My Name Is Nehemiah And This Is My Story

My Name Is Nehemiah And This Is My Story

Grace Digital Network

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Sigma man 🦂
Sigma man 🦂 - 16.09.2023 21:14

To think that a cuppel of thousands year's later millions of the same people's were praying to the same god and he didn't lift a finger to help them, six million of his chosen people. A god of love, give me a break

LookupDoUCWhatIC - 14.09.2023 23:22

I can't listen to this, the way he's speaking. Sloth style

John Pick
John Pick - 14.09.2023 23:00

Thank you for posting this beautiful video.

francis mulwa
francis mulwa - 13.09.2023 19:54

This is incredible and insightful documentary.

Nomzamo Jele
Nomzamo Jele - 10.09.2023 13:45

Thank you Lord God this is so,pwerful

DebiB62 - 09.09.2023 22:01

Whoever or whatever is being used to complete the captioning needs to be changed. They're riddled with errors. At the very least whoever made this video should watch it, reading the captions, to proofread it and edit it properly. If you're going to do something like this to honor YHWH then give Him your best effort, just like Nehemiah.

Deborah Carreiro
Deborah Carreiro - 09.09.2023 06:54

Loved the story!

Garabandal warning=2nd Exodus & Miracle=Rapture
Garabandal warning=2nd Exodus & Miracle=Rapture - 09.09.2023 05:35

Jesus make me king prester john , daniel 2:34

Lorrie Gallardo
Lorrie Gallardo - 08.09.2023 07:09

I just read this story. All books in the old Testament point to Jesus. I have to admit this one took a minute. But I got it and it was awesome.

Dexter Banoen
Dexter Banoen - 06.09.2023 15:14

Hallelujah, thank you Lord God you are everything for us as your children. Thank for giving this story for us to listen. God blessed you always.❤

Rose Petals
Rose Petals - 06.09.2023 08:34


Linda Connor
Linda Connor - 06.09.2023 04:51

Please, Explain the black cube on their forehead.

Kopano Makanete
Kopano Makanete - 04.09.2023 23:32

Amen 🙏

Jane Moore
Jane Moore - 04.09.2023 05:29

Thank you so much. This is a beautiful Bible story and something that we can look to today for faith and guidance. ❤❤❤

Gary - 03.09.2023 21:26

there is zero proof that this character ever existed in real life ,,, zero ,,,

Mukwiti Mwiinga
Mukwiti Mwiinga - 03.09.2023 20:39

YHWH 🙌🏾, I'm in awe. The multitude of messages in this book. May your Word be glorified 🙌🏾

Nosipho Hlophe
Nosipho Hlophe - 03.09.2023 00:23

Oh, the Lord is great indeed, mighty, and His wisdom cannot be challenged; He deserves all the honour🙌

Lets have the truth.
Lets have the truth. - 02.09.2023 22:32

In Listening to Nehemiah story, which was very interesting. I found some of what is in the video to be untrue. BUT for now i will highlight one. Where in the Bible in the story of Nehemiah is it written that they came together on the first day and they then said that it was a holy day?? In Nehemiah 10: 31 said And if the people of the land bring wares or any victuals on the sabbath day to sell, that we would not buy of them on the sabbath , or on the holy day: and that we would leave the seventh year and the exaction of evert debt." No where did i see anything about the first day of the week. speaking of the ten commandment the Sabbath would be the 7th day of the week, the 4th commandment of the Bible. Remember the 7th day to keep it holy. Six days shall thou labor an
nd do all thy work but the 7th day is the Sabbath of the Lord, thy God. God will hold all responsible who leads his children astray. You are saying that the First day of the week is the sabbath. THAT IS NO WHERE IN THE BIBLE.

Lauretta Brydon
Lauretta Brydon - 02.09.2023 05:28

Nehemiah has been a favorite book for me for some time, his example in honouring (English spelling) God is well worth following. Thank you for up loading this documentary

Thuli Thandi
Thuli Thandi - 01.09.2023 21:52

America Bank street

Debbie Gallegos
Debbie Gallegos - 31.08.2023 08:37

Praise the Lord and that God keeps blessing you and your family.

Praise Worship Music
Praise Worship Music - 31.08.2023 04:13

I use your music to be played during silent reading or seatwork in my classroom. It helps quiet down the room in a non-intimidating way. It also helps me focus on my job at hand. Thank you, Dan, for using your talent for God's glory and to beneficial in people's lives.

Cathrine Marimbe
Cathrine Marimbe - 30.08.2023 09:22


Noble Motty Thomas
Noble Motty Thomas - 29.08.2023 21:19

HE who keeps Israel neither sleep nor slumber

Marianne Vonjohl
Marianne Vonjohl - 29.08.2023 14:30

The enemies traffic our children. They cry in pain. Dems officials are in in.

