Lifelong Logger and Bigfoot & CN Rail Police Officer experience. I share my own near death with you!

Lifelong Logger and Bigfoot & CN Rail Police Officer experience. I share my own near death with you!

Outlaw Country

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@robdavids1708 - 15.02.2025 09:01


@robertdoyle240 - 19.11.2024 04:56

I like your shop

@ruialbertocosta1886 - 04.11.2024 05:01

Greetings Darren and to all Ourlaw Country subscribers! Your narrating, reading methods are always so captivating , Darren ! Surely, you must be a poet , scholar! I mean you're so articulate but i digress... Thank you.

@GeorgeDimich-k3e - 28.10.2024 09:03

Almost takes the pleasure out of being there. And for most folks yup I get it!
But for me? I'm not smart enough to stay away!

@charleyscaff8083 - 20.10.2024 01:47

I have seen many sites start and watch the ripple effect as these sites take off. Your emails will explode and you will never catch up.All good just saying get ready because Your a man of integrity and 1of the gr8 guys.Thanks.
This is a hell of a rabbit hole.

@primevalseeker3952 - 29.09.2024 02:56

Be careful out there man. I never go out by myself as I am accident prone.

@fishingisfun8841 - 28.09.2024 07:27

Hunter orange these days? No thanks, to many crazies and non natives possibly looking for targets out there. Paranoid? Probably lol!

@johnwaddle670 - 26.09.2024 17:02

Darren you are a very good and humble man and we all appreciate the effort you take to share these encounters. It helps everyone that has had there own encounter to deal with it in a way they do not feel alone.

@odysseyshine - 22.09.2024 13:26

I pray for your safety brother

@sonnygrant374 - 21.09.2024 21:04

Is your channel about sasquatches or a place for your life story?

@jasonmonkman373 - 21.09.2024 15:37

Brilliant video

@Cowdogis - 21.09.2024 01:05

First time Watcher you're not by any chance related to the other guy are you

@blaynepace6016 - 21.09.2024 00:49

Sorry, may have spelled your name wrong. I'm an idiot. Lol

@blaynepace6016 - 21.09.2024 00:48

Be safe Darren. Head on a swivel sir. Don't want to lose one of the good guys. They are few these days.

@charlieandhudsonspal7031 - 20.09.2024 23:32

Thanks brother. I haven’t had time to watch much. 👍🫡

@silverbackpatriot6524 - 20.09.2024 23:03

Great video brother.

@JoeyZackary - 20.09.2024 18:18


@greenman4508 - 20.09.2024 17:51

Question for the fella who saw the light. Did you see a shaft of light from the sky? What was the quality of the light? Can you compare the color, tone, source (led, halogen, fluorescent, candle etc)? How big of an area was illuminated?

@cindyroth3708 - 20.09.2024 15:49

I love watching the beautiful outdoors. I happen to find your content. Love it. And love the stories you get and read out in the untamed wild. I'm from Wisconsin. I've done tons of hiking in the northwoods, way up north, near the Upper Michigan border. Just wanted to say hi, and I'm definitely giving you a thumbs up on each video I watch. Be safe. Oh and my 79 year old mother, likes listening to your stories also.

@fiercebone825 - 20.09.2024 08:03

Your vids are always good my friend. 🙏

@fiercebone825 - 20.09.2024 07:50


@bradvanderark8191 - 20.09.2024 05:53

Daron! Do your thing, brother! We'll wait. Be safe! The "people" have found you. Like Steve, you are an obviously good man. More will email you. Thank you for what you do, and more importantly, WHO you are. God bless! 🇺🇲🇺🇲

@judgejudy8027 - 20.09.2024 05:47

As we get older we all have same regrets. I wish i had asked Grandfather or grandmother this or that? Liked and shared . God Bless and stay safe.

@bradvanderark8191 - 20.09.2024 05:45


@eriknelson6529 - 20.09.2024 04:26

You know he did, Daron. Your grandfather was epic. Be good 👍

@outlawcountry6069 - 20.09.2024 02:55

This is my final message until I return home on October 14th . No more service until I’m back. Thank you all for your ongoing support and for being part of this awesome community at Outlaw Country . I will reply to all of your comments when I return so PLEASE keep commenting on this as well as the upcoming videos while I’m away . Bless every one of you and stay safe my friends . I’m gone
Outlaw Country

@mchaney9315 - 20.09.2024 02:50

We do it because we dont have to 😂

@MarkMorton-pj4pu - 19.09.2024 23:26

Great channel him n Steve have awesome conversations

@knockharder3554 - 19.09.2024 22:14

Like I said in my other comment, thank you for your time and effort during this busy time of year. Stay safe and I pray you fill all of your freezers. Fight on, brother

@HanneloreHall-q7m - 19.09.2024 21:58

Big hello frohe Germany , thank you for everything you do.

