Jackson's Battle to Save a Family from Their Own Cat | My Cat From Hell | Animal Planet

Jackson's Battle to Save a Family from Their Own Cat | My Cat From Hell | Animal Planet

Animal Planet

1 год назад

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@amandaski - 22.01.2024 22:09

I have a cat that "just snaps". He's a neurotic personality type and sometimes a sudden noise outside or quick movement will cause him to just react with little to no warning.

These people have a cat that is giving them every warning sign and they just keep pushing.

@NostalgiaUnicorn - 17.01.2024 02:13

These people want to have a baby but can't even understand how to treat a special needs cat, lord help their kids....

@sexyshiona81 - 10.01.2024 19:31

My persian hides whenever kids are over. He doesn't like them at all.

@destinychild4659 - 10.01.2024 06:10

No. These people just can't read him.

@destinychild4659 - 10.01.2024 05:48

I haven't seen the whole thing, but I don't see this cat having a problem. It's more on owners. My cat didn't like kids, either, because kids often don't know how to treat cats properly. Cats need more time and space!

@Eli-yp9yv - 09.01.2024 13:04

does anyone know which episode this is from?

@journeyintococo6996 - 08.01.2024 23:36

Male owner: My cat attacks me when I touch her back end, so I'll carry on doing it.
What a dick.

@user-nz4ez3fl1q - 07.01.2024 23:23

Awww don’t cry Erin

@ma.chariza9590 - 07.01.2024 06:14

I've had 3 cats and what I've learned is that they're okay being touched WHEN THEY WANT TO and you have to respect that..I leave then alone when they are resting and we're fine

@SarahM_GiveMeSparkles - 06.01.2024 13:30

Every Cat Person watching this: ... but... but she's telling you to stop touching her like that 😶

@maddyiscooll - 05.01.2024 20:27

the injurys i see on these people from their cats is legit so minor i get these types of scratches on the daily on accident 😭

@alissalatour7332 - 05.01.2024 04:45

We have a cat like that. We got over it she is a predator. We have learned to get her to even be nice to a toddler instead of hissing. Treats are only given when she nice to baby. She now comes up and rubs in baby and seats her with tail and she giggled and then jumps her her cat tower (where baby isn’t allowed to harass her) and gets her treats

@siqxyre8473 - 28.12.2023 00:03

Oh my god… poor baby :( my heart is breaking for her every time I hear her cry. Martini deserves so much better than what she has :(

imagine being touched without consent all the time, every time you tell someone to stop they keep going, touching you until you feel like your skin is crawling off.

She is such a sweet baby for being so affectionate even after so many breaches of her boundaries….

@christinapotter227 - 17.12.2023 19:42

Dude, this is not a mean/aggressive cat, just people who have no understanding of cats. I would love it if my spicy tuxedo was this level of "bad", instead of actual unprovoked ankle clamping that results in scarring. Even so, I realize it's not entirely his fault, as he was found alone as a 1lb baby and didn't have his litter to teach him. Trying to get him to accept cat housemates but in the meantime clicker training, special attention and probiotics helps calm him.

@BabeeKMamee - 12.12.2023 07:51

This is so stupid. I had a dog that i truly loved and was attached to. She was my emotional support companion. I git her when she was like alittle less than 4 weeks old (if that), i syringe fed her around the clock, kept her warm, taught her how to watch, helped her potty, everything. I treated her like she was my child, fast forward almost two years i got pregnant and my dog started showing aggression, she started tearing up things thatbwas for the baby, she would pee and poop in the house where she knew she shouldn't etc. i was not about to risk her trying to harm my child so i rehomed her without question. Your child always comes before your animal companion.

@fiona8781 - 09.12.2023 12:48

Owner is clueless.
Cat people know she is OK.
Bad situation, cat will survive rehoming. No judgement, just too much for the simple owners.

@syedzuberahmed8913 - 07.12.2023 15:04

She is my baby?😮😂😂😂😂

@sandybrown728 - 06.12.2023 01:31


@aniota1648 - 05.12.2023 21:25

I want the full episode of this 😿

@user-nz4ez3fl1q - 04.12.2023 23:36

Awww don’t cry Erin

@user-nz4ez3fl1q - 04.12.2023 01:05

Martini is a mean cat

@GamelianEyes - 23.11.2023 19:47

I’m so glad my cats have never hurt anyone in their 14 years of life so far… 😅

@neoneve123 - 04.11.2023 07:30

I have 4 adult cats and they rarely play they prefer to lounge around and that's fine it's their choice. I don't see why people are obsessed with being overbearing with their animals.

@dkh4491 - 03.11.2023 06:01

OK so this episode is just grown adults learning about consent? I would also scratch and bite someone if they continue to try to touch me after I made it clear that I do not want to be touched. I am unsure where the confusion is.

That “he’s just trying to love on her like a father would“ nonsense set me off. I truly hope that she does not raise her children with the belief that ANYONE is allowed to touch them just because that person feels entitled to; and that if they attempt to protect themselves or assert their boundaries, they are the problem and not the man who can’t just keep his hands to himself.

@jessicaparsons8857 - 30.10.2023 19:52

If you stop “playing” with her at the first growl you wouldn’t get bitten. It’s actually pretty simple. 🤷‍♀️

@justinobalbinjr4817 - 30.10.2023 02:51


@imjustsam1745 - 29.10.2023 18:08

I see these people becoming the sort of oblivious suburban parents that can't figure out why their kids a train wrecks despite never noticing and responding to any of their emotional needs growing up.

