Tyler Valle Podcast Episode 1: The Reality of War

Tyler Valle Podcast Episode 1: The Reality of War

Tyler Valle

1 год назад

96 Просмотров

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@WilhelmDriscoll - 12.10.2022 00:29

If I were a Russian in Russia I wouldn't openly criticize the Russian government because the only thing that will accomplish is my own death. The only options I see the Russian people have to help this situation is either just to leave the country seeking asylum, joining up with the Ukrainians to fight the Russian military, or committing assassinations of Russian leadership behind the lines.

@Chaosian - 12.10.2022 02:29

Thanks for the comprehensive breakdown in response to my question!
I'm not certain if I'm convinced if action is still worth the risk, but I think you do make a strong practical argument as to why it's still a course worth pursuing.

@piramida3684 - 03.04.2023 04:56

Mannnnnn what american propaganda do to your mind its a shame but i need to unfolow by by

@robbyrhodes4572 - 04.11.2023 05:47

Hope you make a video about Gaza.
