Build a Zettelkasten in 2024 (Productive Thinking Method)

Build a Zettelkasten in 2024 (Productive Thinking Method)

Darin Suthapong

1 год назад

19,299 Просмотров

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Pun Tripakwasin
Pun Tripakwasin - 30.08.2023 07:51

Love your videos. Thanks, Darin! 😊

ket tai yong
ket tai yong - 16.08.2023 05:12

Hello Darin. Thank you for your quality explanation. I am trying to start the Zettelkasten system in Electrical Engineering mainly for my own job functions and continuous learning. I have a question. By using the analog index cards method. How is it possible to inter-reference the notes as they get bigger and bigger in quantities ? Hope to hear from you. Thanks.

Chi Yung Wong
Chi Yung Wong - 10.08.2023 15:56

It’s obvious this system works because you have provided us with such a valuable resource, this productive thinking system.

Loubna Majrouh
Loubna Majrouh - 08.08.2023 20:54

That's such an amazing video 😍 I want to become a deep thinker but it was so intimidating to try and digitize the zettlekasten method in a simple, frictionless way. I'm so glad I found you! 🎉❤

D120 Veronica Buenfil
D120 Veronica Buenfil - 02.08.2023 15:38

This is one of the best explanations about Zettelkasten easy and practical, thank you very much Darin 🙏 Subscribing!

Jose Vargas
Jose Vargas - 06.07.2023 21:58

You are doing brilliant work here! This is truly a wealth of information too large for some people to gather on their own, and you put it in a short concise and eloquent video. Thanks!

jsigncst - 25.06.2023 06:15

you're The One, Darin. Thnx from Argentina

Greg Wheeler
Greg Wheeler - 15.06.2023 23:26

This is so helpful. You got me thinking more on how I can structure my notes. Keep posting awesome stuff!

Robert Ragan
Robert Ragan - 12.06.2023 00:39

This is so well explained, and I am a big fan of this methodology. I've been using Scrintal and really like it, can't this be also be done there?

Iszam Majid
Iszam Majid - 06.06.2023 02:10

I miss Thailand just by listening to you. 😅

Wiramonol - 05.06.2023 02:31

I could use more information and specific examples on the Connect step in your workflow. Especially connecting your new permanent note with permanent notes from months ago.

Fake Pilot
Fake Pilot - 24.05.2023 19:27

Have looked around a lot and I really like this method. Simple does not mean less powerful.

Michael A.
Michael A. - 24.05.2023 16:15

Hey Darin, which note type (tag) would you use for "notes on people (contacts)"? Permanent notes? Or even an additional type of notes? I would like to avoid too many note types, however, I'm struggling to find a note type that fits for this kind of notes using the Productive Thinking Method.

Shivam Sahu
Shivam Sahu - 24.05.2023 06:42

Sorry mam for asking question again but I follow your work style in zattelkasten so doubts come here and there.
My question is how to differentiate permanent notes with same question or topic . If we Research on same topic so many times some questions come with another prospective then we confused how to write both prospective in permanent notes

Michael A.
Michael A. - 18.05.2023 01:47

Thank you for this great video! I'm planning to use Obsidian in the future and I'm currently watching a lot of videos about it. I like your "Productive Thinking Method" the best.
Things that I don't fully understand yet:
- With this method we don't use "fleeting notes", instead we type everything (which isn't a reference note) in the daily note? Even if the daily note contains many different things sometimes?
- Doesn't Obsidian create many empty daily notes, if I don't write anything in the automatically generated daily note?
- I think I'll use only tags, too. Do you personally have everything in the "Slip Box / Zettelkasten" folder or do you store the Daily Notes separately? It would be great to see some examples how you organized Obsidian yourself.
- Should we use only one topic/idea per note (especially in reference notes I assume that I'll end up with many of them on one note)?
- Should we type the name of the reference note (that we want to create) on the daily note, so that a link is created (like you did in the video)? Do you keep this link between the daily note and the reference note in the end?
- I guess we should keep every note (since there are no fleeting notes and only daily notes and reference notes, before permanent notes are created)?
Thank you very much for your help/tips! Can't wait to watch your in-depth Obsidian workflow videos :)

Federico Campeotto
Federico Campeotto - 17.05.2023 22:31

This is great content!
One thing I don't understand 100% is:
I have a permanent note, how do I decide if that creates a new HUB note or it is a child note of another permanent note in a train of thoughts?
(Unless I'm missing something)

SO VA - 17.05.2023 13:36

Thanks for sharing!

