ampline regane piro mas ...
ОтветитьTravo brp ampenya itu bos
ОтветитьNice job
ОтветитьKapan produksi lagi pak
ОтветитьGerber file brada?...
ОтветитьNyimak backsound nya apa yaa
ОтветитьBoa tarde eu queria saber o preço de uma placa completa só para botar o transformador de 500 Watts quanto é que custa
ОтветитьBoa tarde eu queria saber o preço de uma placa completa só para botar o transformador de 500 Watts quanto é que custa
ОтветитьPunya saya dengung pak ketika speaker protektor di di nyalakan smua. Tapi ketika mnghidupkan 1 per 1 gak dengung. Instalasi mirip seperti itu.
Pembelian via shoope.
ОтветитьKitnya dijuat g min???
ОтветитьPcbnya ada jual gak bang??
ОтветитьPrice talking Brother Reply please
ОтветитьCan i use this board for stereo amplifier for home use
ОтветитьPlease upload gerber file
ОтветитьPlease share the gerber file
ОтветитьYe kaha se mil sakta hai mujhe chahiye sir ji
ОтветитьBang, yg buat speaker protector apa harus 12v ?
ОтветитьDub tune please ? 🔥
ОтветитьBang gk jual yg uda rakitan?
ОтветитьPlease can you explain how to buy components
ОтветитьCó ban không anh
ОтветитьI like it can i have gerber diagram for this.. please.
ОтветитьHdir mss
ОтветитьBang/bro....beli pcby lah 2 ...gmn ordery?
ОтветитьSaya membutuhkan sirkuit ini. Memberikan diagram akan bermanfaat
ОтветитьCan u provide Gerber file
ОтветитьSir Gerber file link please, and components list
ОтветитьSir ji price bolo Lena h 1 board
ОтветитьBang Elcho ukuranya brp michkro brp v
ОтветитьPlz send garber file
ОтветитьNeed Pdf file and components list please link
ОтветитьДорогой друг, дайте пожалуйста гербер, спасибо
ОтветитьPlz send garber file
ОтветитьBang harga 1 nya brpa bang??
Ответитьhalo mazzzeeh
ОтветитьPrice kya hai
ОтветитьMaaf mau tanya itu di shopee ada ta
ОтветитьTokonya kok libur terus bos kapan bukanya
ОтветитьOh dear oh dear oh dear
This is either a joke or a device for setting your house on fire
You'll barely get 500 milliwatts through those wires and circuit board tracks.
If me you or anybody wants to be moving 1,000 Watts into an eight Ohm load we need wires the size and thickness of car jump-starter leads or what's used for electric arc welders - we are talking 125 Amps
How is 125A going to get through 3 parallel transistors each rated at 17 Amps Max?
This thing is crazy.
Sir please send me Gerber file download link from Bangladesh
ОтветитьMinta link shopeenya boss
ОтветитьMata pcb eka odar karala denda barida
ОтветитьGerber file
ОтветитьVery nice
ОтветитьJual di shophee kah
Ответить. Apakah power ini masih tersedia Om,?