VS Code tips — Formatting CSS and SCSS

VS Code tips — Formatting CSS and SCSS

Code 2020

2 года назад

13,420 Просмотров

Use the built-in #css and #scss formatters to quickly tidy up your stylesheets.

Run the formatters using the 'Format Document' command or with alt+shift+F / ctrl+shift+F


#vscode #visual_studio_code #programming #tech #ide #editor #code #coding #vs_code
Ссылки и html тэги не поддерживаются


@NicholasManring - 03.08.2022 02:26

this option isn't available in the context menu like you are showing. did they remove this in the last two months? like I just can't believe there isn't a simple way to format any language by now. it's 2022 people holy mary

@mayaaltorok1065 - 02.05.2022 00:40

hi i have a question, i am trying to save file in vs code but ctrl s isnt working, i try to manualy save it using the file button on the top left corner but that doesnt seem to work either, could somebody please help me?

@yadusolparterre - 29.04.2022 02:06

Seems to me these rules have disappeared in the newer versions of vscode

@shinstorm3473 - 27.04.2022 18:42

Cool thanks for the tip 🤙🤙🤙
