The Carnivore Crisis - The Isle Evrima Discussion

The Carnivore Crisis - The Isle Evrima Discussion


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@scottl9660 - 03.01.2025 16:22

Guess would be that once a carnivore capable of soloing Maia or Stego is added 90% of steggo/maia players swap to it.

The isle as always been prone to unequal distributions of the most powerful creatures and it always will be.

There is no dynamic food chain, it’s just top heavy food chains and some peeps who prefer speed to run away from fights they can’t win.

@Tomi0502 - 03.01.2025 16:02

we need more of them.. rex,giga,spiro..

@Karmaplays824 - 03.01.2025 08:40

Nah, yk what we need. we need the average texan in the game with a MG3 and a M134 Minigun on UTVs and crap that will keep the stegos from bulling literally everything i do think we need rex tho

@staceyblackburn499 - 03.01.2025 03:14

I think what the devs should do for balance is focussing on PVE instead of PVP and just in case you never played ark survival PVE stands for player vs environment unlike PVP witch is player vs player. Now I don’t care what you say, doesn’t matter how many dinosaurs get added, harbivore, carnivore or omnivore it never going to be balancing the ecosystem cause it just going to be PVP every 2 seconds for example mix or mega packers. the only danger we get is from an other player/dinosaur. BUT STAY WITH ME, but PVE mechanics get added in, now we do get the sharpening horns/claws off of tree bark is a PVE mechanic but instead of our dangers just coming from other dinosaurs it can also come from the environment itself, for example dangerous storms like floods, floods can be dangerous to maias, dibbles or allo for drowning or deinosuchus fins them but can help deinosuchus get pray faster (not always doing just cannibalism to survive) or to increase sea plants for any harbivore semi aquatics and increase fish, frogs and crabs for the carnivore semi aquatic or just bepei and after the floods is done a lot of bodies will be laying around and dead fish on land for thing to feed off of or tornados picks up smaller animals so they have to hide in their borrows and feed off of the roots underground and lost wood branches and smaller rocks will be flying around hurting the bigger dinosaurs (I’ll continue in my replies)

@mrgibbs26 - 02.01.2025 05:23

I think putting in Allo is gonna change things. A 3 pack of Allos would decimate small groups. I’m hoping for for large herds of herbis that are too big to actually be taken on head to head. I want the migration to actually work and a bigger carnivore that can 1v1 a stego pretty decently is kinda necessary. Also Bary can suck it lol sorry to hate on your favorite Dino but I play Hera and Dilo mostly so another Dino to run out of the water and eat me doesn’t sound great lol

@raccon1007 - 02.01.2025 04:50

Yea once allo comes out thats all anyone will play except for the rare omni or dilo pack every once in a while

@hellryker3647 - 02.01.2025 03:38

Honestly I would think that omni would be the sort of apex predator against maia and stego, but the pounce is just so glitchy half the time and for some reason the devs nerfed the bite speed to oblivion a couple of updates ago. Don't know why they did it because their balancing decisions baffle me half the time. A raptor weighing 450 Kg somehow bites twice as slow as a multi ton Gator. I am befuddled, beligerent, bedraggled, bamboozled and all around baffled by their balancing act.

@XJR15ftw - 02.01.2025 01:19

I legit don't know how one can enjoy playing one of the bigger herbivores these day. I only get the social aspect, but for everything else they're a sleep-provoking experience. You just go to full growth, then literally nothing can kill you unless you get stupid with a Deino or another herbi wants to fight.

I have seen a 4 pack of Ceras lose vs a single stego lmao

Also you're right: it will be like Legacy, literally nobody will play the mid-tier carnivores anymore. Also unnerf Ptera stam drain/recovery ffs, it's a nightmare now that the stupid food-stealing pterodactyls exist

@braedonbourque8327 - 02.01.2025 01:10

I would say be patient but we’ve been waiting for years

@Rob-c1e - 01.01.2025 07:37

They are setting us up for a left hook

@Nobodyasked2 - 01.01.2025 03:23

Happy new year yalls

@BruhMikk - 01.01.2025 02:07

carno (carnivores) sorry

@BruhMikk - 01.01.2025 02:05

I agree. I am a pretty new player and as soon as I started playing, I realized that all the playable carnos are so small. We should get spino to evrima.

@kaseyedwards4634 - 31.12.2024 22:21

If it wasn't for me getting banned for killing a dev. I would advocate for Path of titans

@JasonBorn.117 - 31.12.2024 21:40

Rex is coming. I think he means it in a different way😂😂😂

@rayzecor - 31.12.2024 14:08

Hi! I haven't played The Isle in forever but am looking to get back into it. I have just one question: Are newly added dinosaurs expected to have wildly different playstyles? For example, what would be different in playing an Allo as opposed to a Carno?

@ravenouself4181 - 31.12.2024 14:08

i was going to say "why would anyone play a carnivore when 90% of the serves with rules have rules that make it damn near impossible to play a carnivore"... then i remembered that i was thiking of "the isle" and not of "the isle evrima".

god, i feel old now.

