PHP - Why Coders Hate...

PHP - Why Coders Hate...

Eli the Computer Guy

5 лет назад

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just_ - 09.08.2023 18:24

Can anyone suggest me any in depth php free or paid tutorial from udemy or any platform... Recently i went through programming with gio n his videos are ok2 n its hard to grap his teaching

Joydeep Bhowmik
Joydeep Bhowmik - 20.07.2023 14:51

Your are taking about php in 2010 it's has changed and improved a lot ....a whole lot

EasyPeasy Coding
EasyPeasy Coding - 16.07.2023 18:45

PHP is designed to use easily .... 💀💀💀

Ted V
Ted V - 19.05.2023 07:12

Welllllll, for a guy who comes from Perl It was a smart thing to do learning PHP a few years back :)

ConstantinCI - 17.04.2023 13:35

Even if it was 2019, you talked about issues of php from early nineties. Please make yourself more up to date next time 😄, and by the way, an ugly code can be written in any language.

Obz - 16.04.2023 05:40

no one hates php except for noobs

Stelian Stoica
Stelian Stoica - 23.03.2023 02:55

programing language only seem to matter for coders, a programmer doesn't care about the language because it can be anything as long as it performs and suits the tasks that are required for the specific application or program or even an entire OS

Nick Philips
Nick Philips - 17.02.2023 02:48

You can write bad and ugly code in every language. Just go to stack overflow. You´ll find some ugly snippets in every language (incl python, java, javascript, c#). All these languages are seen as ´the best´. Php is evolving and php 8 has many good options to give you the possibility to write cleaner, less error prone code. The idea that php is ´bad´ comes from the pre php-7 times. And the haters... probably never tried to program php in a decent way.

arnel Go
arnel Go - 26.12.2022 21:11


Quiestre - 06.11.2022 00:28

i really dont appreciate the condescension. "even a secretary can use it" "lower level professionals"

I do webdesign and this year looked into php because I need it for back end stuff for our website. Barely anyone at my company knows how to use php and I work in an IT company. To on one hand shit on PHP saying it is so easy, yet basically none of our devs use it (they do C# and python for example) but on the other hand say "dumb people like secretaries can use it" is also fucking shitty.

Max646 - 26.10.2022 18:09

PHP is hated because his flexibility. There are nothing like bad design.

francis willy fernandez
francis willy fernandez - 13.09.2022 14:06

I love PHP it saves my career as a Web Dev

Starsite Programmers
Starsite Programmers - 08.09.2022 07:18

I learned to program about 6 years ago from your unity videos. I still remember how amazing it was to have those first games run. Since then I have learned more than 20 languages and even though I have drifted away from unity and game development, and more into node and backend web dev, game development will always have a special place in my heart. Thank you for making these awesome tutorials years later for new people to try and experience the same thing that I did.

Richard Lucas
Richard Lucas - 03.09.2022 04:29

"LIttle intern" ... it's a swipe, a diminuitive that's a tell. I think that, because PHP is easy, folks who did not earn a degree in CS can write functional programs and that just chaps the ass of insecure guys. Dude, you can never elevate yourself by putting others down.

DO YOU WANT SLI??? - 20.08.2022 10:27

Python is also trash

Zeke Owen
Zeke Owen - 18.08.2022 06:27

Really value these videos

test account
test account - 08.08.2022 23:24

I love PHP. Writing readable code is a problem caused by the writer of the code, not the language. I can write unreadable code in Python too. Someone shouldnt blame the language for writing bad code. I will use the language for web development as long as it is supported.

Jasper Lai
Jasper Lai - 13.07.2022 02:56

PHP is good.
Chinese has a slang.
Mean,no matter white cat or black cat, if can catch mouse, it's a good cat!

WK - 12.07.2022 03:19

One Word : Wordpress. Enough Said.

Andy O'Sullivan
Andy O'Sullivan - 29.06.2022 18:46

Videos like this don't age well in fairness, considering where PHP is now as a language in 2022 thanks to 8.1
