Why I Really Left Lineage 2

Why I Really Left Lineage 2

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@masterloot - 06.01.2024 03:14

Official; Classic servers are worse because you need a clan for sure. and your life has to revolve around L2 to even do basic things because soloing is impossible after certain level. I saw items for few billion Adena for sale. which I guarantee is impossible to earn in your lifetime by yourself soloing.

@masterloot - 06.01.2024 03:05

How many of you played on L2Extreme server, one that got shot down by fbi. I was a clan leader in one of the underdog alliances. We had largest most epic castle sieges on entire server. Gamepley was entirely social. It was Pking , and revenge killings and real in-game beef with others. The game dynamics was so engaging and entertaining that official servers couldn't even come close.

@skeithaseoxd - 06.01.2024 03:03

Today i played l2 for the first time, goddes. i played i think 3-4 hours, and i've been playing mmorpg for over 10 years, and in those few hours i saw the signs, rng, p2w, infinite grind, rmt, bots, multi accounts, needless to say, instantly deleted the game, i just want to play and have fun, ff14 is the only mmorpg worth playing imo

@clarifiedevidence530 - 04.01.2024 01:07

made my own server and beat the crap out of the game

@ganemgg - 04.01.2024 00:25

that feeling when I crafted my first Sword of Miracles....and my Arcana Mace...it used to be the top mage weapon in my server back in the day....

@dylanvh9465 - 31.12.2023 14:45

In short why he left L2 : Toxic community, toomany russians

@vinco2livecom - 26.12.2023 23:52

most if not all mmo's are expensive. This game is still a decent value.

@primusfilius2955 - 26.12.2023 18:12

There is no secret how to play this game f2p. The more you spend the more you get. Simple. I have turned my back on official NCSOFT servers ages ago as there is no progression without spending rm.

@HexxuSz - 25.12.2023 15:39

l2 was holding up in it's design up to grade A, was overall well thought out for all classes.

@badhabits-ns5yv - 20.12.2023 23:18

L2 is p2w everyone knows that but still is the best mmorpg out there to be honest

@lelekos9103 - 17.12.2023 18:31

i was a player at Some Tyrael Server. Played for 8 Months was Amongst Top100 In the server i think. an update came and some double dagger user that played for 1 month and paid for gear kinda 1shotted me. That made me Quit the Server.

@lelekos9103 - 17.12.2023 18:28

Was about to Download it and play for Fun. But this video made me Play League.

@MysterioFan02 - 17.12.2023 06:52

when i was a kid i couldnt afford to play on official servers so i just stuck around on private servers and i always came back because of nostalgia. so in 2017 or so i got into retail and everything was so different!i leveled and started grinding hoping to hit max level to grind for gear and get into pvp (lets face it L2 revolves around pvp only) but then i realized every race was pretty much the same now, with no uniqueness. like elves used to be faster than all others, DEs had more dmg and humans were more balanced. that was all gone (still is). then i saw some video of a dude and a healer deleting an entire clan from the screen. so im like wtf is that and later found out that the guy was using a stage 3 dragon weapon and it costs like $25k? and the stats are so extremely absurd i instantly deleted the game and never thought about it again

@aaz1992 - 16.12.2023 17:47

I tried Lineage 2 on the classic server today for the first time since....... 2004? Got bored after 5 minutes and logged back into Old School Runescape. Guess I missed the boat. Should've played Lineage 2 from 2004-2007

@indang3r610 - 29.11.2023 12:15

Might as well play a private server, pick what chronicle you prefer, join a CP and have real fun playing a class, feel needed. Sure srv will not last forever, but u can then move with that CP make real relations and ofc not open your wallet. Many servers got only consmetics as donation.

@201111martin - 24.11.2023 06:46

man you ever want that acct taken off your hands let me know

@maxmilbredes897 - 19.11.2023 09:58

I quit lineage 2 long ago becus of the Pill to make ur damage high

@carloscosta1995 - 18.11.2023 04:39

Play l2 free like reborn, at least not pay to win just lucky

@PurplePuffy1 - 16.11.2023 12:16

Iineage 2 Reborn servers is where its at. Retail is your mistake. they doing seasonal server on high five and it seems pretty cool.

