Learning Coding For Game Development? Unity C#

Learning Coding For Game Development? Unity C#


4 года назад

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GoofyAhGorilla - 30.10.2023 00:54

solo learn is just duolingo for coding???

Amirhossein - 25.09.2023 10:10

I have tried to dive into programming several times, as a no clue beginner its the first time i feel like it's ticking and I am following CS50 free course, if you want to follow it, be sure to check problem sets and labs as well.

「Senkai」 - 19.09.2023 14:19

I appreciate your work and how you managed to reply to all the comments! I suggest people look at BroCodes coding videos because of his great humor and simple explaining

Cockroach - 13.07.2023 15:55

Luckly I forgot what I was going to comment here, I'm sure it was worth your time.

坂本和馬 - 05.07.2023 15:51

Don't give up, I know you'll be able to do better games if you try harder I believe in you and I respect you for your hard work.

Chad Sutphen
Chad Sutphen - 27.05.2023 15:55

like that cat hat game

Finic! - 15.04.2023 18:49

Some how dani gets in any video about game dev

Aishwarya Raj Singh Kunwar
Aishwarya Raj Singh Kunwar - 31.03.2023 05:18

lol what do i do i can't draw, i can't make art or do pixel art lol. pixel art is harder than it looks hahahaha and for some reason i don't know why i can't get my self to learn how to code literally i start and then give up so sad man and cause this all my motivation is lost too lol

James Brock
James Brock - 23.01.2023 05:06

Time to recreate 625 Sandwich Stacker 🥪

Davin Arries
Davin Arries - 22.01.2023 19:40

Thanks bro

Amal Krishna s
Amal Krishna s - 18.01.2023 06:38

Thanks for the video, helped me a lot. Can u please help with a question? do I need to know DSA or is it going to do me any good as I dive into game development? Thanks.

Vijay Vardan
Vijay Vardan - 08.01.2023 18:28

I know the concepts of c# but I don't know what to code for-- moving an enemy from one place to another -- shoot projectiles from player.... And stuff like that for a real game. Do you have any solution bro?😭😭

Jerad Beauregard
Jerad Beauregard - 24.12.2022 19:30

I laughed through this whole video

Alex .G
Alex .G - 13.12.2022 01:28

Don’t use sololearn!
I was using it for c# but what it says is outdated, but the answers are updated. I had to get a fuckin spreadsheet to do this, so I gave up and watched a playlist on Brocode, which is far better.

MythicBeanProductions - 14.11.2022 09:11

I've been feeling like hopeless garbage for the past few days. I desperately want to put my story and characters to a game but I've only ever tried and failed to write a simple script to destroy a game object when the game started. It truly has felt like jumping into the water and hoping to float but holding a barbell while I'm at it.
It's late and I'm too exhausted tonight but I have a new hope for tomorrow that I can at least make some semblance of progress even in the smallest regard

GPowtlaw - 13.11.2022 00:23

I'm taking the plunge now, starting with flutter which isn't quite unity c# - but my goal is to get there and ironically I'm taking a udemy course timetabled about 2 hours a day haha i guess i'm on the right track at least. Thanks for making this - seems like a tall hill to climb, but its always nice knowing its possible because others have gone before

Armagedon - 07.11.2022 05:25

you know what's even worst, finding a video how to use c# on godot

Andrea Stykket
Andrea Stykket - 06.10.2022 21:26

I'm late, but I relate so much to how you learn and think! I've recently started learning code myself. Had some background knowledge I've picked up in my work as a UX/UI designer and web developer as a way to create, so luckily not starting entirely from scratch, but I definitly relate to seeing coding as a means to create!

Jeff Stienstra
Jeff Stienstra - 23.08.2022 16:29

The 'Hello World' error was so perfectly hilarious. 😂

yahya ayman
yahya ayman - 11.07.2022 03:12

Me : *print ("hello world")
Console: hello world
Me : okay I'm ready let's recreate rdr2
Console : you are a disgrace to your family
Me : emotional damage

SupernoVero - 26.06.2022 01:06

really loved this video, I'm trying to get started by making small games but my eyes are too big for my stomach, as it were. I keep thinking I cant make a game too simple or it wont be interesting but Cat Hat proved me wrong, i love it dearly. So i will try again to reduce my scope!

