3 Law of Attraction Techniques For Manifesting Anything You Want & Removing Blocks to Your Success!

3 Law of Attraction Techniques For Manifesting Anything You Want & Removing Blocks to Your Success!

Dr. David Snyder

1 год назад

34,635 Просмотров

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meow luminals
meow luminals - 23.09.2023 19:33

Is changing physical appearance possible? I look very ugly. I always hide my face in public 🥲

Christopher Champion
Christopher Champion - 18.09.2023 07:22

Dr. David Snyder I am a big fan and I have been following you for a long time. I am such a big fan and I have learned so much from you.

Brian Gillard
Brian Gillard - 04.09.2023 09:04

I’m a mindset coach on a mission to wake up the world to their inherent power and love. You’ve instilled my confidence which has always been there. David, thank you 🙏

AG - 30.08.2023 06:11

Did he say "Half of people honestly are half a lie?"😅

Pierced Pixie
Pierced Pixie - 29.08.2023 22:53

I love the obscenities and REALNESS. 🤌
I'm fuckin' here for it. 👏

Dominique Le Blu
Dominique Le Blu - 29.08.2023 16:55

There it is!!

zack stone
zack stone - 29.08.2023 00:21

Is there any evidence thought bends reality? If so has it helped one person leave north Korea,or an amputee regrow limbs. Or, how many morbidly obese people have manifested fitness models as lovers while working a minimum wage job?
If this works why don't we see circumstances that would seem like a miraculous unlikely event ? I want to believe but why should I?
Also quantum mechanics is weird but I see no real correlation? Also, are there any studied thoughts that shift reality?

Liel Golkin
Liel Golkin - 28.08.2023 15:52

I'd like to share a personal success story: I struggle a lot with blocks while manifesting, affirmations are really slow, just like dr. Snyder says, they take for ever, for me, most of the time they do not work. I tried this technique he teaches here, I relaxed a little, just one or a few deep breaths, I said the affirmation like he teaches for ex: "my affirmation because..(filling the blank with some thing😁) 2-3 times, a days after, about the same, one or two days later without repeating the affirmations, it manifested!!!!! thank you so much for your videos, as one that does not live in the US, they are gold! Dr, Snyder, you are changing lives around the world, thank you again❤

Thankaraj Mohan
Thankaraj Mohan - 27.08.2023 18:22

I love you David🌹and your work ❤🙏. Thank you 🙏

Maxim Holtel
Maxim Holtel - 22.08.2023 16:52

While I'm chilling on the beach trying to clear my ickyness and focus my manifestation and this video appears. Awesome, well spoken and hit the spot. Thanks so much

lalita - 20.08.2023 09:53

I'm manifesting my marriage in northeast india

Christian D Evans
Christian D Evans - 30.04.2023 21:45

Anybody in the Jacksonville Florida area that would be interested in connecting offline to practice this stuff...? Would love to connect!

doesanamereallymatter - 28.01.2023 19:09

Thank you for sharing. This is helpful and informative.

STEPHEN Neads - 10.01.2023 00:05

I've done a nlp course it was awesome
But this guy is fast

Stewart Pollard2020
Stewart Pollard2020 - 02.12.2022 20:32

Your a genius David sunder your a fucking star ⭐️ I love you you’ve woken me right up I love it I’m on it I’m fucking so happy about all this stuff it’s the bollocks

Stewart Pollard2020
Stewart Pollard2020 - 02.12.2022 20:15

I like planet David I get planet Stewart now thank you planet David wahoo wahoo wahooxxx

Stewart Pollard2020
Stewart Pollard2020 - 01.12.2022 20:10

And a powrfull sexy skill full brillant boxer and ninja master which is all true anyway shinobi ki England

Stewart Pollard2020
Stewart Pollard2020 - 01.12.2022 20:08

I’m unstopable mahnificent sexy hansome rich healthy brillant phisical body fantastic wife half my age sexy spiritual fit supper super babe rich wonderful new wife David you my son are the bullocks I fucking love you gumbo

Stewart Pollard2020
Stewart Pollard2020 - 01.12.2022 20:06

Omg this is the bollocks

Stewart Pollard2020
Stewart Pollard2020 - 01.12.2022 20:05

I fucking love you geeezer wahoo wahooo wahoooo

Chuccy610 - 31.10.2022 03:37

I just recueved your email and i just voted for you for the best NLP/hypnosis guru

The Bringer of Light
The Bringer of Light - 29.09.2022 03:08

Thank you!!!!

Liz G
Liz G - 06.09.2022 01:50

Freaking love this David, and you. See you in Vegas for Regression.

Joe - 05.09.2022 02:57

Hi David, I'm curious if someone did image cycling or magic frame or any of your self hypnosis techniques while intoxicated, do you think it would have the same effect or would it weaken the effects?

HIMANSHU JINDAL - 31.08.2022 10:07

I want to get best placement for myself min 45 lac, 1 lac a month.

pimp8041 - 30.08.2022 23:57


pimp8041 - 29.08.2022 13:08

What’s crackalacking lol 😂 david were’s all the bitches at?

R C - 27.08.2022 18:04

Ive been binging on your videos and I guess Im hypnotized.
Im really interested in learning everything you teach.
How do I start. What is the process?
I tend to over analyze, cant get out of my head and present.

mild paranoia a well

The funny part is I have s lot going for me , handsome, likable fairly successful and those traits got me by i have a lot more

Thank you

Just 4 The Memes
Just 4 The Memes - 27.08.2022 17:52


kchingk - 27.08.2022 05:58

the video inst showing up right away as you post for me .