@nahakuu - 11.11.2023 12:59

I enjoyed to play Lineage 2 not official servers.
Official server, I joined after H5, when they introduce the 85+ what I believe destroyed the whole game.
Freya and H5 are best.
Official server is full of bots and people with endless pockets, L2 is the most Pay to win game I have ever seen ( maybe just Archage can beat it)
Also official servers deliberately lowering drops for players because of bots
And those lags... the game was unplayable on 1 gig connection with the best computers at a time....

@justwipewow - 09.11.2023 11:35

come to world of warcraft

@007_agent_smith - 04.11.2023 10:39

The official servers are totally wasted by p2w. From pvp game l2 becomes an endless grinding. It makes no sense to play official servers. There are lots of non-official servers where you can choose your chronicles and have fun without huge donations.

@SellYourSoulSighHere - 02.11.2023 23:00

gift me accounts :)

@user-nw5km7is9t - 28.10.2023 00:43

Macros ruined this game

@CrawlunderaRock - 26.10.2023 09:42

First of all what you play there is not Lineage 2. Go back to Lineage II how it was in 2003 and then you dont need 999.999.999 adena to buy a necklace, you go craft BO necklace and a set of doom heavy, with a nice AOBA and go farm with other players, like dagger, tank and a WC, maybe an EE for MP also, like I do each day. You will redescover L2 like this, mark my words. People like you ruin the game. 🤣

@jessesimons3487 - 21.10.2023 06:43

I loved Lineage 2, played for about 6+ years back in 2004-2011. I was lucky enough to raid all the top raid bosses, Anthy, Baium, QA with RDogs. I had 5 man bot train that I manually boxed to farm all the other raid bosses by myself, ended up level 85 with all 3 subclasses 75, oh and I spent lots of RL monies on it which I totally regret now lol. It was fun though.

@TrynePlague - 19.10.2023 20:39

For nearly 20 years, every year, I have to go back to L2 at least a couple days. Just feels like home everytime. But only servers up to Hellbound.

@user-ol9ck7ig2f - 17.10.2023 03:49

I started this game around the end of C3, at that time it was an experience to remember. I played all the way up to Hellbound and then I quit because of the mindless grind and numerous bot trains hogging hunting grounds. The time spent for xp gain was just not worth it, and the crafting/enchanting system was not fun. You were right on the money with the toxicity, clans were way too political, and some of the big clans had a bunch of murder-hobos. Another Toxic waste dump was the L2Blah/L2Guru forums. I admit, my younger self had a lot of laughs reading it from time to time, and then you have the few that just took it too far.

I had a lot of fun in the earlier times when I had just reached A-Grade, but since then it just started to taper off into monotony

@thecowboyrobot8428 - 28.09.2023 02:07

I used to love play healer. I started playing L2 from the very beginning of the game and used to be fun… but then I had to choose life over a game. I was so addicted I had to delete it from my computer and had withdrawals for months after 😢

@ELHoffa - 21.09.2023 16:30

I had that old familiar feeling of nostalgia and searched for this. My buddy and I wanted to buy an mmo just before wow came out, got L2 rolled a orc on devianne, pkers everywere, you were hunted, fast forward in time and I got hero on a nonbot basicly no boss jewelry tank at lvl 77 in majestic armour.. Found this video, snap back to reality I guess!

@TheLordul20 - 17.09.2023 09:17

L2 is dead since bot/auto play/// then you know a game is dead!

@bohdanzamkovyi2028 - 13.09.2023 14:38

Reborn x1

@allien2135 - 10.09.2023 01:08

Man the game was at its peak when C4 and C6 Interlude ruled.Lets be generous and say gracia and freya were good as well ok.But thats it.The game has died since 2013.Its the best online game for me and there will never be a more adictive and amazing game.

