Spacetime, Premonitions, & Brachistochrone Problem with Neil deGrasse Tyson & Charles Liu

Spacetime, Premonitions, & Brachistochrone Problem with Neil deGrasse Tyson & Charles Liu


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StarTalk - 24.08.2023 21:53

Star Trek fans, what's your favorite prediction of the future that came true?

Damon Solodkin
Damon Solodkin - 01.10.2023 02:22

I am ab author in uneducated guessworks making use of the highly untheoretical freedom of speech, now: I think experience and time as in physical power are two seperate things and we don't have enough sophisticated measuring procedures to tell where the border is. I think both phenomena derive from metaphysical properties and then it really depends on a branch of evolution (both for particles and how consciousness uses them) on what the border is made of between physical power and experience. an example of a border between power and experience might be every surface's movement traced back to the movement's cause, acts out all the impulses, all the directions, for it's movement, an abstract thing on the other hand might be able to extract the energy of impulses but loosing all the directions, redirecting impacts to the same direction. I believe there might be a set number or an ever extending number of and more abstract characteristics and also that they merge in power as we know it, just not that quantum physics as a single explanation cuts it. Not even Relativity, wich so far only explains why there is no possibility to create precision without orientation to massive systems in whatever needs to be precise, which is helpful as a healthinsurence(be careful with precisely oriented dust, because electricity already kills), research spending budget guide, and useless as long as we don't have a practical and safe way to map out what masses really act on us(dark matter). I think there has to be a logical explanation for existence of something and it would , for example provide the possibility for universes in which elemental fields, like strong/weak nuclear, electromagnetic and gravity can be seperate things or one simulated by the other. Don't get me wrong I don't think instrument's aren't sophisticated, they and economy itself just always had potential for good, stagnating and bad outcomes, whereas life , on the go, had to be lucky to sometimes be able to react to problems not foreseen while planning progress. A sophisticated enough instrument would be one that dynamically builds itself up and in addition how to handle it is a global culture thing where the discrepancy of water policy, stadium/sky scraper construction and world hunger would lead to the situation of, probably, such a tool launched in the right way shutting itself down, if launched slightly wrong (not according to morals , but to technology) it could provide technical solutions for how effectively map out(react to) so many masses , there isn't enough memory+time to store the data. All in all I think elemental qualities form seperate branches of action, many steps of refinement before qualities as we know them emerge, yet, that there are also some reasons or fundamental relations of and for what we experience when, not just adapting (constantly acting out impulses gained) also the power to change the environment (creating power, not toi much at once, depends on the universe's behavior of distributing memory space)

Damon Solodkin
Damon Solodkin - 01.10.2023 01:17

I think you might have said time and again what I am going to propose for the comment section audience, probably also rated it as a functional model or nonsense : I think a lot of this warping lightwave comes from us not exactly being able to interfere with the huge frequencies and masses connected to light and its sources. Light might be a "bandwith" to wich Evolution of basicly percepting got used to as so heavily and fast deforming masses, that those movements can only be used as insulation or elemental building blocks(can't move faster than light through space so you won't get a tool in between certain fronts), where you would burn too much stability if you used it as power source or wouldn't even have the power to rearange anything in the first place, so life doesn't go there (always). Why "always"? because all matter does have a part of its surface light has an impact on, sometimes I think it might be until all the gravity sources keeping the earth on its track(or anything else objectively not so heavy) this planet isn't even one piece(or at least differently shuffled, through vibration) , so all life would have enough involvement in hitting the breaks whenever earth smashes back into one piece and also preparing the conservation of its form, for the period if time earth's mass scatters or at least wiggles around more than usually detected in classical mechanics.
I therefore think heavy systems are so heavily influencing their surroundings, that we wouldn't see anything if we wouldn't be able to skip every moment wich doesn't very closely match a moment in witch the heavy systems emerges with a very similar field pattern and then it looks as if that system has less time passing in it (because the similar field pattern comes from a similar arrangement if mass) but actually more time/movement anywhere else was initiated by it.

Gerald Stahlman
Gerald Stahlman - 30.09.2023 05:39

I found a wormhole in my apple!

About His Biz
About His Biz - 28.09.2023 22:14

I think ppl dismiss the notion of seeing the future in dreams because they can't do it themselves. Some can't come up with an original, creative or future thought and can only regurgitate old text or hypothesize.

