Analyzing Wendi Adelson's Testimonies Over Three Trials

Analyzing Wendi Adelson's Testimonies Over Three Trials

Dr. G Explains

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@user-or5no1cn2i - 28.02.2024 19:53

This woman LOOKS and acts like she’s lying. And trying to act innocent as if we all don’t see it.

@user-or5no1cn2i - 28.02.2024 19:57

It looks like. I would imagine. If you say so. I might…she knows how to answer. Which is stupid the law says to reply that way when it’s not natural answers. No one doesn’t recall anything. Litigation is flawed. She’s clearly lying

@sherryputti1420 - 28.02.2024 23:11

She lied about driving half way down the street. She was crying hysterical in the interrogation about thinking the tape was to block off a fallen tree. Is it lying under oath, if you use the word I think. Why won't the lawyer say, yes or no please? I think, gets her away from answering anything. My opinion, is that she knew all about the sinister plan, to kill her ex husband. I send out my thoughts to the children.

@AmyMonroe-vp7xz - 29.02.2024 21:59

Pretty sure she is needing lots of Ambien these days, like her brother before her.

@rosedavis333 - 01.03.2024 10:54

How can she say the kids were at daycare with certainty 😮

@rosedavis333 - 01.03.2024 10:57

She just lied about the what's up app , because earlier she said she was talking to a friend overseas

@jimdavidson3345 - 04.03.2024 10:36

It is impossible to rank the crimes in this case; however, her participation in this murder has got to be another number one!! The sooner she is behind bars the better.

@Karen44332 - 13.03.2024 05:32

Every time she says a big lie she says absolute not. She’s a scumbag liar. Poor professor dan and HIS precious boys

@ericktreminio422 - 15.03.2024 20:32

She reminds me of the Theranos lady... Elizabeth Holmes.😮

@fred7108 - 16.03.2024 15:42

She is loathsome

@user-om5zx3dw4j - 18.03.2024 00:08

Hello, Dr. G! I am a great admirer of your work. Two observations from Wendi's initial testimony: 1) She never asked about the well-being of her kids when first told of the shooting. Perhaps on the way to the interrogation the police told them they are fine. 2) There must be video surveillance of her at each of her post-crime scene stops (liquor, gas, Mosaic). Surely she'd know by the first of the shooting and might look visibly shaken. Perhaps LE is keeping the evidence they DO have under lock and key for the appropriate time.

@meehanasap - 18.03.2024 20:52

I sense she knows they are getting to her eventually, so she is hoping to run out the clock and purjury is not really a concern for her.

@alimarie67 - 19.03.2024 05:56

For Wendi’s trial, I hope the prosecution takes the jury on the long drive to the crime scene, that Wendi took.

@beckydavis747 - 22.03.2024 07:14

Wendy is next

@galebanks252 - 27.03.2024 14:39

This witch needs to be charged as well!!! She's lying, lying, lying!!!

@jessereilly8140 - 27.03.2024 16:18

Its odd how she leaves her mouth open

@lubabe9969 - 30.03.2024 13:06

Everybody is lying but wendy.

@iveliserojas612 - 30.03.2024 13:59

I believe her ex and Luis in all trial they say the same not Wendi at all

@TherealLumpendoodle - 30.03.2024 20:13

I have no children, but if I knew a friend’s children were living in that street, and I saw police tape, I would have checked they were ok. I cannot think of any parent I have known, who would have been so blasé about it.

@brianfriedman2348 - 30.03.2024 21:03

Fascinating dissection of Wendi's conflicting & evasive testimony. It will be easy to convict her of perjury once charges are brought.

@1pamby1 - 02.04.2024 05:56

Wendi TOTALLY would have been calling to find out what was going on. Especially because it might be helpful to her in her divorce know, like maybe her husband got shot in the face in his driveway. Unless, of course, she was the reason for the crime tape and she was trying to act innocent.

@SherryBaby2003 - 07.04.2024 22:05

Do you think Wendi will get charged as well? This whole family has to be thinking getting rid of this guy really wasn’t worth it now was it? Unbelievable! Her mama tried fleeing the country and that didn’t work out too well !

@normac9931 - 09.04.2024 01:21

Does she ever give a yes or no reply??!

