How Expensive is Your Riven Mod? | Warframe 2023 Platinum Trading

How Expensive is Your Riven Mod? | Warframe 2023 Platinum Trading


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Felix Patriot
Felix Patriot - 07.01.2023 14:04

Another thing to mention for riven stats is that negative puncture and impact are sometimes more important than the positive stats because IPS weighting affects your proc priority, meaning lowering them = more slash procs

Robby Schrijver
Robby Schrijver - 17.11.2023 01:22

For @semtexagon  hi semtexagon. Hoop u can help please? I got a glaive locti-tempium 1.8 range 7.1 combo duration 21.3 initial combo. How much would you sell it for?

roach - 26.10.2023 23:45

Why's pupskers emblem on the right of the thumbnail

nitro putin
nitro putin - 26.10.2023 15:52

dont know if you still read the comments but im a bit noobie and i have a riven for tipedo prime

+149.1 toxin
+159.9 crit damage
x0.7 damage against Grineer
am i sitting on a gem or am i getting all excited over nothing?

Heavoc - 20.09.2023 16:13

slas damits

TronicMighty - 13.09.2023 21:34

Did you just steal pupsker thumbnail lol?

Urek Mazino
Urek Mazino - 15.08.2023 18:41

Can you change the weapon on the riven roll? Pls I have a akzani riven I do not care for💀😭

Unseed - 07.08.2023 15:43

People sell grolls for 30-100pl and trash for 1k-25k. I dont understand them

lynnell Remata
lynnell Remata - 19.07.2023 16:01

I wish I saw this a month ago. I had a glaive critica? (I forgot the whole name) and I sold it for 300plat, now I feel like I got scammed by myself

MinyYamori Ch
MinyYamori Ch - 26.06.2023 09:16

I have a friend with a god buzzlock riven but it has negative 98% bullet speed so it’s hilariously able to just make bullet walls sense the bullets can’t move pretty much but whenever anything touches the bullet it insta kills.

Miguel Carter
Miguel Carter - 15.06.2023 13:54

can u send me some plat ;-; i'm poor MigCarter ;-;

Kevin - 15.06.2023 06:24

riven market is just crackheads hoarding plat to get their next fix

Tano Santos
Tano Santos - 01.06.2023 06:05

I didn't realize how good my trumna Riven was until someone pointed out to me why my negative roll in particular was desirable because it makes the Alt Fire easier to control and that it could fetch a high price if ever decided to sell it. I thought the negative was bad but I didn't have good enough knowledge of the game to see why it was so good.. the roll is +CC +CD +MS -Proj Speed

KantieTheThird - 19.05.2023 15:07

i personally consider a riven good if it allows me to add an additional mod to my build. which is really easy to achieve.

Vaymond Dennis
Vaymond Dennis - 15.05.2023 12:41

Funny thing is he said he sold a Nataruk riv with CC,CD,DMG that’s my roll I have rn😂

kid of Deimos
kid of Deimos - 14.05.2023 07:48

695.000 endo in storage wtf.

Devin Ryder
Devin Ryder - 29.04.2023 23:26

Awesome video! I feel like i learned something :)

TheExist - 19.04.2023 17:21

I got Crit Chance Crit dmg and Cold for a Catchmoon is that nice? I think it is cause its kinda a god roll but ia catchmoon a nice weapon?

Ivasjuk M.
Ivasjuk M. - 20.03.2023 04:03

Great content, author. Well done 👍🏼

cloneightyseven - 16.03.2023 09:11

Great vid but you forgot one thing well 2
1 thier is math raw numbers that will get you from point A to B
2 then thier is warframe maff a whole bunch of number sets that kinda work and if fixed may break the game

Alex Foca
Alex Foca - 05.03.2023 20:26

The prices on simlar are the base prices to which u add up the bonus the plat for good stats ?

luhniso - 22.02.2023 10:37

I got a bubonico riven that’s +48.1% crit chance +47.1% toxin and +53.1% crit damage. Any ideas how much this would go for?

Solomon Douglas
Solomon Douglas - 15.02.2023 00:09

Hey how are you I watch that enjoy

GK - 09.02.2023 23:24

Hey i am new to riven mods

I got an MR 16 riven mod with that if maxed it will be:

+142.7% Projectile Speed
+162.8% Slash
-26.7% Damage to infested

I cant find the “projectile speed“ option on the website, just “projectile flight speed”

And if i do that i see no mod that have what i have completely on any platform, so i do not know how rare in platinum its value is, any tip?

Azrael - 28.01.2023 10:17

I have a Rubico riven with
+fire rate
-status duration

I guess, it is safe to sell but I didn't found anyone to sell it with the exact same negative. I found one who sold his without a negative for 1.5k. :D

Kyle fries U
Kyle fries U - 24.01.2023 19:51

I sold a rubico riven 3 days ago for 5 plat cause no one bought it for a couple days and I didn’t think it was good 😂

Semi-Transparent Boy
Semi-Transparent Boy - 19.01.2023 20:34

Can someone buy off my drakgoon riven on me please?

