Greece After Clearance Of Rebels From Central Greece AKA Siotis Clearing Rebels From Greece 1948

Greece After Clearance Of Rebels From Central Greece AKA Siotis Clearing Rebels From Greece 1948


4 года назад

39 Просмотров

Greece After Clearance Of Rebels From Central Greece AKA Siotis Clearing Rebels From Greece (1948)

Leivanates, Central Greece
MS Greek village women taking their children to be registered before being conducted to a safer zone by the relieving Greek army, during the Army's clearance of rebels from Central Greece (2 shots). CU. The village's open air registering centre. The Registering Committee consists of army officers, the President of the Village (the village is called Leivanates) and the orthodox priest of the village. The Committee are at work registering children. (5 shots). MS. High shot, the village welcome given to the Army and the M.A.Y. (Open Country Defence Units) and children on donkeys, freeing the village of Leivanates. MS High shot, the captured rebels in an open-air National Army prisoner-of-war compound. MS A prisoner is interviewed by an Army officer who takes notes. CU The prisoner. MS A captured rebel column on the march, flanked by Greek soldiers. Front view. MS Rear view of rebel column.
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