Tony Cucca
Tony Cucca - 28.09.2023 04:18

Bring back Eugene Mirman

Cherrys Jubilee
Cherrys Jubilee - 27.09.2023 20:31

I thought I was psychic because my pets kept dying how they would die in my nightmares.... turns out I had a dark empath sociopathic mother....

Cherrys Jubilee
Cherrys Jubilee - 27.09.2023 20:26

Oooooh, I like the dream triad.... now what about deep sleep? We know it exists but we can't perceive it.

Sean McGhee
Sean McGhee - 27.09.2023 20:08

We travel at the speed of light when you look at the speed of light being equivalent to the speed of time...

Dan Lee
Dan Lee - 27.09.2023 02:35

This episode was so cool! I'm always impressed with the returning champ, Charles Liu. I'm amazed at his compassion, his calm cool and collected demeanor and sharp as a tack brain. Same for Neil. And Chuck Nice came up with some awesome questions in this episode.

Conon the Binarian⚧
Conon the Binarian⚧ - 27.09.2023 00:25

Your.....I mean our biological bodies are simply too fragile for galactic conquest......I mean space exploration. It would be best to stop reproduction and allow our artificial intelligence to continue going forward on it's own.
Just my opinion as totally a human being.

Shannon McDonald
Shannon McDonald - 26.09.2023 15:43


Spellcheck is retarded! Sweet
Spellcheck is retarded! Sweet - 26.09.2023 08:06

Always great!💜💯

SkyWatcherExtraordinaire - 25.09.2023 23:03

Come on psychic abilities are beyond the reach of science as it now is so they dont really know because wvery😊ne generally labels it as foo-foo, and their is no actual science done, but studies that have been done have proven this is a strange experimentally repeatable phenomenon. so of course they have to say its your brain misremembering or "remembering backwards" because the truth is they dont know, and also because the practical effect and benefit of being truly psychic is very advantageous and a well guarded secret of the military cia and others and they have researched this phenomenon extensively.

Thomas Yau
Thomas Yau - 24.09.2023 03:08

@The Why Files Jason looks like Jason if he smoked weed on live camera.

Butterfly - 23.09.2023 17:24

I was surprised that smart watches like made by Apple was not mentioned as a medical tricorder. It can tell you pulse, if you have an arrhythmia, oxygen level, you’re walking stride, temperature, and sleep time. It also alerts you to medical issues as well as calls for medical assistance as needed. Some even tell you your sugar level.

Ms Jadhav
Ms Jadhav - 20.09.2023 17:24

For me is the most amazing thing about dreams, that i see clearly people i have never ever seen i my life for sure

SGT KILL995 - 19.09.2023 04:18

I had a dream once where I was playing cards with a group of strangers. One leans over and says, "check your bank account". When I woke up I immediately checked my account and I actually had been scammed from an online purchase. It was crazy.

Major Howell
Major Howell - 18.09.2023 18:44

Anything that goes the speed of light will interchange into light. If you can't put particles back together you got nothing but matter turned to light. I would say.

keithmichael112 - 17.09.2023 06:15

When I was younger, I thought talking to the computer would be the coolest scifi thing. of course when I finally got to do it, I realized it's pretty inefficient and kinda lame

Ryv - 15.09.2023 02:40

Fantastique episode \(^w^)/

L Dewey MD
L Dewey MD - 14.09.2023 23:57

How on Earth did I miss this episode of StarTalk when it was uploaded?! Packed with profound questions, amazing answers, and incomparable humor!! ("SpinLaunch" is the name of the aerospace company attempting to cut costs of launching payloads into space using centripetal force.) Great show!! :D ❤❤❤

Kay Libb
Kay Libb - 13.09.2023 17:53

I know i might be sounding dumb. But he is saying dreams aren't connected to the universe but aren't we made of the universe. From atoms and energy that's existed since the big bang. Our brain our neurons etc all come from particles that have existed far longer then dreams did. The universe makes our dreams our dreams are connected to the universe just as much as it is to our body

Ravenzpeak - 12.09.2023 00:29

Yay! Excellent

Mariana Gyorgyfalvi
Mariana Gyorgyfalvi - 11.09.2023 13:13

0÷0=4 quarters of zero!😂 and Pythagoras' diagonal slows down the speed of light in favor of the horizontal and vertical sides!

dillcifer - 11.09.2023 12:48

They’re all laughing at Gary’s premonition 😂😂😂🎉🎉

Just One Truth
Just One Truth - 10.09.2023 19:25

I wanted to hear about the dreams and cosmic connections. Sometimes I wish Chuck would mute his mic. That's just me. I know people love him all the time. I find him to be the kid in class that often just disrupts the flow.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean - 09.09.2023 09:06

I have a question about the cosmic microwave background, how do we know that that phenomenon isn't from the big bang but actually light from distant galaxies extremely stretched out due to red shifting?