SpkThorne - 19.01.2023 18:49

Got my first riven two days ago for the Fulmin, I'm not farming hexenon for it so this vid will be useful for when it's time to sell

Ketch - 19.01.2023 08:06

Ok, ideal rolls for many weapons differ based on multiple things: base dmg, type of fire mode (beam, semi, AoE, etc.), base cc, and very importantly: what you’re using it for. Positives like +faction dmg can be and are actually good if you know what you’re going to be using it for. It’s not outlandish to say that there are people who actually do level cap sp disruptions, who do endurance survivals, what have you and the rolls can and will differ. If you’ve ever tried an [acid shells] build on the sobek, you will know that +faction can be desirable at some points.

Now, that’s not to say that it’s an all around ideal roll for the weapon because many weapons can fulfill different tasks differently (i.e. the roll you’d want for doing endurance survivals is not the same you’d want for eidolon hunting). You say you don’t want -SC on a riven, but what if you only play the game doing eidolon hunts? And even within that there are better negatives such as -zoom, but to say that -SC would absolutely destroy the riven when you’re only doing eidolon hunts is unrealistic.

The whole point I’m trying to make by writing all of this is to do you’re own testing and to know how each of these stats function on their own and then on the weapons you plan to use because sometimes certain things on some weapons might not be the best on others. Like +CC is great when the dispo is high enough to push the crit chance into the next tier and is actually extremely worth going for and many traders and collector’s will know this. Hell, even +MS can be given up on very specific weapons, but this obviously takes knowledge of the game.

All in all, most “great” rolls will be any combination of ms cd cc/dmg/fr/element -ips -zoom +rec for primaries and secondaries. And cd as range/dmg/cc/ic -ips -eff -fin -slide for melee’s. But things like -ammo can be harmless on the shedu and bubonico. +MS isn’t essential on the Penta, Castanas, Talons, etc. BUT can help if you get it, you’d just mod a little differently. Also -finisher is mostly seen as harmless, but some stance mods have finishers in their combo’s, so -fin would be undesirable in those specific cases.

I can not stress enough that everyone should be doing their own testing, there is a simulacrum avaiable to be bought by everyone at some point or another. Use a friend’s sim if u have to. The sim shouldn’t be used to see how well you’re dmg numbers are, but rather how the weapons function and how modding for certain stats can affect the weapons you’re using.

And lastly, just because someone sells a dmg cc cd -imp vulkar for 10k one time, does NOT mean that it will or should happen for you. Everyone has different prices points and the like. Some people get lucky. Understand the market and what people are looking for, not what YOU think is good. People pay you 20k+ to get the shit that they want, not to hear you give a speech about why -projectile flight speed can be good. Ik someone who wants to buy a Stug dmg ms (sc) -zoom for 10k, I mean I would buy it too for 5k if I saw it before her.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk, Cheers :]

Edit: Also, semlar has been outdated for quite some time now. Just wanted to put that as a heads up for anyone seeing descrepencies in the numbers. Not a reliable place to get riven info for stats.

Slapper_420 - 19.01.2023 07:36

Man forget the math ima just try and get a good one

SlendyDie - 16.01.2023 17:43

Where does Semlar get it's Riven selling stats. Riven market, or warframe market, or everything combined?

SlendyDie - 16.01.2023 17:31

I just want to sell my Riven without fucking myself over

The Pope Of Awesomeness
The Pope Of Awesomeness - 16.01.2023 15:02

The most important stat for a MIGHTY SEER riven is + zoom it's amazing!

boohba - 15.01.2023 23:55

i'm a legend

Sim Racing Eh!
Sim Racing Eh! - 15.01.2023 01:03

You've earned a new sub with that excellent explanation, thanks man

Izxuan - 14.01.2023 08:57

I bought unroll felarx riv for 400p 😭

Solomon Douglas
Solomon Douglas - 14.01.2023 01:04

Hey how are you I watch that enjoy I still learn it Warframe in play game

Davidon _M
Davidon _M - 13.01.2023 22:36

Do it! Break it down!!! I'll watch it.😉

divy - 13.01.2023 02:38

please do explain the damage system :)

Patrick Buc
Patrick Buc - 12.01.2023 22:59

A riven is worth as much as a Tenno is willing to pay...

Addam Robin2
Addam Robin2 - 12.01.2023 16:56

There is no fixed price for rivens
People can sell them for whatever price, and it is up to the buyers whether or not they want to buy them

Shubhankar Paygude
Shubhankar Paygude - 12.01.2023 09:52

U shud have just said "not particularly likely" first 🤣

Sound Playground
Sound Playground - 11.01.2023 18:37

Rivens = Hot mess express 😅😂!

Sofia Elena
Sofia Elena - 11.01.2023 12:56

I just learned i severely underpriced my rivens and could have easily made 2-3 times more than i did