DDP - 23.08.2022 23:08

I see that a main prerequisite for many skills or processes described is that the operator and subject are playful. How can playfulness be harnessed or developed for those who live life seriously? Is there a general method or preparation technique to embody a playful nature?

Peter - 23.08.2022 18:28

Doctor Dave sir had a great time cuz I was in Dr Dave's workshop. Got to scream it in my subconscious because I am a manifesting king.. no excuses make it work.

Isa Sardar
Isa Sardar - 22.08.2022 21:24


Practical Law of Attraction and How to Use NLP to Make it Work Better – Part 1

Pulling things into reality in harmony with your dominant thoughts:
No body actually clarifies what your ‘dominant thoughts’ are, and we think consciously that dominant thoughts are the ones we're always aware of. Hypnotists know that is not the case. We all have issues below the surface in a little ‘firewall’ between the conscious and the subconscious mind. In fact, one of the jobs of your unconscious mind is to hold unwanted things down there, kind of like the quarantine file on your antivirus, until we're ready to go back inside and clean that up. Or, until we encounter something in the external environment that provokes that issue. So, until one of those things happen, our ‘issues’ are kind of down there, on a little automatic repeating loop, doing its own thing. Now, part of this is not really your fault, it’s just the way the universe is set-up; you’re not going to go diving directly for garbage. No, we stuff these things down, we distract ourselves, we do every single thing we can to avoid the “issue”, which only adds MORE ENERGY to the problem. And then one day, you’re having a great day, and all of a sudden, a shitty memory from when you were seven just bubbles up to the surface that you hate and “Godzilla” rears its ugly head.

Similarly, you ever notice when you're doing affirmations, and maybe you're starting to build a little bit of a positive feeling but in the background, there's this little naggy, icky feeling you try to ignore? That little icky naggy feeling is your dominant thought but it's not as obvious as the good feeling. It's so weak, like a whim or a notion in the back of your mind, and you feel it that way not because it's weak, but because it's deep, deep inside in the autonomic level. It’s in the “back of your mind”, and you’ll only know it's there when it's provoked because it's below the threshold.

The human nervous system is always trying to create a narrative, and if you’re not in the best state, that narrative will almost always be negative. So, get ahead of it by understanding that there are six dynamics to the unconscious response:
1. The unconscious mind always ANSWERS FIRST.
2. The unconscious mind always ANSWERS HONESTLY, and this is the one that comes back to haunt us.
3. The answers always FEELS LIKE YOU'RE MAKING IT UP because the part of the unconscious mind that controls us is all the way down there, in the same part that makes things up. So naturally, they would have the same characteristics. And we do this thing with our conscious mind called projection; we assume that the way our conscious mind communicates is the same way our unconscious mind communicates.
4. You always have an urge to EDIT WHAT JUST CAME UP. Whether you're working on yourself or somebody else, you always have an urge to edit what came up with the proverbial, “Oh, that can't be right. That's not it.” Did it come up first? That's it, doesn't matter how illogical it is, we're not dealing with logic, irrational problems require irrational solutions.
5. It's NEVER LOUD, it's always quiet or soft or deep, “like a whim or a notion in the back of your mind”.
6. It's almost NEVER LINEAR, which feeds into, “It can't be right.” The answers come from a deep place with multiple dimensions.

All approaches to law of attraction require altered states of consciousness, whether it's direct or indirect, and you will dramatically lower most resistance and significantly increase your success rate when you stick to those parameters because they will help you develop a significant level of trust and an ability to act on the information you receive when you're doing law of attraction work, i.e., self-hypnosis work.

cobraviper11 - 22.08.2022 18:09

Hi David Snyder!
Wanted to ask...can Hypnosis help someone who had a stroke to help them reconnect the neurons?

Gabriel Johnston
Gabriel Johnston - 22.08.2022 06:12

Appreciate you Snyder. Excited to take Killer Influence with you next!

Keenya's Designs - Hair - Antiaging - Wellness
Keenya's Designs - Hair - Antiaging - Wellness - 22.08.2022 04:10

I know this is gonna work! This changed my whole vibe today!!! Thank you!

Tracy Jackson
Tracy Jackson - 21.08.2022 23:07

David the best!

Camgo05 1
Camgo05 1 - 21.08.2022 18:04

How did you, David Snyder, just shout out what I was manifesting? Tax free mansion in Orlando 🤪

rob robertson
rob robertson - 21.08.2022 15:28

When will you come to 🇬🇧 please

Zareen Keeton
Zareen Keeton - 21.08.2022 11:57

I watched this 3 times one after the other , David thank you 😊

Bernhard HHH
Bernhard HHH - 21.08.2022 08:42


David McKay
David McKay - 21.08.2022 08:00

Dr. Dave another superb video! Your inductions are fantastic and the info you provide are top notch! I consider myself very lucky to attend a workshop by you and looking forward to the next one I can attend!

irene perera
irene perera - 21.08.2022 07:16

Thankyou David, big 🫂God bless always xxx

GeT Smart Quick
GeT Smart Quick - 21.08.2022 07:10

Weird question what's your take on gematria? useful? Helpful? Or just clunky and outdated?

Paul Dipetro
Paul Dipetro - 21.08.2022 06:32

When is this seminar from?
