Why Everyone Sees Machine Elves When Tripping on DMT | Andrew Gallimore

Why Everyone Sees Machine Elves When Tripping on DMT | Andrew Gallimore

Danny Jones Clips

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Zach Smith
Zach Smith - 22.09.2023 21:36

The floor rolled by esposing philosophical gems, several times to make sure i heard it.

Tony Wilson
Tony Wilson - 21.09.2023 17:04

I can confirm all this is true. I saw fairies building a biological spaceship that was 1000 stories high and the exact shape of a mushroom. You can't make this shit up I'm a grown bloke. Millions of them all flying around constructing it. They were scary looking very tiny moved like lightning but very friendly. Showed me the cosmos joked with me fixed all my trauma. All in ten mins.

Shelly Edwards
Shelly Edwards - 21.09.2023 16:45

I wonder what psychopaths see. Hmm

1andonlynanoo - 19.09.2023 12:54

artist that paint realism shows you

Bryan Alire
Bryan Alire - 19.09.2023 07:02

I've never seen any elves just the geometrical shapes and patterns but definitely no elves

Anthony - 18.09.2023 19:46

My experience wasn’t machine elves, more white aboritions

Jacob Mills
Jacob Mills - 18.09.2023 05:41

What if they are us from the future after we morph with technology

N D - 18.09.2023 00:21

I meet two entities on psilocybin, The Woman, and The Darkside. I haven't done it for 2 years because they felt I hadn't been integrating insights between trips. The Darkside was absolutely furious that I'd returned, I was stuck in a dark dome chamber with it. I've never seen anything so angry in my whole life. Then The Woman came and took me back to my bedroom. I was completely lucid, she kept telling me she had to help other people and spent several hours showing me where I was going wrong in life. She's pure love though. The Dark Side is hard as hell, but a great teacher. Still, there's no fucking way I ever want to be back in that chamber with it.

Maple7rees- - 17.09.2023 23:10

I saw these frying on mush. IT WAS WILD

Chris - 17.09.2023 08:11

The thing that blew my mind, is i know deep inside that there is no way my mind could have ever imagined what i saw. Its imposible. Which begs the question, " was that real"? Had to have been. What i saw can never be described. And it was crystal clear. I realize i was vibrateing on a different plain of existence.

Christóforos - 16.09.2023 05:46

No, nowadays we do still call them spirits. That's just a tiggering term for atheists who can't de-couple spiritual concepts and god concepts from religious institutions.

Mike Jones
Mike Jones - 15.09.2023 16:10

Not everyone sees them. So what about those folks!!!?

James - 15.09.2023 15:59

I did salvia in hs and was like stuck in a wall like thing and it was fixed by elves with machines and computers. Reminds me of a nasa control room. I had never heard of terence or ever heard about machine elves at that time

Xyz Xyz
Xyz Xyz - 14.09.2023 09:18

That opening question about the thing of “consensus reality” I often think about how animals view reality- not just animals but all living things and even down to the microscopic level.

Joschua Nazareth
Joschua Nazareth - 13.09.2023 02:30

I am part of the 10%

InitialDad - 11.09.2023 18:16

I've taken a very high dose of dmt. Went to a new world. Saw beings. Never a machine elf lol

⫷ᛞ SHEPHERD ØF MOTHER EARTH ᛞ⫸ - 11.09.2023 05:32

Fucking world...


This World will burn...

So soon now...

Mother Earth will soon be totally free of Chaos evil greed and any other negative energies... And only those who are worthy shall be left behind to enjoy eternal life with her and her children (Nature)

The God's Watch...


Jarad McKnight
Jarad McKnight - 04.09.2023 16:05

I would give anything to do DMT. I can’t extract it myself due to living in an apartment complex but Jesus do I wanna try it.

Jane B. Burrow
Jane B. Burrow - 04.09.2023 12:28

Don't forget to respect the mushrooms, Golden Teacher basically, they have some very powerful potential. I just did about 7g on 4/08/2023 and it went well actually but barely escaped a bad trip.

linz AlabamaAwake
linz AlabamaAwake - 02.09.2023 18:56

I've also heard via Anthony Peake that people with Alzheimers see these little elf entities. I do believe that DMT let's us see other worlds layered on top of ours

SPotter - 02.09.2023 17:48

I took a picture of an elve. I still have the picture. I wasn't aware in 1993 that WE would see the same thing...

Brian Allen
Brian Allen - 02.09.2023 14:15

no they don't.

SirDabzMcGee - 02.09.2023 06:03

elves? I have done dmt and ayahuasca and I never had any elves. For me I never saw any actual face of anything but, instead aura of a body in a black void and I found invisible strings from each of my joints which were being pulled by who I call The Architect or Architects.

