this is the BEST champion to learn toplane

this is the BEST champion to learn toplane


1 год назад

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Cormac Taylor
Cormac Taylor - 25.10.2023 01:58

Garen is the worst champ in the game when the objective is having fun

Petey Pete
Petey Pete - 17.10.2023 13:28

All enemy has to do though is play Darius or Tahm Kench, and your "Garen OP" pick will feel useless.

Noah Chaudhry
Noah Chaudhry - 11.10.2023 20:53

Tryndamere tryndamere tryndamere

yourboi69 - 08.10.2023 00:08

His silence is brutal

Небески - 17.09.2023 15:34

Garen is the type of champion that should be, not these new champion their spells looks like you need a degree to understand what's going on...

IAmDaedem - 15.09.2023 09:56

Are positioning and gamesense not a skill? Why do League players only think that aiming/dodge skillshots is "skill"? It's so fucking strange to me.

deton - 10.09.2023 21:34

this is bs. gangplank? wanna see me make clips one shotting enemy?

Kianjelo Giorgio
Kianjelo Giorgio - 26.08.2023 18:11

Garen gets free trades as long as he doesn't die though. His passive makes his whole laneing phase OP then gives him a free warmogs late game

BasilisGamerHD - 24.08.2023 14:05

Garen main here.

Garen is a fantastic champion for newbies, simple kit and good top laner, unfortunately other top laners have better kits if used well.
People say it's a no skill champion I do agree that he doesn't have skillshots but you really need to know how to play as Garen. Just because he doesn't have skillshots doesn't mean he takes absolute no skill to be good.
You will certainly have terrible matchups such as Kayle or trundle (yes I did had a trundle matchup before and it was awful in the current patch)
Again, it's always possible to win games with garen when you understand the fundamentals of league.

If possible, if you get really good with garen. You may be able to pull wins in the high elo, well. Every champ has a chance to be a good pick you just need to know how to play with as them vs your opponent matchup.

Q_GEE - 22.08.2023 02:19

Where wozld you put sett?

Jacob Jeleniewski
Jacob Jeleniewski - 15.08.2023 07:54

I dont enjoy garen because of how simple he is but i know hes good to learn

minesimocraft - 06.08.2023 11:08

Thats why as Gwen i like playing vs garen players , they run at me and i use Q E so he take dmg and i escape from his Q , and After some item i literally run at him and kill him ... Only he can do Is run away

firetype - 17.07.2023 23:04

the reason people pick garen is because they have no actual skill, they rely on a terrible start of trying to ‘win’ trades and if they lose they sit under tower until they have enough hp to trade again

he is probably the most brain dead champ in the game (that isnt trynd)

Darren Time
Darren Time - 28.04.2023 12:34

I hate garen😂😂😂

Redmond - 28.04.2023 11:03

How do I play Garen against PTA Teemo building on hit like Nashor, Riftmaker, Wits End. I can't really gap close even if I go Doran Shield + Tier 2 Boots first. I think Flash Ignite, Conqueror Cloak would be good but without the healing from Second Wind I will get absolute shit on even with D Shield. I didn't die till level 8 or something when they Herald dive me but I got gapped so much CS, even when jungler help me kill him 2 times he's still double my cs at 20min

Meleefaro - 28.04.2023 10:59

What about wukong?

Trung Vy
Trung Vy - 28.04.2023 09:29

Outdated? Garen tactic is so simple yet very effective. Easiest champ to farm safe, don't even need jungle to gank, can never mess up combo.

Tash A
Tash A - 28.04.2023 03:35

Garen is my permaban. Cannot stand Laning against this guy. Garen mains using phase rush to stay on you + his passive for regen is just soul crushing. Even if you try to poke the passive off, you eventually run out of mana while he just has to wait. The 13.8 buffs made this lane so much worse too.

Meme Machine
Meme Machine - 28.04.2023 03:26

Neace type of advice
