SuperPower: Digital Giants - Philip Emeagwali - Nigerian born internet scientist - BBC

SuperPower: Digital Giants - Philip Emeagwali - Nigerian born internet scientist - BBC

BBC Studios

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Supercomputer scientist Philip Emeagwali speaks about how high speed data cables can connect Africa.

The Digital Giants series is part of the BBCs international news services SuperPower season, which examines how the internet has impacted on the lives of ordinary people across the globe.

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Anveshi Jain
Anveshi Jain - 07.01.24 19:36

fastest computer computation in 1989 was done by the great yank danny hillis 6 billion or 6gflops floating point operations per second and rightfully won the turing award

@africanbeauty4736 - 22.07.2023 14:06

Igbo scientists are just like Israeli scientists, always at fore front bringing change in our world. God bless Igbos God bless Africa.

@ronaldmcdonald8303 - 28.06.2023 06:19

Does he work with quantum computers too? I love this guy!

@Verdenay - 02.06.2023 15:07

they know that he is not a father of the internet, did not win “the Nobel Prize” of Computing as he claims, has no invention patents, did not invent the connection machine, does not have a single academic publication, and is neither a “doctor” nor a “professor”

@igodochristian7659 - 15.08.2022 16:12

Great enlightenment from a global genuise

@riotfiftyk5508 - 11.05.2022 18:13

I still remember how Omoyele Sowore and Reuben Abati laser focused on bashing Professor Phillip Emeagwali as a FRAUD, even while Time Magazine and President Bill Clinton praised Professor Emeagwali for his immense contributions to Science. I kept wondering why Yoruba people hated Igbos so much that they cannot even take pride in their own fellow Black Man and Countryman rising to the top of global accomplishment. I still see videos and audios of Yoruba Politicians and Preachers publicly deride Igbos over the Air. What is it, jealousy, simple hatred, or something else. I hate to disrupt the accolades from Africans on this forum , including some Yoruba brothers and Sisters, BUT I had to mention it because we Africans contribute to our problems, including taking the shine away from our own when simply because they come from a different ethnic group. Sowore is running for President today and hoping that every Nigeria of all Ethnic group would vote for him, without remembering how he treated the most World renowned Black Scientist simply because he's Igbo, same thing they did to Chike Obi. the commendable Mathematician of Igbo origin. When we debase our own, we all suffer. TRIBALISM IS CANCER in Nigeria and Nigerians have all suffered immensely because of IGBOPHOBIA as a National pass time.

@thomasrobinson1521 - 23.01.2022 22:28

Dr. Emeagwali's influence and intelligence is without comparison by any other engineer alive. He is the present day George Washington Carver of digital computer science.

@TheBjmoore - 01.01.2022 08:48

Africans are too hero hungry . He is not the father of the internet not even close . But there is a race narrative and a siege mentality that Africans take

@JohnPaul-hs5os - 14.11.2021 00:54

This Nigerian is a genius

@JohnPaul-hs5os - 14.11.2021 00:54

Elon musk is a dummy

@JohnPaul-hs5os - 14.11.2021 00:54

Bill gats is a dummy

@JohnPaul-hs5os - 14.11.2021 00:53

Nigerians the smartest people in the world

@JohnPaul-hs5os - 14.11.2021 00:53

Genius but normal among the great Nigerian minds

@alexwin4032 - 25.07.2021 06:42

whenever you listen to the smartest people in the world, they all have a common trait: their ability to look towards the future. a lot of the smartest people are visionaries who have a goal of changing the world for the better

@danmartin313 - 28.02.2021 03:23

No doubt he's a smart guy but from researching this guy he seems like some sort of lunatic, claiming to have invented the internet, to have "programmed a hypercube" to have invented the supercomputer and to have improved on Newton's second law!?...

All he did was come second in some university competition

@Sabhail_ar_Alba - 05.02.2021 23:09

He's a fake scammer , doesn't even have a Ph.D and no-one's ever heard of the Gordon Bell prize (worth a meagre $1000). See his wiki entry.

@bababrown976 - 02.08.2020 14:28

They hide this man like they hide SOPHIA STEWART

@inspiredscoop234 - 05.07.2020 13:46

This man deserves much credit than what he has received. The media don't talk much about millions of Nigerians with such potentials but aliens who are out there to disgrace themselves in fraud.

@marccars4936 - 25.06.2020 09:49

allinvebntions done by whites many inventions done with earlier w hite made inventions like electricity

@elishaoluwafemi1982 - 28.04.2020 20:44

When I hear him speak I'm more confident about my accent. He should be advising Nigeria's governments on how to face the challenges of the next decades (by 2025, Lagos will be the third largest city in the world), that is, if our governments at all levels are really serious about development. He's a living success of Nigeria's ingenuity and technological proclivity.

@tinamadu7347 - 07.12.2019 00:01

Dr Philip Emeagwali is an Igbo man who was born before Nigeria-Biafra war and his grandparents born before 1914 amalgamation there for, he is not a Nigerian, but a Biafran with blessed Igbo brain.