Bradley Gamer
Bradley Gamer - 09.09.2023 02:36

The ice cream cone really got me 😂

MK - 07.09.2023 22:20

Amazing video!

its.kendahl - 07.09.2023 20:14

I know exactly what sir Gary is talking about because its not just the possibility of it happening but the details that don't exist as of your present experiences and recent memory. I had the same thing about a sports day that involved a boy I met on the day but I remembered his face which should not be possible because the brain does not create faces.

cheko c
cheko c - 07.09.2023 12:49

Chuck is not funny 🫣

Manuel Estudillo
Manuel Estudillo - 07.09.2023 10:11

excelente programa.

Alexander Dede
Alexander Dede - 06.09.2023 19:45

Man, I love the amount of subtle puns and nuance of Professor Charles' conversations.

Martin Le Blanc
Martin Le Blanc - 06.09.2023 01:00

OMG, the first segment (space time)!! 🤯
It’s too much for my « normal » brain…

ThunderTurtle - 05.09.2023 00:09

The realization that a rocket trajectory is just the brachistochrone problem was very cool

Mark Stipulkoski
Mark Stipulkoski - 04.09.2023 18:07

Premonitions are real, not just deja-vu as they have written off in this discussion. I will admit in the case of having a dream and then ten days later having it come true is likely to be deja-vu....the event happens and you have the vague feeling that you have been here (meaning the event) before. But people have more pronounced premonitions than that. For instance:
1. I'm not a football fan. I don’t follow it at all. Football only enters my thoughts as a consequence of my surroundings at the moment.
2. In the area where I live, Florida, it is extremely rare to see a Pittsburg Steelers bumper sticker.
3. A few weeks after I move to the area, I decide to go to work via a different route, one that I have never been on, because it is very early, so it will have less traffic.
4. As I am driving in the cool predawn after a good nights rest, an odd random thought enters my head, the Pittsburgh Steelers. I then spend the next 30 seconds contemplating what could have triggered that. I am thinkig of nothing else except that.
5. At which point a black pickup truck pulls out in front of me, causing me to have to brake to avoid rear-ending him.
6. The truck has a huge Pittsburgh Steelers emblem on its rear window, more than a foot in diameter. It looms huge in my vision as it is dark out and my headlights illuminate the emblem against a black background.
7. I am astonished by what I am seeing and try to figure out how this could be explained.
8. You might say that I may have seen this truck before in the region, but this route was brand new to me and in a totally different area of town.

This was a defining experience for me. All my other premonitions pailed in comparison. I don't believe in the supernatural, so there must be an explanation within physics.
1. There is evidence of retrocausality in the "Delayed Choice, Quantum Eraser Experimenr".
2. Stuart Hameroff has discovered that the microtubiles within neurons provide a shielded environment where quantum states can persist for durations that exceed the time that thoughts form.
3. Retrocausality can be viewed as entanglement across it.

For brevity at this point, premonition/precognition can be summed up as retrocausality within our neural networks, the present state of our brains being somewhat quantumly entangled with its near future self. Going backwards in time from the event, the number of entanglements decreases, so we don't go around knowing the future. When our brains are in a relaxed, free- associative state, like dreams, we are more likely to have premonitions

OK, time to take my meds!😂

Furry Bear
Furry Bear - 04.09.2023 07:11

How van anyone witha functioning brain think a dream can be from the future? Wake up soccer player 😂😂

CollinsCorp - 04.09.2023 04:22

Gary; We hit our ear buds like they hit their com badges to initiate communication 😊

Max Wu
Max Wu - 03.09.2023 06:49

I want to know how we can claim an absolute age of the universe if time is relative to every observer and warped by gravity and movement.

r name
r name - 02.09.2023 17:48

what if everything is a set of nothing grouped together in an average to create a boundary.
