Mount Saint Vincent University from above

Mount Saint Vincent University from above


55 лет назад

15,085 Просмотров

Check out the Mount's beautiful campus! The grounds are immaculate, yes. But it’s the view of the Bedford Basin that will get you every time. You won’t mind studying until sunrise when you can cast your tired eyes on the sparkling blue water and the many sailboats passing by on the regular. And then there’s the wildlife! Don’t be surprised if you bump into a family of deer while walking between buildings. And anyone who’s attended the Mount knows about the thousands of crows that flood the campus each evening at dusk to roost. The crow is so beloved, it’s now the university’s mascot. The campus is also in the perfect location – just minutes from downtown Halifax’s amazing entertainment and shopping scene. There’s no need to choose between an urban or rural university – at the Mount, you get the best of both worlds!


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