@TiaNichole17 - 29.10.2023 02:58

“That is an invitation to an ass whoopin” 🤣 I just love Jackson analogies.

@mouwersor - 26.10.2023 19:43

"She's truly my first baby"

@jamie-leeramsey6146 - 16.10.2023 05:13

Martini just wants alone time and only seems to be attacking dad when being stroked or petted I think it's a clear case of overstimulation I'm not judging as this changels not here to judge others but to help them and I've made mistakes when it comes to overstimulating my pet and got bitten and scratched we all do it I hope the cat can get the help that it needs and you can be a happy harmonious family xx

@davinasquirrel7672 - 14.10.2023 07:55

I am not sure Martini reacted so much to the 'going behind' as to just general sensitivity at the lower back, many cats have it. When you encounter a cat like that, depending on sensitivity, pet once only (some will not even tolerate once, so just don't go there). The man's petting or playing(?!?!) was quite obvious where it was going to go. Cats are not dogs, very few cats will tolerate that degree of rough-housing, and you could see her trigger at lower back, it was instant. For Martini, it is a no-go zone.

I think much of the difference between 'cat people' and novices, is a lack of understanding of cat body language. Sometimes very loud people will also frighten the cat. Also they need to understand about over-stimulation. A cat that is readily over-stimulated, less active petting, and more 'reassuring hand' (which shows the love, but without the over-stimulation).

For my new rescue kitty, she does not like lower back (it is okay to do it once, lightly, but best avoided) but she does not mind the tail being stroked. She also does not like much of 'constant' petting. Just learn to read your cat's body language, it's all there if you focus.

@Apro101 - 12.10.2023 01:44

“she grrs at her” who the heck actually says grr they say growl like a sane person

@D77_ - 11.10.2023 00:36

Blud realy loves her cat more than her kid 💀

@HARTTG - 09.10.2023 01:55

Not even 1 minute in and I realize these two owners are ignorant 😂

@Jhoyspro - 08.10.2023 02:37

In my experience, and I've had cats all my life, almost none of them likes to be
Scratched on their rear ends. At least not that hard and for that long. And especially not the females. Martini shows pretty clear signs, but they don't pock up on it. It's sad for the cat, but sometimes it's easier for an outsider to see this than when you're frustrated in the middle of it. ❤

@LexTheSteeler - 07.10.2023 12:58

"She gets aggressive when she doesn't want to play anymore"
Keeps playing with cat after she's already wound
"Why is she attacking us, what an agresssive cat"

People are idiots

@TrayOfKimbap - 29.09.2023 06:51

So if this cat is provoked by owners disrespecting her boundaries, then what explains the hostility/hissing towards their friend's baby just lying in the crib?

@meadowrae1491 - 28.09.2023 19:26

Which episode is this?

@user-kj2zr3qk2r - 28.09.2023 08:58

KIds are spoiled a holes good on the cat

@ElixirSpice - 27.09.2023 18:44

I don't want to be mean but I hate when people get pets and dont try to do any research. A pet is still a living being. Would YOU like to be petted for an hour? If you're overstimulated would you want someone in your space? Also they're ignoring her warnings. When a cat says enough or no listen.
Also, people overblow the damage cats do. A scartch from a cat is communication. So is a yowl.

@cats4lyfe3 - 26.09.2023 18:36

"She really gets me good" shows non existent scratch. I will say tho she scratched that child good

@paperplanes856 - 26.09.2023 10:50

8 year old cat wants to be left alone. They will come to you when they want attention 😒

@intignia - 24.09.2023 20:42

Rats, we got cut off when he was explaining about Martini being a special needs cat. How can they help the cat with her needs?

@gloomey369 - 20.09.2023 20:13

I friend of mine hat a time ago a fight with a cat .but a real fight . The cat scratches him and bit him in the lip .jumps from above on his head .and bite in the lip . My friend push the cat away but the cat came every time back more aggro as bebore .the he gave the cat a kick , because she wont let go his feet she bite him and dont let go .so he but kicked the cat .since then the cat search a high place and watches him the whole time . But no hiss no scratch , no bites nothing.this two wont became friends in this life

@KatLadyNWFL - 20.09.2023 13:22

Poor cat 😔. It's the owners' fault. They mess with the poor cat when the cat just wants ro be at peace and to be left alone or to be petted correctly. They should have taken a course from Jackson in how you treat your pets before adopting any pets.

@kaciegresch8010 - 19.09.2023 22:21

The closing line, "You don't have a demon cat, you have a special needs cat," is our good Mr Galaxy in a single quote. <3

@feelthejoy - 19.09.2023 21:56

These people want a dog. But they probably shouldn’t have a dog either. Idiots.

@Darby0642 - 17.09.2023 13:08

People are truly idiots. They went on national tv because they can’t stop smothering their cat. It’s all about them and not what is best for the cat.

@choshow86 - 16.09.2023 22:21

Theres no such thing as a bad cat, you 2 just dont know how to listen to her, and yea you should feel like a bad cat mom because youre the problem

@ssbones60 - 16.09.2023 20:01

This is stupid bro guu I s beard wtf lmfao