Jess Angel
Jess Angel - 30.08.2023 15:51

The unfortunate thing is that none of it is real. If it can’t be observed by others simultaneously and physically studied-ITS NOT REAL. End of discussion. Don’t know why people see the same thing. We won’t know. This is what started the salem witch trials. They didn’t know for centuries what truly caused the panic…ergot in the wheat causing hallucinations. Similar hallucinations….

iBolt - 30.08.2023 00:12

Lol I did not experience elves

LC1904 - 29.08.2023 19:21

I've never seen elves, everytime I saw angels.

Rafael Alódio
Rafael Alódio - 29.08.2023 05:17

You guys know those are just the drugs messing your brain right?

Bruce Gelman
Bruce Gelman - 28.08.2023 19:28

Didnt take very long for the "REAL CROWD" to show up.

Deep South Medicine man
Deep South Medicine man - 28.08.2023 13:27

Saying it’s always positive is misleading. Sometimes the medicine can be harsh but always good

Maximus Charles
Maximus Charles - 28.08.2023 00:46

It amazes me the hopeless arrogance of the 21st century man. My word, do I absolutely, positively hate this time period. How people nowadays can know so much useless information and so little about the ancient world. Most of the complicated questions you’ve probably obsessed over have been answered by 7 A.D. You just never bothered to look. If it isn’t in a Howard Zinn book or a snarky sensationalistic headline in Jezebel magazine, the average westerner doesn’t know it.

Go back and read through the fathers of the ancient eastern church, such as Saint Anthony the Great or St. Dionysus the Aeropagite, and read over their encounters with demonic/preternatural spirits. The characteristics are practically identical to those here regarding “machine elves”, especially in regards to behavioural tendencies and traits.

The aforementioned tribal shamans were not seeing “aRcHeTyPeS” or “pRoJeCsHuNz oF tHeMsELvEz”…they were in the presence of actual, genuine evil spirits. I know that our ever “progressive” wonderful little era of unprecedented “evolutionary development” is far, far too good for hokey ideas like objective Truth…what with all the sensational achievements we have now, filled with all sorts of fun first-rate advancements such as free pornography on demand 24/7 at the swipe of a screen, powerful NGOs employing drag queens reading highly age inappropriate books to toddlers, an easily controllable, bitterly divided populace who are constantly at each others’ throats, rapidly declining life expectancy, and ironclad investment corporations like Blackrock ruling the entire western hemisphere to the point that sovereign countries are now rendered nonexistent, who needs Truth?

Mike Dough
Mike Dough - 27.08.2023 17:24

Get a haircut for fk sake

AKAME X COD - 27.08.2023 07:56

I did dmt back in 2016
My first ever psycadelic trip
Never did shrooms or acid at the time

I hit the rocket ship phase flew up and all
Then my second hit i remeber seeing a figure of someone
Wasn’t elf’s (in my mind it seemed like a figure of Martin Luther king)
Super random but when I did DMT
It was mainly just to try my first trip, I wasn’t in a bad head space just a senior in high school doing stuff

For some reason I never felt like it was life altering because I don’t think I need it too
It was cool tho but nothing spiritual maybe because I wasn’t looking to change my life or make it spiritual just experience
Colors and shapes where out of this world, the feeling , the way the voices of the people your with distanced and all
Super crazy experience but don’t see myself trying it again
I was 17 at the time now I’m 25

izzzzzz6 - 26.08.2023 15:51

As i went into my DMT trip it was like i wanted to discover deeper things about life, like i was looking for something new. This want to discover something new, to find something that explains the story of man or the story of the universe or other dimensions is most likely what fuels our imaginations on such drugs. I saw blobs with no discernable features but they seemed to be throwing out coloured discs, i wondered if these blobs represented some sort of intelligence trying to communicate, the discs turned to giant clockwork which i was flying through and later i found myself in the deepest space with a spiral sound coming from the furthest reaches of space. I was very tired at the time and think i fell half asleep during the trip.
Going back to the initial vision of TWO coloured blobs / akin to some sort of heads / brains from other dimensions if you will, were probably formed by the light left on my retinas as i went into the trip. One for each eye. Not too dissimilar to dreams starting to slowly form as you drift off but almost instant imaging that soon formed into something more recognisable.
I think certain drugs are enhancing peoples desires to look for profound answers to questions they don't usually ask themselves all day long however we all know that humans are obsessed with what they do not know especially the spirit world, the world of aliens, gods and ghosts etc.
Is it not then logical that if a drug that causes people to question their most profound yearnings for answers while at the same time opening up a perfect and almost instantaneously 3d video sketch pad in their brain, then wile taking said drug will they not tend to conjuror up such images?
I can say from experience that not everyone sees beings but we tend to notice this vision more because people love talking about it and wondering about it when it happens. You will also see that if you took sketches from the people that did see things without being subjected to prior influences (artists illustrations etc) then those sketches of beings would all look different!
People will always argue an answer to this, such as we travel to different worlds, different times and dimensions, there are many entities to visit etc.
How are you supposed to argue / reason / debate with people who have convinced themselves of something?
Sometimes it's not worth arguing these points when you realise that some people rely on these beliefs to give themselves something more to believe in while trapped on such a disgusting planet which has so much potential drained from it on a daily basis. Personally i also hate that but i would rather live in a head space of truth and reason than in a dreamland which also causes many to not care as much as they should for the way we actually live and what we are actually doing to the planet and sometimes each other! Be awake, be real.
I'll take more time to believe in other dimensional beings when i see real world proof of it. Stop dreaming and do some good shit that is actually useful and contributes to a better future.