@billhiggins4264 - 19.09.2024 21:05

Thank you for your videos and reading the experiences of others in their emails! The few episodes I've seen I really enjoy. Just wanted to tell you to be safe on your hunting expedition and look forward to watching more videos on Outlaw Country!!

@Linda-jk2qu - 19.09.2024 20:36

Loved that bear story! He probably went back and told his friends “I don’t know what I ran into in the woods today but it scared the shit outa me”! lol! Great story about your grandpa saving you so glad he followed his gut feelings and knew the right way to rewarm you hypothermia is no joke, when I was in search and rescue that’s what most people were dying from when lost outside.

@ronnievandermaas2944 - 19.09.2024 18:30

Sounds like the first story a meteor coming into the atmosphere and burning up. The ones I've seen last about 5 to 10 seconds. Just a thought

@mitchcohn1800 - 19.09.2024 17:45

Happy to see a new video 👍🫡
Great read!

@ChristophersOutdoorAdventures - 19.09.2024 15:48

Hey Daron! Hope you are doing well and I hope you have a great time on your trip!
Stay safe out there my friend!
ATB!! ✊

@Shang1966 - 19.09.2024 15:13

You and Steve Isdahl have made me a believer. I live in southern NJ along the Pine Barrens. Supposedly there are a few Bigfoot here, but I have never encountered anything walking these woods with my dogs. Anyway, at 58, this topic is fascinating to me like it was when I was a kid (The Patterson film and "In Search Of") got me hooked. Have a great hunt, stay safe, use that "6th sense" and look forward to more shows in the future!

@jasonpardoe1408 - 19.09.2024 14:24

Can’t wait for you an Steve to hook up again an throw the shyit 👌 going to miss ya pall so stay safe and hunt hard 👊❤️🇬🇧

@jasonpardoe1408 - 19.09.2024 14:22

Fly high free bird 😎 the best

@johnclark5562 - 19.09.2024 14:08

Hey Daz ... another great vlog... keep warm and stay safe mate

@jasonpardoe1408 - 19.09.2024 14:02

Accept the gifts with open arms brother because you give us so much. Stay safe and keep being you 💪🏻🥷🥩🇬🇧

@orphan42 - 19.09.2024 13:59

Hey brother, thanks so much for sharing with us your shop and emails. I hope your trip ahead is a good and safe one. Take care be safe and much love and prayers from Australia, Peter. Good to see you go with your gut.❤❤

@M.D.Heller-k8t - 19.09.2024 13:33

Prayers 🙏

@johnc.wunscheljr2873 - 19.09.2024 13:33

What's your email to send encounter to?🤠J >-W-> Hangtown ca

@allenrusselljr - 19.09.2024 13:24

That big bear tried telling his cubs about his close encounter with a humab. I bet they called him crazy lol

What a morning so far, the fanily dog just turned two and has been healthy. Sherlock the beagle started having raspy breathing around midnight. It was bad enough to visit the emergency vet where the family found out his lungs were 100% full of cancer. At 230 he was put down. This pup was our family.... Trying to explain this to a non verbal autistic 7 year old just crushed me .. on top of losing Sherlock its day 97 of dads hospice.. its been our luck that bad things come in threes .

Sorry for my venting.

Daron i appreciate your videos, they provide me a short period where i can zone out and enjoy the scenery as well as hear others experiences.

@Ralla74 - 19.09.2024 13:00

Thanks for the shares today Daron, another 2 encounters vividly recollected. We continue to learn and complete our puzzles.....But the bit that struck at my heart strings was '24 days away'. Bet you are super excited. Are you able to record parts of your adventure to share on your return? Be wonderful to see some of the places you go to...Stay safe my friend.

@RobertDewey-uv1fh - 19.09.2024 11:19

Great to see you again Daron, sharing more encounters.
Hope your latest trip goes well, can't wait for the video footage brother. Stay safe, good hunting. Take care my good friend. Speak soon. Regards Rob Dewey

@a.m.wood017 - 19.09.2024 09:51

If you are not going to wear orange then dont, for God's sake, wear an antler hat! thanks man, good work!

@laurieharding396 - 19.09.2024 07:58

Thanks for sharing these email , the truth needs to get out! Take care and god bless you and your family.

@kimerickson1353 - 19.09.2024 06:59

I laughed when the people were giving you crap for not wearing hunter orange. Do they realize how many guys are colour-blind? Great shares! Thanks, Daron...getting stoked for your trip! Going to keep you in my prayers that you have a safe, successful & incident-free hunt!

@Andy_Dignum - 19.09.2024 06:36

You're the Man, Darren. I bet your Grandfather is very Proud of You & the Man that You've become.
God Bless, Positive Energy & Good Vibes to You on your Hunt. Stay Safe & We look forward to the videos.
