The Secret International Language: Esperanto Explained - TLDR News

The Secret International Language: Esperanto Explained - TLDR News

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@tauhidershadKUFNAFLORAN - 08.02.2024 18:00


@blarbkanopcious4243 - 05.02.2024 07:07


@coffeeScryer - 01.11.2023 09:30

toki Epelanto li pona

@IDONTHAVEANAME1 - 25.10.2023 23:51

Mi estas komencante, esperanto estas bone!

@AnaRibeiro - 20.10.2023 00:53

Thanks for this video! Esperanto is a really important part of my life! It was the first foreign language I learned as a teen, first I learned Esperanto, then French, then English and then German (my native language is Portuguese). Later on my life I end up living in Germany, and getting a job because I could speak English, but Esperanto is a huge part of my life because I have so many friends I made in the community, I traveled the world using the language (with Pasporta servo and other tools to find local speakers in many countries that I went, they are many times willing to receive you! And I also received many esperantists in my home in Berlin), and so on! French on the other hand wasn't that useful in my life, other than a few words exchanged in a few times I've been to France, it didn't bring much more, I even forgot most of what I learned!

Koran dankon denove pro montri Esperanto en tiu ĉi mojosa kanalo!

@carsonpiano1 - 09.10.2023 17:26

I speak Esperanto and I would love if TLDR news did another video on the language. It's a wonderful language that has let me easily communicate with people internationally. It has also made understanding and learning European languages a lot easier. Lernu Esperanton!

@therichwobbly4151 - 07.10.2023 10:31


@karumainlasz1959 - 13.09.2023 19:59

Dum lernanto de Esperanto nun, Mi ŝatus diri ke mi scias ke la Ĵurnalo TLDR estas tute bona filmeta kanelo por montri la Esperantan lingvon al multe da homoj tra la mondo! +Nova Subskristo!

As a current learner of Esperanto right now, I would like to say that I think that TLDR News is a very good video channel to show the Esperanto language to many people! +New Subscriber!

@bernardoesperanto3194 - 19.08.2023 09:42

Here is, how Zamenhof himself explained the specific character of Esperanto in his Unua Libro (1887, Engl. trans. 1889). This is why the Esperanto grammar completely differs from Latin, Spanish or any other Romance, Germanic or Slavic language:
I (Z) introduced a complete dismemberment of ideas into independent words , so that the whole language consists, not of words in different states of grammatical inflexion, but of unchangeable words .
If the reader will turn to one of the pages of this book written in my language, he will perceive that each word always retains its original unalterable form —namely, that under which it appears in the vocabulary. The various grammatical inflexions, the reciprocal relations of the members of a sentence, are expressed by the junction of immutable syllables .
But the structure of such a synthetic language being altogether strange to the chief European nations, and consequently difficult for them to become accustomed to, I have adapted this principle of dismemberment to the spirit of the European languages, in such a manner that anyone learning my tongue from grammar alone, without having previously read this introduction—which is quite unnecessary for the learner—will never perceive that the structure of the language differs in any respect from that of his mother-tongue. 
So, for example, the derivation of frat'in'o, which is in reality a compound of frat “child of the same parents as one’s self”, in “female”, o “an entity”, “that which exists”, i.e., “that which exists as a female child of the same parents as one’s self” = “a sister”—is explained by the grammar thus: the root for “brother” is frat, the termination of substantives in the nominative case is o, hence frat'o is the equivalent of “brother”; the feminine gender is formed by the suffix in, hence frat'in'o = “sister”. (The little strokes, between certain letters, are added in accordance with a rule of the grammar, which requires their insertion between each component part of every complete word). Thus the learner experiences no difficulty, and never even imagines that what he calls terminations, suffixes, etc.,—are complete and independent words , which always keep their own proper significations, whether placed at the beginning or end of a word, in the middle, or alone. The result of this construction of the language is, that everything written in it can be immediately and perfectly understood by the help of the vocabulary—or even almost without it—by anyone who has not only not learnt the language before, but even has never heard of its very existence.

@lyartbane2115 - 18.06.2023 05:11

mi estas komencanto de esperanto.

@thecosmos729 - 11.06.2023 04:33


@famillicraft8163 - 17.04.2023 11:54

Esperanto is a great idea but
just like America switching to the metric system:
1. it is not to the individual to make the decision but to the country.
2. change is scary and people never like it.

Also in the case of Esperanto multiple country need to do it while there is no incentive.
That's why Esperanto will never be used as it's original purpose but that's fine.

I still learn Esperanto for multiple reason.

@Instruisto31 - 15.04.2023 21:51

In Spain it's possible to learn it in public school since 2019. IES Almenara in Vélez-Málaga was the first high school to teach Esperanto in the country.

@Instruisto31 - 15.04.2023 21:49

Gratulon!! Bonegan filmeton.

@Quyanxi - 29.12.2022 10:41

Saluton kaj dankon por via interesa video! Mi lernas Esperanton ĉe Duolingo por multaj jaroj. Por amuzo kaj ankaŭ ĉar ĝi devus helpi min lerni aliajn lingvojn en futuro :-)

@tsarwojciech6063 - 26.11.2022 01:39


@nielsdaemen - 22.11.2022 13:42

How can someone possibly think it is a good idea to create yet another language, to solve the problem that everyone speaks a different language? We need less languages, not more!

