Pete Judo

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@PeteJudo1 - 17.03.2021 16:37

Though I make a lot of comparisons to addiction in this video, I want to make clear that it is not actually an addiction in a clinical sense. What TikTok Induces is a very strong bad habit.

@AlcaniZFilms - 28.11.2023 18:16

TikTok's algorithm sends all viewers into the negative. You can start out just watching dance videos, or funny sketches, but soon you'll be viewing nasty, sarcastic, bullying videos that are meant to divide us and make us hate each other. The app rewards negative content, pushes it up to the top so more people will see it. Once you watch it and especially if you comment, TikTok then shovels more of that garbage at you until you believe the entire system is on the verge of collapse. Then you become angry and hate filled. The creators of the app do this deliberately - especially to Americans. It's just another tactic built to destroy us from the inside out, make us weak and vulnerable. And it's working.

@cristyredfield6814 - 28.11.2023 12:03

It's my 6th day without TikTok and I don't want to TikTok ever in my life. I'm focus as I was 3 year ago before I have this shitty app!

@cch928 - 13.11.2023 16:14

Awesome video! It's so important to share knowledge about behaviourism with the world! Tiktok is indeed seems to be the closest thing we get to a skinner box for humans and it must be stopped if we want our children to have a future.

@keekucreations - 25.10.2023 19:49

Guys, I need to help with my little brother’s tik tok obssesion please. It started some time ago and it’s getting worse.
He’s only eleven. He used to play with lego and his other stuff that he liked before. But when his friends showed him tik tok, it all went down.
All that he’s doing now when he has time for spare is just scrolling and watching the shortest ever possible brain-destroying videos for hours!

First of all, there are things on social media that he shoudn’t see at his age, second, he’s just a kid. It’s sad for me to see his childhood go away this soon.

This even lead to his problem with impatience - he is now not able to watch anything else (on tv, or educating videos in school for example), without getting bored soon and wanting to skip it or watch something else. He can’t focus on other things too.

Our parents don’t care, his friends are doing the same thing, so.. I’m hopeless i guess.

@Nora-wolf - 24.09.2023 19:00

The news Saw this in denmark❤ ej vor dejligt❤️❤️

@Crylorz - 10.09.2023 22:39

Thats the reason why i dont use tiktok, instagram facebook and such. I hate social media because it numbs peoples minds.

I hate trends that comes with social media, people do stupid shit because "everyone else does it, why shouldnt i try?"
Just do your things and dont do things because everyone else is doing it.

Social media has made me realize how much people get manipulated by others to do what they want you to do, just like sheeps. Thats how society is built, we get controlled like sheeps by reading the news, books, tv, the government Etc.

Imagine earning millions by making retarded videos. I wont contribute to that.

@frosty7690 - 07.09.2023 17:00

The nudge would have little effect, it would be like telling a crack addict that they are having too much and allowing them to continue. It needs to get banned .

@Khrystal-wl6kz - 23.08.2023 00:07

Tiktok literally destroyed my 32 year relationship with my hubs. We're split up now because he just couldn't get off of the phone. Looking at young women, too. I put the axe 🪓 down

@mcengland138 - 20.08.2023 09:58

I think my attention span sucks because of this, I know I’ve had this app for like more than a year and my school grades aren’t as good as before I had this app. Can’t pay attention for a long time so I end up learning little to nothing while TikTok videos are 10 seconds with a lot of information

@deniskelleher3636 - 19.08.2023 17:30

CCP have banned the Western version of TT in China—that says a lot about their assessment of its toxicity for our youth. So what’s their motive?

@mylesanthony8672 - 16.08.2023 17:50

its an epidemic

@ArtEureka-yq1lc - 04.08.2023 23:23

isn't it the same story with all short-form media vendors?

@mdhen4 - 03.08.2023 04:10

It's also a positive feedback system - the more you swipe, the more you want to swipe.

