships is why it didn't work out lol. But dan is the man
ОтветитьI'm 100% better than who she is with right now.
ОтветитьVery interesting, thanks for sharing
ОтветитьI will forever clap for others until its my turn 🎉🎉
ОтветитьI bought your audiobook The Flow, years ago, and, like you say at the end of the video, I understood that true seduction is not about routines or schemes, but to build oneself as a true man. Thanks, Dan. Keep up the good work. And you guys listening, buy the book!
Ответитьi have -50 social intelligence. easily my biggest downfall. and i text without really thinking.
ОтветитьDan Bacon is the man. I have been watching you from Africa, Angola, Luanda. 😊
ОтветитьAbout to get your book and have a read. My sticking point seems to be my social intelligence/social skills in the initial meeting. When i meet a woman from a social circle (sports/hobbies etc i do ok, but to try and talk with a random stranger i struggle. Do you coach guys or is the book really the best place to start
ОтветитьYou nailed it.....
ОтветитьI always fall short on number 2
Interest level in her 😂😂
Great video. I was in a beautiful marriage before my now ex wife left me,i still love her and most times i cant stop thinking about her, i am doing my very best to get rid of the thought of her, but i just cant, i love her so much, i dont know why i am bring this here for, i cant stop thinking about her
ОтветитьPerfect timing. I went out on 3 dates with this girl and we kissed on the third date. Then couple days later her replies are far in-between. It’s been 2 days now since I texted her. How and what should I say to reignite the communication
ОтветитьFor the most women if the man is confident around you, then that definitely means that the man has other options and you are not his number 1 option. You could have been no 1 but just at the time you are not and you can be sure of it.
Ответитьif we buy audio book the flow how does it work , where do we listen to it is there an app or !
ОтветитьI’m going out with a lady now for about 6 months. At the beginning everything was very nice, sex was great and we were in touch often. For about 6 weeks now, she’s distant, sex has stopped and she said she no longer feels intellectually attracted as before.
I really like her and she does look amazing for a 47 years old as she never had kids, but this mental game is killing the relationship.
It’s bloody hard work to keep on top of things with girls nowadays.
I try my best and try to be confident and all other things, but this kind of games just makes life harder.
Dan can I have your number?😢
ОтветитьWomen are amazing
ОтветитьI’ve been listening to Dan for years in between relationships when I feel lost or low and I listen to a lot of other dating advice but Dan is the only one who actually makes it simple but effective. So many people just rely on no contact or instills doom and gloom or nonsensical “alpha male” tactics that don’t work. Keep it up Dan men need more people like you and not all these busters on giving bad advice
ОтветитьBasically, as a man you have to be a master of those attributes ..I mean you will be tested and you can fail. Women just can be pretty. Cruel..
ОтветитьIt happened to me
ОтветитьI failed in 2 Interest level in her
ОтветитьWhat about if a woman says....I am looking for a friend with benefits
ОтветитьWait so do we double text? I thought if she doesn’t reply the first message we just move on. How am I supposed to know if she’s testing me if I’m interested?
Ответитьthis is so true you cant get this knowledge if u watch bp content
ОтветитьThe part about long term compatibility is good. People should be looking for long term relationships rather than short term sexual escapades.