@tumitaa_konsole - 08.11.2022 13:46

Brilliant idea: teach this to your siblings so your parents cannot eavesdrop you…

@ashoknayaki7776 - 30.10.2022 17:12

Announcement this Bible

@ashoknayaki7776 - 30.10.2022 17:11

Xhosa bible App
Esperanto bible App
English Bible
Russian bible App
Ukrainian bible
Arabic Bible
Hindi bible
Afrikaans bible
Audio bible install

@salvadorbv8275 - 09.10.2022 11:07

Dankon pro tiu ĉi videaĵo. Mi komencis lerni eon ekde la 2008a jaro, sed mi konsideras, ke mi devas studi kaj lerni pli kaj plu. Mi volas scii kiom populara estas esperanto en la Unuiĝinta Reĝolando. Salutojn elkorajn el Meksiko!

@jashnohri3498 - 06.09.2022 12:27

Actually 'Amikejo' means friends as I am learning Esperanto from Duolingo.

@soweli3033 - 30.08.2022 17:10

you dont even know what a gulag is so stop demonizing it

@user-cr9ir3pm3x - 22.07.2022 16:13

English is a national language. Esperanto is an international language.
La angla estas nacia lingvo. Esperanto estas internacia lingvo.

@irzabayatamusa8827 - 10.07.2022 14:44

English to be accepted as the main international and academic and politic language is really unfair. Because it gives an unfair advantage to people who born and raised in an English speaking country upon the other countries.
Anybody who has experience of living in an English speaking countries like Uk, US etc. would know that most of their population don’t know any language than English but being a native speaker of English makes them feel proud and they would look at other language speakers from up to down

@classicallemur1190 - 05.07.2022 21:22

It'd be great if esperanto wasn't so eurocentric in it's vocabulary though, it's much easier to learn esperanto if your first language comes Europe

@amadeus3165 - 08.06.2022 14:48

I learned Esperanto with a old book I Found at my grandmas Home. It's really easy to learn. A great language.

@Mr._Ramos - 05.06.2022 05:22

Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.

Genesis 11:9

@alvegutt42 - 15.05.2022 14:52

the way i see it, there are many ways for us to achieve its creators goal, that of easier communication and thus more world stability. i believe its already happening, with the internet and people learning new languages. hopefully one day most kids will be taught esperanto, and i would like to see it become some sort universla language which would be default for an international audience. but if that happens, it will probably have to be because enough people prioritize it themselves, as there are government and business actors that profit on english or other languages dominating

@ofsevim - 22.02.2022 07:06

You created a language for peaceful purposes - Stonks

It is being used for rebelions and revolutions - Panik

But it is not your fault nor the language's - Kalm

@artanbehmard151 - 06.02.2022 16:54

Iranian government is still looking for a way to undermine the imperialistic English, although it's not a fan of Esperanto today but they might start teaching kids other potential international languages like Spanish or Chinese.

@skybananaqueen4051 - 26.01.2022 16:56


@yumm186 - 25.01.2022 00:54

Ми густас ескриби ен руски чар џи аспектас мойоса >:)

Ответить - 15.01.2022 02:51

Now the internet is here, authorities cannot control it or the people that learn it.

@martjanamoon1785 - 03.01.2022 01:40

It is crazy to me how much hate this language gets despite its purely good intentions
When I heard about Esperanto for the first time, I immidietly wanted to learn it, not argue with complete strangers on the internet about how a universal second language will "wipe out all the different cultures"

@mahdik3692 - 17.12.2021 18:06

cxi tie bonega

@venustero9598 - 02.12.2021 09:01

Don't associate Stallin With Hitler.

@FlagAnthem - 29.11.2021 10:06

Sindarin and Klingon have more vitality than esperanto

@SHAHIDKC - 08.11.2021 09:59

Chad Khomeini.

@rms7999 - 14.10.2021 19:59

They should do that language universalization to Latin. There would not be so many artificial schemes

@sharadchandakacherla8268 - 06.10.2021 08:31

so a potentially pan european language is "the global language"? lol.

@bobux1987 - 27.09.2021 16:22

Nazis really were/are scared little men, look at white men who feel threatened and powerless, maybe they are powerless but it has nothing to do with being white whenever they see a photo of Government committees or any major body in the U.S. it is between 90 to 100% white male, if they feel powerless imagine how powerless ethnic females feel.

@jmpht854 - 27.09.2021 08:46

Secret? O.o

@outerspace7391 - 24.09.2021 00:07

Fsr i thought this language was some version of Catalan, Basque, or some kind of local dialect in the Pyrenees

@Misiok89 - 04.09.2021 14:07

Mi pensas, ke ni strebu normigi la internacian lingvon. Mi demandas min, ĉu estus pli bone enkonduki mezan solvon. Komence infanoj povas teksi la vortojn de Esperanto kaj la angla en sian gepatran lingvon en ĉifraj lecionoj. Poste vi povas iom post iom ŝanĝi la limon al Esperanto. Ĝi povus esti bonega lingvo por skoltaj grupoj. Io, kiu aldonas elitismon kaj igas ilin internacia komunumo.

@H.H.NotAnExpert - 01.09.2021 02:15

