Laravel 5.2 PHP - Build a Shopping Cart - #4 Outputting Product Data

Laravel 5.2 PHP - Build a Shopping Cart - #4 Outputting Product Data


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@YOUANDREYTUBE - 03.11.2022 08:39

Hey man, cheers from Costa Rica, just wanted to say that I have enjoyed following your tutorial, thank you !!.

@partikelking - 06.07.2021 19:15

crystal clear sir..

@jradamant6006 - 27.04.2019 11:19

Help please, why not display products after foreach?????

@robbradley1337 - 06.04.2019 06:08

They didn't have model factories in 5.2 to use Faker? That seeder file was painful. :D

@bumblebity2902 - 09.02.2019 23:19

i put foreaches at exact same places, but product griding doesn't work

@nageshbk1 - 16.12.2018 04:52

sir, please help me , where to define.
Iam getting thhis eror-> "Undefined variable: products (View: C:\xampp\htdocs\pws\resources\views\shop\index.blade.php)"

@m33gs - 10.07.2018 17:12

You monster you think the movie of LOTR was better.... SHAME on you!!! xD

@kass7855 - 11.04.2018 23:35

Amazing teacher, people you just have to refer to the new updated Laravel and this will all work!

@arifhossain7633 - 30.11.2017 20:04

i have changed dbname, username, password butshowing this error message while fetching product data Illuminate \ Database \ QueryException (1045)
SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'homestead'@'localhost' (using password: YES) (SQL: select * from `products`)

@fantasticoband - 09.09.2017 00:11

My project does not show the image and any data in the database, there is also no picture of a bookmarked page, nor a price, nothing is just shown to me on the screen, how to fix it?

@moahaimen - 17.08.2017 02:55

hi i sent the error i dont know whats happening
please help

@moahaimen - 17.08.2017 02:54

2/2) ErrorException
Call to a member function chunk() on string (View: C:\xampp\htdocs\practiceforexam\resources\views\shop\index.blade.php)
in d489e72e402f2dbc19312be16963ff78e245b401.php (line 6)
at CompilerEngine->handleViewException(object(FatalThrowableError), 1)

@szybkauprawa6177 - 29.07.2017 22:25

u dont have (use App\Product;) in ProductController.php

@shahrukh631 - 26.07.2017 13:11

Anyone here successful in making these thumbnail of equal size ! I added a display-flex class to .row and added this css

display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;

Now all columns in row have equal height. But the thing is some products got a lot description and some got only 2 words. The one having less description are creating problems as button and price are moving upward. Anyone who have resolved this ?

@mr.nobody3380 - 14.07.2017 03:12

I wonder if your tutorials are being updated along with the source code? This one on shopping cart is not. Your source code doesn't contain any new code to reflect changes you made while adding videos. Will you please add updated source code.

@learnwithharry8971 - 28.05.2017 12:55

Thank you very much, my environment sets differently but I can still follow you, mabuhay ka(bless you) :From the Philippines

@HassanHafeez007 - 04.05.2017 12:39

What if the product have multiple images, then how can we connect one database table to other and show result!

@tansenkhan3665 - 22.02.2017 11:11

Hello Sir,
I am searching however i cannot get source code of your full project please give me the github link of this project

@tansenkhan3665 - 21.02.2017 22:42

Hello sir,
Your tutorial are really great, however i need the source code of this project anyone can give me it's a great help for me

@lupakan3454 - 05.02.2017 17:32

FatalThrowableError in routes.php line 16:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ''as'' (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING), expecting ']'

@bhanuteja388 - 24.01.2017 14:54

Thanks for uploading. I have a small doubt how to dynamically update date in database or create new tables simply create a admin panel to add and modify products

@enas9895 - 14.01.2017 03:03

Hi Very Good Course , but my project don't show images and any data in database it show in page it's bad i need to specif data show in page like 3 items how can do that?
thank you

@brainteach3350 - 03.12.2016 17:44

sir i'm facing some problem if i'm using chunk.please help me i'm very thank full to you.
1-ErrorException in be19ab357fe0f0d8ee77f4b5f834d6a5ee6570ee.php line 6:
Undefined variable: products (View: C:\xampp\htdocs\cart\resources\views\shop\index.blade.php)
2-ErrorException in be19ab357fe0f0d8ee77f4b5f834d6a5ee6570ee.php line 6:
Undefined variable: products

@Robertofiguera-dev - 07.11.2016 06:56

greetings from venezuela, great course! great teacher!

@bitcoindaddy748 - 25.10.2016 22:13

btw if someone is lost on $Product::all() "how does the all() method know that it should fetch the data from "prodcuts" table?"
so by default name of the table your model works with is the name of your class + "s" letter applied from the right, you can change it by overriding the prodtected variable $table which parent model class has like this in your model class "$this->table = "myTable"; this is "convention over configuration" stuff

@corporacionimagina1698 - 08.10.2016 23:59

Hello, I have the following error variable Undefined: products (View:/home/vagrant/sitios/carritocompra/resources/views/shop/index.blade.php), the variable is declared in ProductController.php, I have laravel 5.3. He forgives my English.

@MiquelAngel - 06.10.2016 14:02

I have some problem with chunk() method. I get an error Call to a member function chunk() on array What can I check?

@ArnoldsKtm - 19.09.2016 22:00

Eloquent is so powerful when you learn it! Best thing is, it can be used outside Laravel via Capsule.

@amjadc - 20.08.2016 22:07

Your tutorials are easy to follow for beginners like me. Please keep it up! Would be waiting for your other videos. Subscribed in the last.

@celikart - 31.07.2016 20:07

Hello, I used sqlite database. I did same steps as you did. but product data in ProductTableSeeder
could not inserted into database. Is that normal for SQLite? How can I handle it. Thanks

@strotmann1 - 15.06.2016 00:44

Thank you for you video! That's very cool that you are help us 👍👍👍👍

@mohammadamarneh9514 - 07.06.2016 14:03

Thank you for this tutorial :) , but it seems that i have a problem when call php artisan migrate ., it print :
access denied for user 'homestead'@'localhost' (using password: YES )

@mahmoudtriki3467 - 30.05.2016 19:39

Nice work really :D Thank you !

@MoszDrama - 30.05.2016 10:57

Thank you very much again sir !!!! :))

@dheaariarachman2935 - 28.05.2016 21:53

I'm from Indonesia, so i like your video's sir. I'd love to join with your channel, keep update, and thanks you give what you know to us :)

@isurumdev - 28.05.2016 09:27

I know you are not doing this full time and busy. But please keep updating rest of the tutorials. Thank you for your efforts.

@MasHarytube - 28.05.2016 06:07

good tutorial! but could you continue the rest of this tutorial with a bit complex tutorial :)
