A Sinful Detour: The Lore of Revendreth

A Sinful Detour: The Lore of Revendreth

Platinum WoW

3 года назад

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Robert Pugh
Robert Pugh - 01.09.2023 23:03

What sins did Old Blanchy commit? I'll tell you right now, GLUTTONY and SLOTH!

Seriously, just how many bags of oats do you need to devour in order to muster the energy to trot a quarter mile down the road to Stormwind?!

That lazy horse refused to move from that spot for YEARS and kept the Furlbrows stuck there, unable to flee!

Day in and day out, Old Blanchy would dine on only the finest of oats, yet still refused to move!

Until one fateful day, all three were murdered by some random thugs!

Alejandro Gienini
Alejandro Gienini - 25.07.2023 10:22

this guy is a legend

I.J. Dragonfly
I.J. Dragonfly - 18.07.2023 05:12

Sire Denathrius should have just been the poster baddie for this expansion. He is leagues above the Jailer in presence, design, voice, motivation, connections...

Vinny Venom
Vinny Venom - 09.07.2023 12:32

Oh my God, I hope someone rescueed Rich Homie WoW!

Sam Flood
Sam Flood - 02.07.2023 20:01

Am I the only one who thinks that the stone born look a lot like the gargoyles from disneys gargoyles?

Amanda Smith
Amanda Smith - 05.06.2023 07:13

I'm already subbed, but if I wasn't that Murdoc reference would've sold me.

mac lumusk
mac lumusk - 22.04.2023 09:00

I love your videos ! Can you do a DK lore Story if there is one?

Jsc1jake - 15.03.2023 05:24

Shadowlands might overall be a pretty bad expansion but it wasn't all bad. From a lore standpoint? Yeah, they ruined a lot of it. Although most of what they created (Jailer and Sylvanas excluded) this expansion was pretty good I'd say, it adds a lot to their world building at least. It seems that we might even be getting another Zereth zone too called "Zereth Ordus." I just hope it's not all spheres and hexagons like Mortis was.

Levferno - 15.03.2023 01:13

I love your nightborne character and the realistic hand bits. I wish this expansion was as cool as it should’ve been.

Rob Fus
Rob Fus - 28.02.2023 16:13

To bad this was the last shadyland video. The elf guide is stuck in the maw forever

James Campbell
James Campbell - 05.01.2023 13:06

Well now he has to wait for Sylvanas to show up and rescue him cause that’s her new job

Nobusiness M
Nobusiness M - 07.12.2022 02:52

i've always wondered how you make these animations, are those movements from the game geniously edited or did you actually create the movements yourself ?

Malphite me bro
Malphite me bro - 21.10.2022 20:44

Denathrius is literally just Sauron

Márk Németh
Márk Németh - 25.09.2022 18:31

Is this the only good thing that came from Shadowlands?

Robert E. O. Speedwagon
Robert E. O. Speedwagon - 11.09.2022 02:29

Blanchy was a twitter user

Local Man
Local Man - 09.09.2022 02:13

is this the stuff that's in the current HS expac? (Castle Nathria) I haven't played since BFA (became sick and had to go to hospital for a long time, never got back into it after getting better) so totally missed shadowlands. I did just get Gifted the expac from Blizzard the other day though, so I'd like to come and have a wander about... shame they didn't give me a months free sub with it as well. (guess I could make a new character and then get to the new area somehow)

Chugiakjr The Playwwright
Chugiakjr The Playwwright - 24.08.2022 05:17

Broke: Sinrunner Blanchy
Woke: Aspirant Bossy

Creative Capricorn
Creative Capricorn - 25.07.2022 16:19

Guess what.... A Capricorn (as Me) goes in and destroys everything there... Muuuhaaaaaahahaha

Joseph Tripp
Joseph Tripp - 21.07.2022 07:35

I would enjoy mawsworn a lot more if they were obsessed with dad jokes instead of generic villainous one-liners tbh

Hugh Jaynus
Hugh Jaynus - 04.07.2022 07:44

Ol' Blanchy was the real leader of the Defias Brotherhood, Edwin was just a pawn.