Vintprox Entertainment
Vintprox Entertainment - 11.05.2023 22:38

Thank you, Darin! I just was looking for modernized Zettelkasten and randomly discovered this nice explanation. Never thought about automatic daily notes, it's a game changer!

Pilar Guerrero
Pilar Guerrero - 09.05.2023 22:54

Hi Darin! I really like your Productive Thinking Method, I think I have a similar system also in Obsidian, which I created after watching your video on Zettelkasten using Obsidian. I would really like to see how you use tags as a classification system, so far I am using folders, which work well enough for me. This is a wonderful video, thanks a lot for taking the time to create it.

g7vdm - 24.04.2023 15:23

I can’t wait to watch your next videos. Thank you so much for sharing ❤

Rui Granja
Rui Granja - 23.04.2023 01:33

Thank you for making it simple to understand and not intimidating to implement!

Marvin C.
Marvin C. - 16.04.2023 14:02

Hey Darin,

Many thanks for another great video and your thoughts on the evolution of the Zettelkasten system 🙏🏽.
I really like the simplistic approach and focus of your notes: tag, source, content & related notes – that's all it needs.
Have to admit that I tend to "style" my notes templates a little too much. I'm also a huge Notion fan, maybe that's why 😉

Speaking of styling things.
You can easily make those links prettier by highlighting the content that should be linked, use the shortcut ⌘+K and paste the URL.

Keep up the good work and I'm looking forward to the video on how you use your Hub notes.

Mustafa Saeed
Mustafa Saeed - 09.04.2023 02:18

Very good video Darin. I do think evernote has a backlink functionality though it was introduced recently. All you have to do is click on the plus button on the top of the note window and select add note to backlink the current note to another existing note.

Tanat K.
Tanat K. - 08.04.2023 05:22

Just curious, how to use Hub Notes? From your explanation, it seems that you will keep on updating Permanent Notes, and build Second Brain from there, but you also mentioned about Hub Notes being summarization of Permanent Notes.

Cossack - 06.04.2023 15:41

This was one of your best…and they are all great.

Could you do an in-depth video on tags and metadata please. I never really know for sure when do use a tag and how do use it

M E - 05.04.2023 21:12

Thank You!

Max Li
Max Li - 04.04.2023 07:57

This is really nice. Can't wait to see the following videos!

guthrien - 02.04.2023 20:11

This was a quite good take on what I would say is a pretty common idea. Your version is simple and memorable, I like it.

Mickey - 30.03.2023 17:51

This is absolutely amazing! Thank you so much!!!

Dr.Kanapon - 30.03.2023 00:13

alway awesome !

ClemClem - 29.03.2023 19:47

Simple. Powerful. Thank you 🙏

Darth Cuteius
Darth Cuteius - 29.03.2023 05:20

Highly underrated. Thank you and Good luck!

Treasure Maps Genealogy
Treasure Maps Genealogy - 29.03.2023 03:42

Fantastic job as usual! You have helped me, an old guy, understand and develop my own modified Zettlekasten workflow. Please continue making videos. You are making a difference! 💛🐭🪕

Gio Argentati
Gio Argentati - 29.03.2023 03:13

Awesome video! Thank you for posting, Darin!

Michael van Til
Michael van Til - 29.03.2023 00:09

Hey Darin, great video. Thanks for demonstrating the different approaches and your productive thinking model. Having read a lot on Zettelkasten and PKM and being a long time user of Evernote (10yr plus) I first wanted to try it out with Evernote. It might not be as smooth as obsidian I do have a workable solution in Evernote. The backlinks are now available so this would be a bit easier. Looking forward to seeing more of your content and insights. Your method does show a lot of insights I can include in my workflow. Great stuff.
Thanks a lot 👍🏻
