HOW to get the BEST MYTHIC Gear from Dragon Hunts! - Neverwinter Mod 23

HOW to get the BEST MYTHIC Gear from Dragon Hunts! - Neverwinter Mod 23


2 года назад

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Gooner4Life - 15.10.2023 10:20

The single player dragon hunts take forever as a player only 46k might its a struggle

Julien Frisson
Julien Frisson - 21.05.2023 02:47

Unfortunately today almost no one does dragonslayer anymore so it is impossible to finish this campaign and impossible in 2023 to get your hands on this equipment. The developers have to come out of the end of the campaign otherwise we will never be able to finish it.

Myunihausen - 20.05.2023 20:10

Was hoping you would show which are the best pieces to buy for certain classes, in my case the Paladin (both specs). For some reason I cannot find a guide or anything. Thank you for the video though.

Aiden Riddle
Aiden Riddle - 19.03.2023 19:53

My least favorite dragon to kill is the blue dragon because there is like 40 different lair defense that is has like the tornadoes

Shubham pathak
Shubham pathak - 24.10.2022 06:45

10k AD ? but it's 250k on PS

AvgJoesGaming - 10.08.2022 16:04

Has Criptic mentioned whether Dragons will go away in August 31st. Is it worth it for someone to start this now even?

Nicholas Houzenga
Nicholas Houzenga - 13.07.2022 21:45

I find it strange. I remember in the first week I would occasionally see a second chest appear next to the regular one you needed a key to open. I have not seen this happen at all after my first week of dragon hunts.

Nicholas Houzenga
Nicholas Houzenga - 13.07.2022 21:40

As a Male/Drow/Devout/Cleric pure healer at 33,000 item level it takes me 22 to 28 minutes to kill a Young Dragon. This is likely an example of the slowest build since my damage is quite low.

Tam Toucan
Tam Toucan - 20.06.2022 20:42

Why do you say not to upgrade Easy. To get the Mythic rings that need 170 claws you would use a T3 easy accoring to your doc (easy and med both give 8 or 12).

Franklin Richards
Franklin Richards - 24.05.2022 20:33

OMG this is just another reason why I gave up playing this game almost a year ago, they dont know how to make a good game.

Davey Gravy
Davey Gravy - 14.05.2022 04:48

I will grind 2,000 dragons as long as I know in the end I will get the item, I love grinding for items when its not RNG

Karl Newton
Karl Newton - 13.05.2022 07:35

Have tried this on you Pally solo?

Indigo - 13.05.2022 00:49

I hope this new mod finally kill the terrible market that Avernus generated.

Mistal Setsuna
Mistal Setsuna - 12.05.2022 19:58

Looks interesting enough. Have a question- are the parts character or account bound?

I made the mistake in Dragonbone Vale of grinding all the parts with my DPS, thinking I could share it with my Alt tank.

That might be something to share with others so they don't waste time.

Appreciated Aragon.

Vanity Crise
Vanity Crise - 12.05.2022 14:37

At least in this case a guaranteed grind is what this game needed compare to the rng fiasco of avernus. Hopefully this is the first step in the right direction. Looking forward for BOA to be this way

shimonbl - 12.05.2022 13:43

Love your video and how you presented, can you create guide for new player( not end gamer) I have friend that just start to play, and we hope he will reach I’ll 50k until mod23, what they need to focus. Ty

Nakku Chan
Nakku Chan - 12.05.2022 12:01

I don't get why it is grindier to get the Epic armour than the Mythic. If you are a lower level player, farming it with young-adult dragons would be insanely long, and if you are able to fight ancient dragons, then you directly want the Mythic tier. I really don't get it xD

Mr Linde
Mr Linde - 12.05.2022 11:22

Great video, thanks. New hunts look very promising. Is there a release date for the mod 23 and dragon hunts?

Nathan - 12.05.2022 09:32

What’s on your armor? Are there new reinforcements?
