Congratulation I am your first viewer
ОтветитьThe 🥈 second viwer
ОтветитьWe have the same level of ark on 😮
ОтветитьMy game lacks defense but I don't have a queen unicorn, I don't even have a lilli, I don't even have a boss, I need your ARK-ON,😂 I don't even have ARK-ON😢
मेरे गेम मे डिफेंस की कमी हे लेकिन मेरे पास queen unicorn नही हे lilli भी नही हे boss भी नही हे मुझे आपकी ARK-ON चाहिऐ😅 , मेरे पास ARK-ON भी नही हे😢
Legend demon gaming can we duel?
ОтветитьHey can you tell me how you get ark_on pls bc my big brother have so bully me so much can you tell pls I am at arena 6 and in my main I'd I am in arena 8
ОтветитьBro is AO still good character?
ОтветитьVery nice this fight
ОтветитьThe music XD
ОтветитьUID name I am Boss
Ответитьark on zindabadh 😂
ОтветитьArk on is the god❤❤
ОтветитьArk on is the god❤❤
ОтветитьBro I am a new player frag Pro Shooter can you tell me how to get Ollie charter
ОтветитьAnd you are playing with also
ОтветитьBhaiya maine aapko Ek Bar haraya hai
ОтветитьCharacter not matter gameplay matter who are agree with me
ОтветитьArk on dance is best 😂😂
ОтветитьImperius or ark on😮
ОтветитьI got imperius bro did moster kill in one ability💀💀💀
ОтветитьSame pinch bhai ark on mera bhi level11 ha
ОтветитьIs Imperius the arch enemy of Ark on
ОтветитьBro can u tell yr club name and I can be friends with u
ОтветитьOllie and jab are very underratted you agree 💯
My legendary cards are rippin fin and ollie and miss bunny , imperius ? Is that cool?
Ответитьहाय लेजेंड डिमॉन भाई इस गेम मे मे तुम्हारा विरोधी था यँह मेरी ही आईडी हे THE FLASH ROHIT लास्ट मे आपने बोहोत अच्छा खेले आप मेरे रोल मॉडेल हो आपके व्हीडियो मे पेहले से देखता हुँ बोहोत सारा प्यार आपको अगली बार मे आपको हरा कर दिखाऊँगा😅. please pin my comment❤
Hi Legend Demon Bhai, I was your opponent in this game, here is my ID, THE FLASH ROHIT, you played very well in the last one, you are my role model, I already see you in your videos, I love you a lot, next time I will defeat you. Please pin my comment 🙏