Color out of Space (2020) - Ezra's Cabin - "It Burns"

Color out of Space (2020) - Ezra's Cabin - "It Burns"

These are Alpacas!

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@futsurepolaris6304 - 02.07.2021 22:33

The movie had its flaws compared to the original story, but Ezra was a great change to the story.

@archermon373 - 07.07.2021 06:19

I get chills just thinking of the phrase "it burns" now, like got dayum, I just teared a bit, this is the only movie that's made adult me do that

@eugenioconti4688 - 20.07.2021 13:11

I finished reading all Lovecraft's horror stories years ago. I dreamt about Lovecraftian movies since then, but I always heard it is hard to make a movie out of Lovecraft. Well this movie delivers it so stunningly. This scene above everything else. A shaman that knows, and the more he knows the more he descends into madness. The psychedelic colors, the mutations, the audio distortion, the music that feels like a bad acid trip. And Ezra's words that feel very Lovecraftian. Just perfect.

@griselame - 10.08.2021 23:56

Brilliant scene. Totally Lovecraftian

@Korota - 18.08.2021 23:32

I like to think the recording wasn't distorted, that's just what he sounded like at that point.

@DemonBoy3223 - 02.09.2021 20:49

"It's just a color... but it burns." That line gave me a really huge deep chill down my entire spine the first time I heard that, it still does, the way it's said in a distorted audio recording combined with the static sounds, it is so otherworldly/unearthly.

@birdup6663 - 25.09.2021 00:50

"It's just a color, but it burns."
"Benny lives in the well now."
It's so rare that you get a Lovecraft movie made by people who actually understand how to translate one of his stories into film. This is one of those movies.

@kiddkudi9565 - 10.10.2021 12:26

Imagine being born with a voice like that, that be awesome

@rlarkinson - 28.10.2021 13:45

Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.
Cold and wet.
But it burns.
Sucking the life out of everything.
It came down in the rock.
It lives in the well, it grew down there.
Poisoning everything, changing everything, into something like the world it came from.
Into what it knows.
We all know it's coming, but we can't get away.
It's got everything that lives.
They all drunk the water, it got strong on 'em, fed itself on 'em.
It came from the stars.
Where things ain't like they are here.
It's just a colour, but it burns...
It sucks, and it burns...

@PlexusCaeruleum - 01.11.2021 04:03

I don't know why, but it feels like the colour didn't erupt from Ezra's corpse when they first entered his shack because it wanted them to hear the recording. So it would somehow enjoy indirectly informing them of their hopelessness against its power.

@redvision350 - 01.11.2021 21:17

Ward begins to realize that in spite of his prestigious university training, he knows absolutely nothing and some hippy in the woods understands an alien force better than anyone.

@scionofdorn9101 - 05.11.2021 18:26

We need more Lovecraftian movies like this that get the central premise of deadly, maddening, unknown forces from beyond our world or our era of history that we are all but powerless and insignificant against.

@lithose1764 - 12.11.2021 11:06

Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Cold and wet. But it burns. Sucking the life out of everything. It came down in the rock. It lives in the well. It grew down there. Poisoning everything. Changing everything. Into something like the world it came from. Into what it knows. We all know it's coming, but we can't get away. It's got everything that lives. They all drunk the water. It got strong. Fed itself on them. It came from the stars... where things ain't like they are here. It's just a color. But it burns. It sucks, and it burns. It burns

@lowbrowjester8441 - 06.12.2021 11:04

This is by far one of the best movies I've seen in a very long time.

@FernandoRamos-ec6bv - 17.12.2021 22:53

About the color of the meteor that poisoned the well, I would call it burning purple.

@divinegokublack1362 - 09.01.2022 20:57

“Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Cold and wet. But it burns. Sucking the life out of everything. It came down in the rock. It lives in the well. It grew down there. Poisoning everything. Changing everything. Into something like the world it came from. Into what it knows. We all know it's coming, but we can't get away. It's got everything that lives. They all drunk the water. It got strong. Fed itself on them. It came from the stars... where things ain't like they are here. It's just a color. But it burns. It sucks, and it burns. It burns.”

This is for those who can’t hear what he’s saying.

@arielmalsireal5453 - 16.01.2022 16:19

Cosmic Horror Never Gets Old

@magallanesagustin4952 - 18.01.2022 00:17

This was trully respectful to Lovecraft's concept of cosmic horror.

@kaylaturnis9486 - 31.01.2022 22:22

Ammi Piers ( Old Man Ammi), in the original story, was the only survivor of "The Strange Days" and compared to the movie, which was great, Ammi was with the sheriff and the professors when he witnessed the death of The Gardner Family and The Colour itself as he told his story to the protagonist!

@Webhead731 - 02.02.2022 09:04

This is so well done

@seanno9744 - 05.04.2022 00:02

At first I thought it was kind of “on-the-nose” to have Tommy Chong play Ezra. But hearing his voice in this scene changed my mind right away

@TheRubberStudiosASMR - 27.04.2022 08:40

These films are rare but when they come along they give me faith that people still know how to make great pictures

@cthulhluftagn3812 - 10.05.2022 16:15

Man I love this movie, finnaly Lovecraft on the big screen.

The only thing I would change is I'd remove the "tentacles" the light has, make it nothing but a glow.
To me the colour was horrifying because it was just a colour. Reality is so flimsy and illusionary that all it takes to undo everything is a single color..