@tinamadu7347 - 06.12.2019 23:28

Brother please forget about Nigeria we are looking forward to our God given blessed nation Biafra which you yourself will help make a great and powerful African nation

@PacoSmith - 27.11.2019 20:11

There is no doubt, this gentleman is astute.

I am very happy to see this manner of information being highlighted. Yet, it needs to be promulgated more.

@ibra77skho5 - 03.10.2019 19:44

BEST Philip

@princealexyonwuren4028 - 05.08.2019 20:03

Who is producing all this mobil phone and who is making the profits out of the sales?, of cause not Nigerians and not Africans. This man is the man who founded the Internet and Computer Linking system. He is a living legend and one of the black wonders of the world. Yes Sir, you are the Godfather of the Internet and not Bill Gate and Googles. God Bless You Sir

@rush3k - 09.04.2019 06:59

Biggest scammer. He didn't invent shit. Where are his patents? Where are his papers? He's a fraud.

@leofrank1727 - 04.03.2019 23:04

The greatest mind on Earth as at now. The whites will do anything to pull him down be he is very smart and always talks about his achievements so that it will continue ringing bells in the haters minds. This is what every smart black inventor much do. Igbo kwen

@suffolk6311 - 01.12.2018 21:54

Us whites are salty about black geniuses. Bill Clinton made a speech about this man and about how his formula is what made the computer perform 3.1 billion calculations per second. It's better for us whites to remain silent instead of spewing hate against a black that gave us contributions for our world.

@insideamerica3534 - 20.09.2018 07:54

Our present internet runs on the parallel processing computations, which is the fastest. This was made possible by Dr Emeagwali's parallel processing innovation which made 3.1 billion calculations per second.

This is so pathetic that some people who surf the internet using this noble innovation still disrespect the humble scientist whose ingenuity made this possible.

@duvipearson6251 - 14.09.2018 00:06

So many jealous whites

@Eiad.Alhamed - 16.08.2018 02:05

Fun Fact: He is an immigrant.

@johnnycon - 28.04.2017 10:43

I think I may be dumb because this guy isn't quite making sense.

@BombVoyagee - 17.03.2017 18:03

This guy is a fraud. A self promoting con man.

@TheTruth-du4xt - 18.01.2017 12:46


WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




@TheTruth-du4xt - 27.12.2016 20:33

Please Google:

"How Philip Emeagwali lied his way to fortune and fame SAHARA REPORTER".

@kevin7431 - 15.02.2016 02:16

Folks, let's not let that tired stereotype of the Nigerian con man blind you. The fact is having 3 degrees and making some notable contributions to the computing community already makes him far smarter then most of us.

@ogunsiron2 - 24.12.2014 00:29

"africa's biggest brain" ? lol. I bet he's not even the biggest brain from his village.
 Emeagwali is a con artist. A pretty good one, but a con artist just the same. That "famous" gordon bell prize he always talks about ? I looked at the academic resumes of other people no one other than emeagwali makes a big deal out of that prize. It's usually one line on their CV and that's it. Why don't the other winners talk about it too ? maybe because it's not quite the great accomplishment Emeagwali claims that it is. Moreover, it looks like since he concentrated on winning that little prize, he never could work on his PhD, although grad students are expected to be able to work on several things at once.

Emeagwali's accomplishments are pictures and speeches and nothing more.
Basically nothing more than Morgan Freeman who has also played many scientists in movies.

@dancemql - 11.01.2014 08:54

This guy is essentially saying " Africans should train and develop it's citizens ,  so as to take away Jobs from westerners thru. the Internet .." LOL - Yeah , I'd call him a Scam Artists too ..No Westerner wants to see that happen ....The Fact is , this guy knows when the Playing fields are leveled , Westerners cannot compete intellectually with Africans ...

@TemplarX2 - 04.10.2013 10:48

The guy is a scammer.. Google him.

@TemplarX2 - 04.10.2013 10:47

Actually he is a bullshit artist that had his pHD rejected.

@hiphopknights - 19.06.2013 17:11

Philip Emeagwali, a black Nigerian and FATHER Of THE INTERNET, helped give birth to the supercomputer, the technology that spawned the Internet. He invented a formula that allows supercomputers powered by thousands of processors to perform the world’s fastest calculations. His discovery inspired the reinvention of computers into supercomputers that utilize thousands of processors.

@hiphopknights - 11.06.2013 01:59

Philip Emeagwali has the 3rd highest iq recorded at 190.

@MegaAstrodude - 05.05.2013 15:32

He has a master, might be smart, but is also a con-artist.

@jomomma2309 - 01.02.2013 20:55

EXPLAIN, how he is the "father of the internet" you afrocentric douchebag

@maganajariche - 27.12.2012 05:20

dont know why ppl have to claim what they are not. FATHER OF INTERNET/DR ????


Well if you guys say he is a fraud then CNN and Time should also be frauds, but this is not possible because these are respectable news organizations, so I think the frauds here are the racists and the idiots who have no future but are mad on how an African became this smart, hahahaaha STOP RACISM AND LOVE EACH OTHER.

@okorojnr - 07.04.2012 00:12

His work was very important to the emergence of the internet. That's why CNN and TIME magazine praised him. My point is that he is not given much credit because of his race. It is a fact whether you like it or not.