@someonethirsty1957 - 02.08.2023 21:37

This is going to sound condescending, oversimplified, and ignorant. Especially because I’ve never used Tik Tok.

And the main reason that people are addicted to it, is hot girls. That’s it. Plain and simple. Guys like looking at girls, and girls like looking at girls. Very straightforward.

As a behavioral science guy, I’m sure you know of the studies where baboons will press a lever the most amount of times, more than food even, to see a picture of a female baboon with estrus swelling. Animals, at least primates, like seeing sexual things, and it is the most addicting thing.

@InnerHacking - 02.08.2023 11:47

Never had tiktok and never will. I think it just degrades people's minds to lower and lower IQ.

@JoesWebPresence - 01.08.2023 17:56

Moral degeneracy is easier to go along with if everyone else is happily consuming it too. It adds to producing our shallow, low-brow, passive culture, easily amused people with superficial interests and no idea what's really going on in the world. You can write that off as accidental I suppose, but who's interests does this serve, to have such a superficial, easily distracted intensively misinformed populace? Aren't those the same corporate interests that are pushing this on us?

@danmosley4387 - 01.08.2023 16:23

That is so right on. Its the inconsistent consistent rewards that are extremely resistant to extinguish. In other words they are highly addictive. Smart

@viesan7816 - 01.08.2023 14:15

The sheer amount of trends or collective opinions stem from tiktok is overwhelming. There's a constant switch in favorites (+ scandals) and the volatile nature leaves me with a huge fmo if i dont use tiktok. The longest detox was 2 months and everytime i install it, the downward spiral begins. It seriously takes days out of your life

@colinhogan5661 - 01.08.2023 06:46

Im thankful that I never downloaded the app for a hate of the CCP and it’s initiatives for its adversaries. My buddy is addicted to the app and I see him waste time on an app that has no gain or benefit to the user. The second I saw the app, I knew what China was trying to do; dumb us down, destroy our attention span, motivation, drive, skills and production for the benefit of future political/national gains.

@Aloha_XERO - 31.07.2023 21:01

It’s not a success if it comes at a high cost of brain cells

@MrIlleism - 29.07.2023 17:29

I'm here to learn what all the hypes about. Never used social media. I feel left out…

@Ubiquities - 28.07.2023 05:41

I canceled my Netflix because on my TV there was no way to disable the auto play. All I wanted was to read the description. It was so frustrating that they didn’t even give me the option. The realization that I was paying money to a company that was in the middle of enshitificating on me that cancelled immediately. I would have probably kept on paying them for who knows how long, had they just removed the friction and let me turnoff auto play.

@johnta17 - 25.07.2023 03:40

TikTok scrolling has found itself elsewhere. I find myself scrolling Netflix menu for 45 minutes and never watching anything. Also I have a collection of 5 min aborted watches in my “continue watching” bar.

@Jonas_Fox - 21.07.2023 05:59

I think complicating the TikTok phenomena is our impulse for determining what's ineffective, dumb, or funny. Dan Dennett talked about this about humor; it seems to be a mechanism we use to program in effective behavior; by pointing out what NOT to do. So we all love humor, we all like to see a certain amount of cringe, and TikTok seems to be an engine for fueling that part of our brain.

@dragonbreath8769 - 18.07.2023 05:21

dude, China owns tic tok. It's a distusting psyop used as a weapon on America. It's absolutly terrible for our youth. Don't believe me? It's blocked by the CCP in china. It needs to be banned from America. Cool video though

@mostlikely... - 17.07.2023 20:59

TikTok is spyware 🛰️

@thalpha5148 - 17.07.2023 12:05

Extend your intro card to 5 seconds and put it right at the beginning

@anonl5877 - 15.07.2023 21:32

There should be a law that all modern social media lock you out if you spend more than an hour in one sitting on them

@stevenconnor5919 - 15.07.2023 12:16

This nudge feature leads me to wonder what a potential dopaminergic withdrawal experience would look like during the lockout period.