@lineage2warface1023 - 29.08.2023 08:43

respect bro i have been playing 20 years now ;D

@wil6614 - 22.08.2023 23:50

The only way i was able to keep up without putting money in, (back in the days) was when I was leading a clan and was able to take over Aden in a castle siege. The money that came in was insane in a server that was populated with active players. I quit ever since 2011 when awaken classes became a thing because it felt like the game became so dumbed down to appeal to the masses that classes weren't unique anymore. I think it was 2011, man it's been so long.

@BillyLndn - 10.08.2023 07:18

Then don't play goddess official where servers are 10y+ old..........

@CHiQoooooo - 06.08.2023 21:53

I started playing lineage on C4, and why I love old l2 rather than new is that I could see the endpoint of the grind... NOW I need kvintibiliardtrillion things to drop... it feels like infinite misery.
I love this game, but unfortunately there is no trust in this company.

@arturbraun3631 - 18.07.2023 15:20

Do you have any tips on how to get to 85th level faster cause it takes a lot of time to get there and your old tutorials seem real easy and I think a lot of has changed and it's a lot harder to get there.

@666faken - 05.07.2023 22:45

Alo syka

@TnRsPower - 30.06.2023 17:45

Lineage 2 was my team vs the enemy. Now is me vs all. Thats why is become a bullshit. We dont want epic legendary itens we just want cool items and much more pvp with our friends.

@DaniboyBR2 - 25.06.2023 22:09

You started playing after the game was corrupted by greed, before that, it was a wonderful game, filled with wonderful people that used it to have fun, connect, RP, after C3 and C4 greed started to seep in, after Interlude it was already over, admins from private and official servers could only see money in front of them, they stopped improving the game, thinking of ways to make it into an alternate world where you could be a hero or a villain, a king or a pauper, and turned it into this awful thing it is today, a money-grabbing Casino.

@BAZILY1 - 18.06.2023 01:18

its true is incredibly addictive and without a whale wallet there is no way to compete after a point.

@liandesert9305 - 06.06.2023 21:08

It all true, for example if you start the game as a new player, you level up to lv105 in two days, then you can start your daily, which require someone level 115+ with thousands of dolars in equipment to beat that lvl 105 daily content... like literally you can't do any lv105 content unless you have someone with dragon weapon carrying it for you. Then if you want to farm lv105+ places you also need someone very equiped to carry you, if not, you simply can't. xdddd

@VioletEyesLuna - 01.06.2023 11:44

i quit like 2 years ago and decide to make my own private server for small circle of friends like 20ish people it was way waaaay better than playing official one.

@Hawkadium - 24.05.2023 00:16

Just come play a private server

@meetarthur9427 - 19.05.2023 02:28

nothing can describe this game better then "endless continuation of insanity" 😂 and the reason why people get captured by the game is because it is actually great game it is just become this kind of drug type. nice animation, nice music, nice characters and spirit they has, interesting scenarios player can expirience. I would say the game so good that it killed itself and pleople playing it are zombies trying to achive that very first feeling of play again and again. pvp win, echanced weapon +n with that satisfying glowing and so on...

@George-bh9wd - 18.05.2023 18:35

Best decision ever!! Followed you on this journey all these years, stopped too 3 months ago, sold all my gear worth about 3.5 tril on chronos and I couldn’t be more happy!! The game is at its worst state ever!! Nothing to do, no way to progress without spending astronomical amounts of money! Only gamble gamble gamble! STAY Away from this dead game!!!

@Tonk1e - 17.05.2023 19:23

Went back AGAIN last week picked up a low rate interlude server very few buffs from now its 5x and its fun. Its pretty low pop but honestly just enjoying the gameplay quests crafting etc. L2barbarian if anyone wants a chill server hit queenofcrafts up for a help starting

@happylv6996 - 15.05.2023 03:52

Memories bring me back to lineage 2 but i see noone online
