STAR WARS: REPUBLIC COMMANDO PS5 All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 4K 60FPS Ultra HD

STAR WARS: REPUBLIC COMMANDO PS5 All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 4K 60FPS Ultra HD

Gamer's Little Playground

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Gamer's Little Playground
Gamer's Little Playground - 09.04.2021 19:10

Special thanks for Aspyr for the free copy of the game! Aspyr has brought over the Star Wars classic to the PS4, PS5 and Nintendo Switch. It's basically an HD port, but looks way better than it did more than 16 years ago. It's still a ton of fun to play, even if a bit dated (controls still a bit janky by modern standards especially). Maybe one day we'll finally get a sequel to this amazing game. We hope you enjoy!

Donker Dank
Donker Dank - 23.05.2023 22:37

is it actually 4k 60fps on ps5?

Master Blaster
Master Blaster - 22.05.2023 09:11

Would you really want it now that it is under EA'S Baaner

Sheev Palps
Sheev Palps - 11.04.2023 11:36

18 years and we still don't know what happened to Sev on Kashyyk. Only one we have any idea about is Scorch who was either heavily indoctrinated into the Empire or was experimented upon to force him to serve them.

Noah Santiago
Noah Santiago - 29.03.2023 19:14

Here’s a question for you. How do you play it on PS5 if it’s not made for ps5?

DatDarnOtaku - 04.03.2023 05:57

I love how Scorch and the rest of Delta (except for Boss) sounded different to the rest of the clones sad that they did not put there voice/nor there personality in the Bad Batch it would have been waaaay better tbh

chαrles - 20.02.2023 01:40

flash grenades do fuck all against droids lmfao

Blue - 01.02.2023 19:33

This is the game that they need to follow up on. Such a great feel. I just hope if they ever do make a new Republic Commando they keep it to a similar feel. Gritty, badass, tactical and unique engagements.

I AoS I Nexus
I AoS I Nexus - 25.01.2023 02:11

That aim.. the lag.. 🙄 Consoles....

But awesome game so who the hell cares?! 🎮💻💽

YOMASHI 117 - 03.12.2022 23:59

Did she say RB 01/138

Garvin Anbros
Garvin Anbros - 30.11.2022 18:25

So, Seeing as i played (and still have my copy) this on the Xbox, or 360, I will let everyone who watches this and decides they want to try it, with a few pearls of Information.
1. Ammo is scarce. At first, they give you plenty, but you will find that by the time you get to the Anti-Air Turret, you will be running dry frequently. So save your ammo for the Bigger guys and use the pistol on basic Battle droids and Peons. It has Unlimited ammo.
2. Your Melee is one of your more powerful attacks, Use it when possible.
3. Your squad mates have Unlimited ammo. Keep them alive.
4. When you tell your squad to take a position, You also tell them what weapon you want them to use. They will not turn around and Defend themselves so you have to keep an eye on their backs.

Rukia Kuchiki
Rukia Kuchiki - 29.05.2022 01:15

Omg best game ever

alogcbin - 19.03.2022 02:04

I absolutely love that Carth Onasi's voice actor also voices Scorch. They should make a sequel where Orson Krennic sends Death Squad to kill the rogue Delta Squad.

Tim Smith
Tim Smith - 18.03.2022 16:11

Those Super Battledoids give me PTSD :P

doppelxxganger - 06.03.2022 04:19

This videogame was awesome, but what's new in modern consoles ? ._.

Burn You
Burn You - 21.01.2022 18:06

Why graphic didn't changed?? Not even Ray Tracing?

The Crusader Deus Vult
The Crusader Deus Vult - 03.01.2022 06:28

I seen multiple comments about the sequel of Republic Commando
There will unfortunately never be a sequel sense the original script for Imperial Commando which was the sequel was lost when Lucas Games closed its doors. In the sequel Sev was with the rebellion and the Clone Commandos were with the empire. As i said the script no longer exist. So this games hopes for a sequel will unfortunately be lost

Sean Maass
Sean Maass - 29.09.2021 06:00

No freaking fair man I had this game for PC now the got on PS5 and I got rid that game since my computer died only got to level two when my computer broke down!!!