@tomaszsosnowski9279 - 15.07.2023 01:02

I use an older iPhone, so my screen is small. I don't get the same blast of content, like a max size user is getting with the big screen and ultra high resolution. So the allure is limited. When I read about dopamine detox, I just shake my head in disbelief... Try real coke, you will feel what real dopamine feels like...

@cristianursuleanu6497 - 14.07.2023 16:13

TickTok == Shorts == Reels

@MykolaDolgalov - 14.07.2023 02:38

Now I'm glad I don't have that app

@comedyswapshopshow9076 - 06.07.2023 02:09

Also tiktok tracks keystrokes apparently so they are in your head and know what you want.

@theondono - 30.06.2023 13:53

The thing is, by your description there’s nothing that Tiktok is doing that isn’t present on Twitter, for example.

The great innovation from TikTok is that they learned the lesson from Instagram and applied it successfully to video.

Instagram became successful because phone cameras sucked at color, so people did not want to share most pictures. By adding filters, Instagram bypassed this limitation, and we ended up with pictures of every second of someones life. Now that most phones use software to correct color, B&W and sepia are way less common than at the beginning.

TikTok version of that is to play with video frame rate, in the same way that music videos do. They record at 24fps but play back at 30fps (this are music video numbers, TikTok has a different ratio), which makes it look like dancers are way better sync’ed than they’re, and the effects in audio are easily disguised. This was also probably part of the reason for the 3 minute limit.

@uberfella - 28.06.2023 19:28

Listening to your accent i would never guess that you're from UK, but as soon as I saw that extra U in "behavior"... 😁

@amjadstory0994 - 03.06.2023 14:18

I am a blind artist download the TikTok before three years, and I created content in it until I get famous after that my mental health declined I had depression and anxiety. I never had them before. in this significant. I couldn’t sleep or eat I did not know the cause in that time what I noticed that I received many negative comments and I spent a lot of time in the app to make videos after I left the app for 2 months my health get much better I have my life back now. I am not sure if I am going back to TikTok I am much happier now.

@AcetaldehydeMoore - 30.05.2023 20:44

Honestly, even though Tiktok is a current trend in the Philippines, I never even once tried it. I just don’t see it as a helpful tool for my mental health or even for boosting my productivity. As I mature, I learned that not all trends should be followed in order to keep up. It’s up to you if you’ll use these apps, preference and opinions differ per person. Last 2020 I stopped using Facebook at first I was afraid of letting go the only platform that would show me my friends or other person’s personal life. But after realizing that it’s really not worth it, that I could live without knowing other people’s stuff, I moved on from it and now, I don’t need it anymore. I feel less insecure, and more controlled what I want to see in social media.

@KestraMusic101 - 11.05.2023 18:16

My girlfriend had problems with her battery i checked the health of it and it reported she spends 16 hours on tiktok i asked her wat time she sleeps and wakes she said 3 am then wakeup 7 am . i tried stopping her from tiktok but she was so hooked up to a point of saying i would rather breakup than leave tiktok , i just gave her space and let her be we not in good speaking terms

@Hammerstein46 - 23.04.2023 16:22

Dopamine control.

@justineroberts2645 - 18.04.2023 09:15

The worst part is how all the other platforms have realised this and now everything is TikTok - I don't use TikTok but still get sucked into mindless scrolling on FB or IG reels or even YT Shorts....worst is the FB/IG model where the decision point is to watch a video of someone you actually know or follow but then it takes you into reels so then when you scroll up you are out of your main feed and into reels.....

@Notactivessz - 05.04.2023 03:24

Bro I remember I was at my friends house to hang out and they were all glued to their phones watching TikTok 🤦🏾‍♂️ I was the only one reading a book

@Notactivessz - 05.04.2023 03:20

I deleted all my social media last year my mental has been amazing
Ever since I also read some human psychology books so I been very happy for my own life ✨