Felix Matrana
Felix Matrana - 26.08.2023 10:14

I got to the geometric area & to another plane/dimension, but no elves. Probably didn't go hard enough. I did feel like i was in space though. New shapes, colors, smells, sounds.

sederquest - 26.08.2023 03:32

I’ve seen things but I’ve never called them “machine” elves…I blame McKenna

I’ve seen elves, gnomes, trolls, animals, aliens, reptiles, Pan, Buddha, ghengis khan, God 🫡

I’ve even experienced some of these while meditating only
Edit: I just realised Ive already commented on their video 😂

Fuphyter - 25.08.2023 22:59

Did shrooms, mescaline, lsd etc in the 70s. Never saw elves. Mostly things appearing much larger or smaller and movement of structures. I had to pickup my sis from work once. 15 minute drive like Alice in Wonderland. Steering wheel was enormous and puddles became seas. How I made it there is a mystery! Took "blue microdot" that day. I used to take paper and a little at a time. Can't do that with microdot. NEVER did it again.

Uncle winter's disdain
Uncle winter's disdain - 25.08.2023 22:36

I saw a colorful fractal on my hands then a totem pole guy with multiple faces that morphed into the silhouette of a woman and then to a devil face that laughed at me as i tried to communicate my respect and desire to learn telepathically. Then it all went away and i muttered holy fuck to myself for a few minutes. Good times. Smelled just like the shoe section of a department store too.

Evil Limey
Evil Limey - 25.08.2023 21:47

The geometry is what fascinates me, if we are experiencing a different dimension with different geometry of our own 3d existence

tawkinhedz - 25.08.2023 13:25

Tons of dmt use, NEVER seen DMT elves

Space Chimp
Space Chimp - 23.08.2023 06:25

"everyone" is not a fact.

M. E.
M. E. - 23.08.2023 05:23

I´ve never seen that much aggressive and obnoxious advertisement (in this case for online drug delivery) as in the comments for this video. Disgusting.

Bob Siddoway
Bob Siddoway - 23.08.2023 03:40

Speaking of reptilians, I saw a fractal lizard creature during my first breakthrough. He tried to telepathically communicate with me, I kept saying I don’t understand. He finally caved and literally my life from birth through age 12 flashed before my eyes, like a near death experience. Only showed pleasant moments, like this reality is purely to experience. Such magic. 🤙🙏🔥

Cannaisuer - 22.08.2023 21:57

Its because of Paradolia. Our brain looks for faces in EVERYTHING you can drop a ton of acid and see faces on every heavily detailed surface. Combine that with your dream like crazy ass geometrical stuff. They arent real. Youre just trippin ball sacks

First Last
First Last - 21.08.2023 14:18

elves are one SLIVER of the dmt experience. its different everytime for me and each time its like im bending time and living different lives. it varies on the dose so much and how you react to the effects in the moment.

Niesha Wiser
Niesha Wiser - 21.08.2023 05:06

Nah I have been on acid and sherm never seen some machines aliens or elves dancing TF seen demons but no silly elf talking

Human Evolution
Human Evolution - 20.08.2023 15:51

When I was in high school my friend tried LSD and all I remember him talking about while tripping is the elf in his pocket that comes out. Then he was surprised that I could not see it. He went on like that for a good 15 minutes then left.

Daniel Davis
Daniel Davis - 20.08.2023 11:50

I love click bait titles, as literally a tiny minority sees elves. Everybody else experiences different thing 😂

Seiboldt Adelbertsmiter
Seiboldt Adelbertsmiter - 19.08.2023 22:40

Nope not going to get attacked by some evil thing f that. You can keep it.