AAPP aapp
AAPP aapp - 21.08.2021 03:56

Man they really made those geonosiqns as creepy as possible, huh?

Jedisage909 - 21.08.2021 03:46

one of the best games ever which they made a sequeal

Nazim Zairolazhar
Nazim Zairolazhar - 15.08.2021 11:28

The biggest liability to the clones in the first battle of geonosis were the Jedi, and that infuriates me to no end.

Eizh - 14.08.2021 00:01

I still have some videos trying to save Sev again and again, later i found that he still alive in the turret if you run faster to his position.
So, he probably was wounded fighting some Geonosians and later the Delta Squad found him, that's why he appears in Clone Wars.

Fishing pole
Fishing pole - 05.08.2021 09:55

It’s kinda funny cuz each clone sounds kinda different in the game

BansheeNT-D - 24.06.2021 00:18

Back in the day without stupid Inhibitor Chips. 💖
And when the Clones are raised up with the Mandalorian culture.

AzuAka - 09.06.2021 23:19

I’d imagine being karate-chopped by an SBD feels like getting bashed over the head with a fifty pound dumbbell.

Nicholas Barsanti
Nicholas Barsanti - 19.04.2021 07:09

Do kotor 1 and 2 next

Ben Frank
Ben Frank - 17.04.2021 18:13

Jeez... Now I'm curious about what happened to 07.

Scott Zummers
Scott Zummers - 16.04.2021 10:23

So this entire game should be canon again? Which I hope Star Wars company themselves realize that we enjoyed this game again and should bring back some classics to us. Like Star Wars battlefront renegade squadron, elite squadron, force unleashed.

BasicallyIIINobody - 12.04.2021 21:28

I just hated that the game felt so short! I wish I could have been on more missions with the team or different worlds would have been amazing!

Grant Haber
Grant Haber - 12.04.2021 16:12

Funny how the Republic's anit-slave laws ended when Palpauten turned it into the Galactic Empire

whatsgoingon07 - 12.04.2021 06:04

Ps5 my butt

Dion Anderson
Dion Anderson - 10.04.2021 12:17

This was a great game....even though it was 16 years ago hopefully a sequel gets made that’ll be cool

Ernest W
Ernest W - 10.04.2021 05:07

I know it's not canon, but having this game release in 2021, the era of Star Wars canon, makes me to think that Republic Commando and its event are now canon.

cody shaver
cody shaver - 10.04.2021 04:30

God i love star wars i got a bad feeling about this

Psilocybe - 10.04.2021 00:56

Why didn’t they just make all the clones commandos?

Kamil gaming with Friends
Kamil gaming with Friends - 09.04.2021 20:48

Why does this game remind me so much of Alien vs Predator games.

Jon Parker
Jon Parker - 09.04.2021 20:05

God damn, I love this game so much. Waited so long for a sequel, now hoping for a remaster, if anything at all.

Spencer Lopez
Spencer Lopez - 09.04.2021 19:46

One of the most underrated games of all time! A imperial commando would’ve been so badass!

chase smith
chase smith - 09.04.2021 19:39

Hey dude can you do aliens fireteam next when it come's out

Kill4Pink - 09.04.2021 19:36

Your so awesome for this one!

AJ Lozano
AJ Lozano - 09.04.2021 19:35

Man I’ve so many questions tho like what happend to sev tho like did he die or lived tho that questions me a lot tho

A.J Thomas
A.J Thomas - 09.04.2021 19:24

There’s a chance Sev survive the ambush and was captured by the Separatist Forces.

A.J Thomas
A.J Thomas - 09.04.2021 19:23

We been waiting 16 years for a sequel, and we still haven’t got it.

That British guy
That British guy - 09.04.2021 19:19

There should be a sequel to this game with the bad batch.

Nextdandude15 - 09.04.2021 19:14


The Chickens Fight
The Chickens Fight - 09.04.2021 19:10


Victor - 09.04.2021 19:10

One of the first ones i guess

ry ry kovi
ry ry kovi - 09.04.2021 19:09

Jesus. Loves u.
