Death of a Game: Overwatch 2

Death of a Game: Overwatch 2

nerdSlayer Studios

1 год назад

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VincentGrim - 06.11.2023 20:03

Another example of how bad the game industry has become, post PS3/360 days. The big publishers have bought up all of the creative developers and run their projects into the ground. All that they can see are dollar signs, leaving the games themselves a sad and incomplete experience, focused on how much money they can squeeze out of players. Absolutely zero heart in the games themselves.

I wish I could go back in time to, say, the days of the first PlayStation, and hand those game designers the technology we have now. Imagine what they would create, having not yet grown into big money-making machines nor knowing what micro transactions or ‘FOMO’ content is. They were smaller teams of artists creating and selling a complete package on a realistic deadline because it was their passion.

LiverFailureExe - 06.11.2023 01:07

even when the games "dead' theres till fools buying the dlc stuff like pve, refusing to let the game truly die

Jeremy King
Jeremy King - 05.11.2023 22:10

Simply quit fandom. None of us should be "fanatics" of anyone or anything ever. This is not a hobby to enjoy anymore. It's an industry. So let it die, leave the company, quit playing their games and forget about it. Even negative attention is still attention. Let it go. There's cooler people who try to make stuff that aren't a corporate giant selling you on "fandom"

10. พุทธางกูร สอดส่อง
10. พุทธางกูร สอดส่อง - 05.11.2023 21:18

I dont want this game to die, its a good concept game that is so popular and one of the games i wanted to play as a kid, you remember how cool Genji was? Like every kid plays him as their first hero because he is built different. I mean, cyborg ninja? Nah this thing is cold, i like this game because how simple it is, how iconic every single character is, its so simple you dont have to think to play it, you just walk shoot walk shoot die respawn walk shoot, with beautiful graphic at the time, i cant imagine a better game in 2016-2017 than Overwatch 1.

Nolo - 05.11.2023 15:06

if you found the time, honestly you should start a new series. Death of a developer, with so many infamous and influential studios basically being forgotten with no hype for modern releases it’d be very entertaining. From rare ware to 343 .

MusashiW - 04.11.2023 14:53

you know what. it would be FINE, if they didn't REMOVE Overwatch 1. for balancing and pvp and esports. ow1 is by far BETTER. yes. the whole reason ow2 exists besides cash cow is the campaign promised something like Destiny, some pve to sink into. instead of a hole, a fucked competitive experience, casual game mode, free to play. cheating rampant, terrible mission stories that we have to pay for even after buying the game at launch?? oh and they made it ftp, so everyone who bought it at launch lost money, which was going to be their biggest sales knowing this. after made it free. what a greedy slut company.

Your Antagonist
Your Antagonist - 04.11.2023 02:08

It's still alive, though.

yeah man
yeah man - 02.11.2023 05:51

Stopped giving a shit about overwatch in like 2017 when they couldnt stop balancing the fun out of the game

kurojima - 02.11.2023 01:25

I think we need another series from you: Death of a Developer, with cases like Bioware, Blizzard or Creative Assembly, but i guess the culprit would all be the same: prioritizing short term profits for shareholders and big CEO payouts

Wootyloops - 01.11.2023 03:48

What the hell do Blizz devs do all day?

Guillermo Cervi Salmerón
Guillermo Cervi Salmerón - 01.11.2023 02:24

I still dont know how players could have trust on the company

Benjamin Duval
Benjamin Duval - 31.10.2023 09:56

Dang, got them too.

Munchy Monk
Munchy Monk - 31.10.2023 06:51

I remember submitting a digital portfolio to Blizzard a couple years back. Pitching an idea about a 1v1 Sombra “Hackathon” where the objective was to speed through puzzle rooms while hacking the enemy sombra’s room to slow them down, and winning series of 1v1, low ammo, low health fights.

Never heard back from them and I often wonder what would happen if they gave it a shot.

Darthe Incarnate
Darthe Incarnate - 31.10.2023 03:09

Was OW2 ever even alive?

Proxytality - 30.10.2023 23:19

April 26th, 2022 was a really big day for me as an Overwatch fan but seeing the product now and how disgusting the monetization practice is, AS WELL as poor balancing and smurf gangs arriving on ranked and unranked matches, Overwatch died for me.

The OW2 beta was a shitty birthday present as it was only PC, and what followed after with this game makes me ashamed of wearing my Mercy shirt, gifted on the same day.

Calvin Chan
Calvin Chan - 27.10.2023 04:12

OW2's raison d'etre, PVE was cancelled. It's dead.

Aeto - 26.10.2023 16:18

I waited four years with zero content for pvp with the promise that “trust us guys, pve will be pog and PvP will be so much better too!” what were they doing for four years to give us three new heroes and three new maps?

squaresphere - 25.10.2023 07:51

Basically Blizzard is dead and any "magic" they have left is the corporate necromancy of Activision trying to milk it dry. They will get ZERO of my dollars.

asteridshydrangea - 24.10.2023 22:27

I miss Overwatch 1 so much. To be frank, it’s not shocking to me that the PvE was scrapped or it was so riddled with problems, because we’ve seen that kind of executive/managerial mindset that IMO undoubtedly caused it. Making short term profit line go up at the obvious expense of sustainability or quality. I feel like I’ve watched it happen in technicolor various services and companies over the last few years and it’s left me exhausted.

It feels like I can picture the exact board meetings in Activision Blizzard that led to this just from all the retrospective documentaries or exposes we’ve gotten from past companies doing the same and pretending they’re business savvy instead of acting like greedy toddlers. Although I suppose it’s not shocking at all that they don’t care about player expectations given how little they care about the real human employees

d speg
d speg - 24.10.2023 03:54

you know there shop and battle pass is bad when people miss loot boxes