S. Kay
S. Kay - 12.06.2022 01:10

"You are a disgrace to your family"

This hit home

polarbear - 05.06.2022 07:48

Hahahaha! Subscribed 😂

William Castro
William Castro - 03.06.2022 22:15

Hi Saultoons, I would like to eventually learn C# to become a C# web developer, but I know you have to get really good at OOP. I know OOP is heavily used for game development. At the moment I am learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript. But I figured soon once I get comfortable with JavaScript, I would like to get good with C# and then eventually learn the tools like .net to become a web developer. I was wondering. From your personal experience did it help you to become good at programming in C# by creating games you enjoyed? I figured I start off on the side learning C# by making simple games. while I improve my skills at JavaScript.
Could you share any advice from your personal experience what you felt about programming improved your game development and what would you give advice to others if they were interested in creating a simple game as a side hobby just so they could improve their coding skills at C#, thanks for the excellent content.

el Kamilo
el Kamilo - 12.05.2022 18:24

Bro i can relate so well omg x.x

Patrick Dunn
Patrick Dunn - 16.04.2022 05:51

Is it bad that I've done like 3 or 4 different udemy courses, and built multiple projects and still feel like I have no idea how to code?

Kranton - 20.03.2022 11:48

The game that he made is really easy just go trough Unit's tutorial: "Junior Programmer: Create with Code 1" and you should capable of doing it + you learn a lot of useful knowledge.

""That is my bit of help.""

Seth .L
Seth .L - 13.03.2022 20:01

Holy crap cat hat looks awesome.

Danny0_ - 23.02.2022 07:10

It's funny, that to me learning to code was pretty simple and I'm finding learning to draw shit overwhelming AF xD

Stephen Dela Cruz
Stephen Dela Cruz - 07.12.2021 14:00


BeckyBoy1 - 28.10.2021 03:45

I thought this was a genuine tutorial. I thought it was weird how it was 5 minutes long. But despite not being what I was expecting it was well worth watching.

Sarah Baldwin
Sarah Baldwin - 27.10.2021 09:47

tbf I'd totally play the cat/hat game 😂 love the artwork

Tomboy Warrior
Tomboy Warrior - 26.10.2021 23:51

Ngl, if you put more cats and hats in the game and make it an android game it will blow up in the play store. lol.

Nesan Venkatesan
Nesan Venkatesan - 21.10.2021 16:16

jesus brackeys 😂😂

Diogo Barros
Diogo Barros - 21.10.2021 06:13

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

gameDev_Haji - 18.10.2021 08:25

Damn, too real man. I can't laugh

Shirish Bhadekar
Shirish Bhadekar - 14.10.2021 19:45

Grab a course by James Doyle , u r gonna be fine.

jossiefxd - 12.10.2021 22:14

your cat game is a really good idea i bet alot of peple will play it on mobile

jossiefxd - 12.10.2021 22:13

I subed, this is amazing and helpful

J Daves
J Daves - 11.10.2021 03:27

Waxing about Skyrim 2 was the peak. Well done.

elsnake - 27.09.2021 08:36

i want to play cat hat

Blu Tiger
Blu Tiger - 16.09.2021 04:15

is c# the language i have to learn?

Jambalam - 11.09.2021 02:25

You have a bit of a northern lingo you local to Newcastle by any chance :)

AirPodUser223 - 28.07.2021 05:28

Is there going to be a dlc for cat hat?

Blitz Mlcom
Blitz Mlcom - 04.07.2021 21:10

"You are a disgrace to your family" had me laughing so hard! 😂🤣

voops - 24.06.2021 14:08

udemy courses are not expensive.
their "discounts" are little lies just to bait people into buying more courses.
so, don't be fooled by them. they have 90% discounts practically all the time.

Mir najafali
Mir najafali - 09.06.2021 22:34

Moral of the story? You made it

Bridy Done
Bridy Done - 03.06.2021 21:58

that was funny. I feel you. I basically search and do all free courses I can, watch videos, etc. Searching for the exact info you want, and finding it presented in a way you can understand, isn't always easy.