@dillonhrrs2010 - 31.12.2024 03:57

Stop using short little cute names so we all know what you mean. A

@aswd1979 - 31.12.2024 02:14

can you please make a new guide for this game all the ones i find seem outdated.

@bryces.4204 - 31.12.2024 02:05

I don’t get how they had all these big Dino’s in the older version but not in this one..? Someone plz explain?

@MarbleStatueMillett - 31.12.2024 01:35

Groups of carnivores is always a danger. With a pack or solo as a Diablo.

@wichiewamirez5599 - 30.12.2024 19:14

Play path of titans man this game takes forever for anything to come out

@AllfatherSolutions - 30.12.2024 17:53

Becasue they want people to form groups or packs of raptors to take down the larger pray. T-top can deal with T-rex, but not 6 fast, leaping, bleed/venom damaging rapters.

@ARLJuniorleaguefalconsofficial - 30.12.2024 03:49

Seems like he likes toes

@joeykeenanmusic - 29.12.2024 23:36

i agree

@LilGooberGuy - 29.12.2024 23:08

I like allo because its my favorite dino. I'll be an allo main because I like it while sadly most of the community will be playing bc meta since their cerato wont be top dog anymore :(

@User-dd2xv - 29.12.2024 21:49

The only time Dev make changes is when competition arises. Remember EVRIMA was rushed to production because of Path of Titans. Every Time Path of Titans do a major update the Isle gets an update not too long after to counter. If a Dino game that is remotely similar to the isle but launches on consoles as well. The Isle will be finished

@F.H.W - 29.12.2024 03:33

I'm not complaining, but I'm complaining.

@shocks65 - 29.12.2024 02:09


@xan5948 - 29.12.2024 01:47

Rex would be fun, but honestly what’s the point. Evrima is practically unplayable as it is. Herbivores can’t even eat. Food just doesn’t spawn

@ctrlmomo4010 - 29.12.2024 00:57

Subbed cause you love Baryonyx. I used to play it all the time back in 2017y

@M4_2TOXIC-t8p - 28.12.2024 23:56

M-massive you say?

@Novak596 - 28.12.2024 22:30

They need to balance the need for food with the carnivorous types they die way to fast and have little to no stamina

@andrewgalloway7344 - 28.12.2024 20:47


@busabros2480 - 28.12.2024 19:03

im confused? ive seen video after video with t rex in it? and giganotosaurus?

@eduardocruz5474 - 28.12.2024 18:36

All wanting Rex, Allo and a lot of mid and big size carnivores, but all of you are forgeting the Tenontos natural predator, WE NEED ACROCANTHOSAURUS

@hadouken082G - 28.12.2024 18:33

It’s not even fun to play carni right now

@lord8185 - 28.12.2024 18:17

you know what they could totally do, make a Bahariasaurus. Its literally an allo but 4 to 4.8 tons and it isn't a spino or rex, just a thought tho.

@omni9177 - 28.12.2024 16:25

OMG i totally forgot about Therizinosaurus. I really think baryonyx and allo should be out next imo. I do not think the game is ready for rex yet i struggle trying to keep an omni alive let alone a slow walking Rex. People are saying trike is not far off but i have seen nothing about trike at all. bring out bary so there are less crocs around Deino is still very popular.

@tailaaweheart6199 - 28.12.2024 12:49

Devs wasted time making hypsi and Dryo, they should’ve invested that time in making Allo, Bary and some other mid-large herbivore

@thefullmetalgamr9887 - 28.12.2024 11:46

Subbed for the OF

@l28keggs56 - 28.12.2024 10:33

it's because a normal ecosystem can't thrive with more predators than herbivores. it's common knowlege

[edit] also bash the dev team. always. they need the reality check

@kaiooo-_-1383 - 28.12.2024 09:51


@FerrasFeraJudô - 28.12.2024 08:10


@mooncow-io - 28.12.2024 03:03

Devs have been playing rex (they hopped on it a few times during the maia hordetest), so I'm hoping that means it is in fact close to release. That thing had some HEFT to it, too. It was not FG from the looks of it, but it was STOOOOMPING through the forest lol.

I do think we need more aquatic and semi aquatic animals, because deino feels even more like a prison now that fish give the teeeeeeeniest tiniest amount of food to them at larger sizes. We need more stuff in that water, especially if they want to make half the damn map swamps (which are very often a dead zone)

@swagsonville9675 - 28.12.2024 02:16

I just caught a glimpse of some guy making the bold claims that "herbivores are actually underpowered right now and that cera needs to be nerfed becauses he's broken at the moment." I wish I was making this shit up. Some people genuinely believe that the ecosystem favors carnivores at the moment.

@gambitaku6179 - 27.12.2024 23:51

I have the perfect solution to this issue. BUFF STEGO

@therealmattstokes - 27.12.2024 22:22

Craziest part is, they decided to nerf carno and make him even smaller😂. Carnivore gameplay is cooked bro