Jv villanueva Jayvel
Jv villanueva Jayvel - 28.08.2023 15:12

Amen ❤

norinel zambra
norinel zambra - 28.08.2023 11:04


Stephen Jackson
Stephen Jackson - 27.08.2023 18:15

I got a feeling that I’m going to heaven and to a new/better Earth in the future😮🤩❤️🧑🏾‍🦰🙂

Jesus Saves
Jesus Saves - 27.08.2023 05:32

Ads , ugh!! Bye 👋

Kate Burk
Kate Burk - 27.08.2023 00:11

Enjoyed hearing this. It was slightly challenging though, seeing Nehemiah wearing the garb of an Israelite in the courts of royalty.

Unique Sales and Wedding Products
Unique Sales and Wedding Products - 26.08.2023 20:23

Powerful. Keep posting

Unique Sales and Wedding Products
Unique Sales and Wedding Products - 26.08.2023 19:31


Nancy Smith
Nancy Smith - 26.08.2023 18:52

Thank you for telling this book and simplifying it. Well done, good and faithful servants. Blessings on you. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Brian Stegall
Brian Stegall - 26.08.2023 15:09

"Cut Bearer" showing up with knife to a gun battle? 😊

Oracle of the ScorpionMagdaleneDivine
Oracle of the ScorpionMagdaleneDivine - 26.08.2023 12:47

And i dare him to go tattle to the FBI surveillance van that i mugged him in my front yard for taco money.

FBI surveillance van #43 actually.
Why would you like....

Oracle of the ScorpionMagdaleneDivine
Oracle of the ScorpionMagdaleneDivine - 26.08.2023 12:45

Yeah im gonna shove fake hobo over , mug him in my own front yard and go buy a breakfast taco and a pack of cigarettes.

Oracle of the ScorpionMagdaleneDivine
Oracle of the ScorpionMagdaleneDivine - 26.08.2023 12:44

I might rob that fake homeless man wearing the fake beard that strolls way too often past my house.
Like Bro got on an emtire lost and found box and hiw he not sweating walking around central texas like some jigaboo strutting around like from where to where?
Its the worst desquise ive ever seen any use.

Oracle of the ScorpionMagdaleneDivine
Oracle of the ScorpionMagdaleneDivine - 26.08.2023 12:40

That reminds me i am too poor to buy a breakfast taco. Nay nary a tortilla or a spec of like.....

Oracle of the ScorpionMagdaleneDivine
Oracle of the ScorpionMagdaleneDivine - 26.08.2023 12:39

Id like to go back to Austin....bout god dang time already. This place id for the birds lets blow this taco stand already

Oracle of the ScorpionMagdaleneDivine
Oracle of the ScorpionMagdaleneDivine - 26.08.2023 12:33

Honestly cause i wanted to hear how these names were pronounced cause i recognize them from the Angel Invokations

Oracle of the ScorpionMagdaleneDivine
Oracle of the ScorpionMagdaleneDivine - 26.08.2023 12:32

Yeah. Cause Asphat bringing the karaoke machine and we gonna thriw down some yamacahs

Oracle of the ScorpionMagdaleneDivine
Oracle of the ScorpionMagdaleneDivine - 26.08.2023 12:31

Cause im scared of the water in this town David. Something is wrong with it.

Oracle of the ScorpionMagdaleneDivine
Oracle of the ScorpionMagdaleneDivine - 26.08.2023 12:30

Yeah its like an allagory or a parallel i.e.parables

Oracle of the ScorpionMagdaleneDivine
Oracle of the ScorpionMagdaleneDivine - 26.08.2023 12:23

Yep. Just vibrating over here. Like i can hear it in my inner ear

Oracle of the ScorpionMagdaleneDivine
Oracle of the ScorpionMagdaleneDivine - 26.08.2023 12:22

I was raised Mormon. Which is ironic cause technically Book of Motmon and Doctrine and covenants are technically apocrypha....but i mean Joseph smith was a douchebag anyways im not surprised

Oracle of the ScorpionMagdaleneDivine
Oracle of the ScorpionMagdaleneDivine - 26.08.2023 12:20

Ive never read jasher or Ezekiel or any apocrypha actually

Oracle of the ScorpionMagdaleneDivine
Oracle of the ScorpionMagdaleneDivine - 26.08.2023 12:19

Yeah im all dorky watching it

Rene - 26.08.2023 07:42

Jehovah is at work amen, amen keep up the blessed work until the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to God be the glory