But I understand that's just me ;)

@thenazcalines9876 - 29.05.2022 11:42


@Beanibirb - 02.06.2022 22:48

I absolutely loved this movie.
It went from standard first contact with an unknown alien lifeform to a literal Lovecraftian nightmare in just one scene.

@KayKay114 - 24.06.2022 05:54

I was on a road trip and stopped at my cousins after driving for 12 hours, I put this mo on on and ended up falling asleep. Woke up to this scene and it freaked me the fuck out, I had to watch the movie!

Great film! 👍

@PlayNiceFolks - 18.08.2022 20:13

I like this movie a lot more than Annihilation.

@lovetrain5025 - 16.10.2022 14:29

I absolutely love this scene, it’s one of if not the best scene from the entire movie, my only gripe is with the slightly goofy way the sherif is pulled away by the tree, which could’ve been fixed by the colour just consuming him as Ward escapes, still love this scene so much though.

@3pfust - 27.12.2022 20:16

Best scene in the whole movie, theres simply no competition. Eldritch horror at it`s finest. H. P. would be proud.

@rieJW - 16.02.2023 06:28

The crazy ones are always the most aware and smartest in any horror movie

@rieJW - 16.02.2023 06:40

“They came from the stars”
Bone chilling line

@renevill9493 - 06.04.2023 22:49

I'd like to think that Ezra's recording wasn't distorted due to the machine. I think the recorder captured his own distorted voice as the color consumed him, much like Nahum's might have been distorted in his final moments in the Lovecraft story.

@RobGibbonsW - 24.04.2023 07:20

Ezra was so enlightened that his body was mummified sitting upright, like a Tibetan monk who passes while deep in meditation. He knew that he was infected, but instead of simply going insane, he mindfully described for others how he perceived the Color to be changing him and everything else. By the time they arrived, he was scantly a hollow shell, but his mind continued resisting the Color until there was nothing left of him.

@PengusKhan - 25.04.2023 19:29

Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Cold and wet... But it burns... Sucking the life out of everything... It came down in the rock. It lives in the well. It grew down there. Poisoning everything. Changing everything... into something like the world it came from. Into what it knows. We all know it's coming, but we can't get away. It's got everything that lives. They all drunk the water. It got strong. Fed itself on them. It came from the stars... where things ain't like they are here. It's just a color. But it burns. It sucks, and it burns. It burns.

@outerrealm - 26.04.2023 23:25

Nice job putting your ad banners over half the screen while the video is still playing, dickwad. Sabotage your own work why don’t you, that’s real smart. You could have added a black or neutral frame for that, but you’d rather piss off your viewers I guess.

@Spam1192 - 04.05.2023 04:47

Such an underrated line:

"It came from the stars... where things ain't like they are here..."

Chills, man. Chills.

@pugtie4695 - 09.05.2023 04:51

What's funny is when Warren and the sheriff first arrived around when Jack/Mom was trying to eat Lavinia they had epic music playing as they got out of the car, but as soon as the two get to the house, it's as if both the movie and the two characters figure out they did not know what they were getting into.

@DavidJackRabbit - 16.05.2023 02:06

If you really think about it the color basically gave everything that it came in contact with what ever it really wanted, but it did it in a extremely warped and demented way.

@ChewingGore - 20.08.2023 12:22

This movie deserved to be on the big screen.

@Shanethefilmmaker - 22.08.2023 08:14

This should have gotten Tommy Chong an Oscar. I was so used to his funny Stoner persona, that this scary recording really took me by surprise.

@airlock11 - 25.08.2023 04:43

Never did I expect Tommy Chong to deliver such chilling dialogue

@LightfingersKlepto - 08.09.2023 21:47

When you take too many "Nolte-Vitamins" and your piss turns purple ...

@odintillgren3212 - 24.11.2023 05:58

Tommy Chong is so unsettling in this speech. I'm so used to him being such a chill guy, it's weird to see him so creepy.

@kylehamberger6691 - 15.12.2023 05:01

10/10 would scare myself again!!

@Zedetnik - 29.12.2023 17:27

This is a movie made by a crew that clearly understands H. P. Lovecraft. Love it.

@trickster3696 - 08.02.2024 02:48

The most terrifying thing about the Color is there seems to be no way to really stop it. It's an entity that defies natural law, you can't fight something when the rules of your reality don't apply to it. Hell, that sailor was able to hurt CTHULHU of all creatures, granted he healed himself pretty easy but still Cthulhu has a physical form. This thing is basically energy, so I'm pretty sure nothing short of a nuke will really do anything and even then, I'm not so sure. Also, it probably didn't even comprehend it was hurting anyone, because of how different it is from us.

@millennialboomer6780 - 06.03.2024 00:14

I think about this scene quite a bit. Such a good example of eldritch horror

@mrsunshine3693 - 04.06.2024 22:39

evil dead rises, the first omen, and this? i love it so much! this was so disturbing that i couldn't look away, not even to b on my phone. we need more lovecraft movies. and we need them as horrifying as this

@actionturnip395 - 08.06.2024 22:44

The tree randomly killing a guy felt kinda out of place for this story IMO. Like is there any similar thing that happens in this plot? I thought the color mostly possessed… you know… animate things?