@Hobbs192 - 13.04.2024 21:51

Roman is Charlie’s son.

@ron78tht - 14.04.2024 09:48

How exhausting this must be for her to keep all these 100's of lies she keeps having to remember

@andrewmeacham4595 - 14.04.2024 10:01

This guy is nit picking. None of the things he finds “very odd” necessarily are, and he doesn’t seem to take the passage of eight years on a person’s memory into account, of things like which apps they might have used to communicate with which person.

@Rebecca236 - 17.04.2024 14:49

OMG This is brilliant Dr. G!!!
I don't know how you can analyse so well.
I've been watching this case for a few days now and I cannot understand why this woman is not in prison already. No wonder she grins like a cheshire cat.

All I can say is wow, you analysis is really top-notch! What has swung it for me is two things; firstly when she goes to say "H....hitman" rather than "TV repair man. Wow. What a thing to spot. I wonder if the prosecution noticed this? My worry is they seem a little slow and not on the ball.

Secondly, your point about her not showing any concern for her children after viewing the police incident in the road where they are staying. The fact that she is so nonchalant about this shows that her priority is too look innocent rather than show concern for her children. This speaks volumes to me.

One thing I find odd in the trial of her Charles, her brother is how bright and breezy she appears. I mean it's her brother and he is facing a serious murder charge!!!! She is acting like she is being interviewed at a beauty pageant with all the lip pouting, the head tilting, the poised expression, the perfect hair, and the constant hair flicking. I mean, c'mon, you are at the murder trial of your brother who is accused of arranging the death of your ex-husband??!!! Yet she grins like a cheshire cat. I don't get it. These people are nuts.

Lastly, I wonder if her lips always being slightly parted means that she is a mount-breather. I am the same and it's super annoying and can make you very self-conscious.

@gaysy1st - 23.04.2024 20:49

Hi Dr G. Do you have a Brother who is an actor? The reason I ask, is that you remind me very much of an actor & your voice even sounds the same. The Man I'm speaking of acted in Breaking Bad, as a law enforcement officer & his name is Dean Norris. Just curious 😊

@DancingQueenie - 30.04.2024 14:47

A summer at Camp Wakulla in central Florida might make Charlie resentful enough to flip.

@yc5141 - 08.05.2024 07:04

She’s annoying. She can’t give any straight answers and comes off arrogant.

@verticegirferd5069 - 13.05.2024 22:28

In my psyche her replies just scream LYING. It’s my gut feeling. I know she’s well aware of all her details on the day of the murder and days around it. She keeps saying I don’t know that was 8 years ago 😂

@grantschillinger5097 - 15.05.2024 21:28

🤔🤔🤔Some say that people tend to look to the right when imagining things, while looking to the left when remembering. Looking to the right and downwards may suggest self-doubt, while looking to the right and up may indicate that someone is telling untruths. Looking up and to the right may also mean that someone is constructing a picture, while looking up on to the left may show that someone is remembering a picture. Another way people sometimes process visually is looking straight ahead in a defocused way, which may be described as a glazed look🤔🤔🤔Does this hold try?

@JCdoulos74 - 16.05.2024 10:32

Sin makes her stupid!! Nobody believe her anymore

@cyberpunkcentral8500 - 27.05.2024 19:01

I remain unconvinced of Wendi being the mastermind. There is no direct evidence linking her to anything. Whether this was by design, by her “co-conspirators” taking pains to “protect” her, or by pure, dumb luck…I don’t know.

But all there is, thus far, is circumstantial evidence, relying heavily on jury interpretation or juros’ personal points of view.

This is why she hasn’t been charged yet.

And also why, if she ever is, her guilt will be difficult to prove, going by all information currently released.

Maybe that angers people, but that’s the way it is.

If she is the true culprit, I have a feeling she was self-protecting, scheming, and savvy enough to do it more through shrewd plotting and careful insinuation combined with strategically constructed information drops and doe-eyed, "damsel in me!" influence, aided by thoughtful manipulation and well-planned, feigned desperation, much like the actions of certain characters in “Dangerous Liasons, than by an out and out plan and/or direct order or request.

IOW, she let other people do the dirty work for her, knowing their true character and sordid inclination.

@cyberpunkcentral8500 - 27.05.2024 19:04

Why would she tell her then-boyfriend her brother was thinking of hiring a hitman, if she had ordered him to do so or put him up to it? That makes no sense.

This is why I go back and forth concerning my belief in the depth of her involvement.

@indydude3367 - 28.05.2024 05:18

The thought of Wendi in jail is keeping me alive.

@merediths2cents - 28.05.2024 16:40

Wendi has gained some grey hair over the years…

@melissapace4996 - 02.06.2024 21:13

Maybe he should have gone to the police. But he didnt

@redwingsfan3621 - 03.06.2024 14:52

Good analysis

@judy4183 - 06.06.2024 06:50

The cool “it” girls did this head tilt in grade school.

@kimdelorme6314 - 09.06.2024 16:15

I can’t believe, how she lies!

@ach4049 - 20.06.2024 01:42

She is very smart and collected and she is avoiding to be accused of per juri so a goos way to escape that is to give this type of answer, she is "not remembering" "she does not know" so its not a yes or no answer. She migh get away with murder. Specially because it seems that she actually never directly asked her family to kill her ex, maybe she just lead them to do it, but no one can proove it.

@researchtech4881 - 21.06.2024 05:44

Wendi is morally empty. She has some limited emotions, but from what we've heard, her emotions have always been relevant to her own situation. She is very clearly a psychopath, better than her mom and brother at viewing everything as instrumental (based on the likely outcome), but not moral, or even emotional. Donna is upset, emotionally, at Wendi's avoidance of the family. Charlie seems to have been worried about Wendi. On the other had, Wendi knew there might be wiretaps. Wendi is being extremely careful. The others don't get it. Wendi shelters herself in these efforts. My suspicion is that there were slips. They are narcissists; they weren't wary of the wiretaps. They made mistakes. Donna's electronics will implicate Wendi, and if not, the world knows Wendi is a murderer, and killed a great dad, who spent every minute he could with the boys, while Wendi dropped them off at her parents or in-laws and "dated" men, numerous men, while in a "committed" relationship with Jeffrey.

Few moms are so morally gross. She also framed Jeffrey Lacasse. I don't know of a more despicable person than Wendi Adelson. She used his love, his desire to be a dad (and his concern/attachment for her boys), and his integrity and decency, to try to protect her family and herself at his expense in this disgusting murder.

She is the worst person I've seen in many years. People hurt others. They steal. They lie. But to be a professor, with two beautiful boys who have a loving Harvard-educated professor dad, and to be so selfish and vicious, to have him killed... and to then try to frame a man you manipulate into loving you... you are the bottom morally. You deserve death.

Your boys will know, even if the evidence isn't there, to convict you. Your brother and mom killed their dad Wendi. What can your boys do with that? You said you hated him. It's documented. You admitted Charlie discussed hiring Luis and Sigfredo. They will know. You should confess. Maybe one day your boys could accept you.

What now? The boys visit grandma and uncle in the clink, and your depressed father? What have you done?

Added: The more I've studied this case, the more I've come to believe Wendi is the psychopathic leader. No, her hands aren't literally dirty, but this is the MO of most female psychopaths. They trick others into doing the violence they want/need. Think about this... if Wendi hadn't communicated motivation to kill Dan, or at least passive acquiescence, do you think it would have happened? A brother wouldn't suggest this without a horrible story of abuse/mistreatment from his sister. Wendi is the ringleader; as a female psychopath, she is very good at tricking others into doing her dirty work.

@AkitaLover1013 - 23.06.2024 22:22

IMO She's trying to appear naive or stupid.

@megflat2981 - 24.06.2024 22:25

Wendy is arrogant and plays stupid! I would remember everything that happened in court proceedings! I pray she gets convicted and that Dan”s boy are awarded to Dan” family! Wendy is pure EVIL and she perpetuate this murder! Wendy should give the engagement ring back to Dan’s family! Beauty fades Stupid is forever!!

@Male666chauvinist - 29.06.2024 18:22

The Skank will be staring on Snapped soon

@ingridsnook7636 - 11.07.2024 04:36

Considering 5 people are in jail for the murder of HER ex-husband.....she is good.
