Popular Linux Interview Questions for DevOps Interviews

Popular Linux Interview Questions for DevOps Interviews


4 года назад

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Lucas Macedo
Lucas Macedo - 07.06.2023 14:10

EXCELENT, thank you!

David Gigi
David Gigi - 29.03.2023 10:38

What storage q&a vmware

RainyDayzPNW - 16.02.2023 19:21

Ugh. This videos all over the place. Also, don’t say cuddle in an interview.

Charles Kusi
Charles Kusi - 02.02.2023 15:55

Excellent content 👌🏾


Zameer Ahmed
Zameer Ahmed - 28.10.2022 23:36

Good q's ....... ideal DevOps Manager.

pomey aziz
pomey aziz - 30.07.2022 05:17

Very helpful video..... 😍😍

John Smith
John Smith - 14.07.2022 18:52

what is the most valued Linux Sys Admin certificate ?

John Smith
John Smith - 14.07.2022 18:34

im in this for 15 years and never touch inodes
I was forget what it is
do not touch there

solidwaterslayer - 11.04.2022 04:52

the only thing i understood is mv ls cd dir

IBelieveInLiberty - 02.12.2021 06:04

How would you poke around /proc to see what the command was called with?

EasonTek2398 - 06.11.2021 13:36

i say SystemCTL, nowdays i use service or rc-service because systemd has some drawbacks

Joy O
Joy O - 02.09.2021 02:41

interesting video

NauticaOrangeWatchBG - 13.08.2021 11:11

I had a interview yesterday, and i watched this video prior to my scheduled time, and they asked me one of the question that was here, so i started laughing, and they asked what is the problem, and i said that i watched this video day before lol :D Atmosphere was quite good, so it wasn't weird :D

Eddy_D - 15.07.2021 00:43

/proc is fun and all but when you get into /sys (the sysfs) then things start to get interesting...
cause that's where all the knobs and switches are.
The virtual directory /proc was never really intended as an interactive system, only to be read for process information.
sysfs (sys/) is where the drivers can expose their tuning parameters and where platform classes and buses are enumerated.
Thanks for the example questions.

Learn Science by doing.
Learn Science by doing. - 13.06.2021 19:43

Again, I wanted to say thanks. I worked as a Linux sysadmin in the mid 90's to 2000, and I'm knocking off the rust now.. ..learning git, etc.
Tnx again.

Ather - 08.06.2021 20:12

Thank you so much for sharing this!

Nilesh Joshi
Nilesh Joshi - 27.04.2021 22:45

How traceroute works?
What are signals in Linux?
How kill command works in Linux?
How passwd command works with permissions 400 on passwd file?
How you identify if particular device have filesystem on it or not?

These are some interesting questions I love answering or asking to gauge Linux knowledge..

electric warlock
electric warlock - 18.02.2021 19:27

Liked. Subscribed.

Xeezz Arcanain
Xeezz Arcanain - 17.02.2021 18:36

Linux is such a vast system that even after 5y of being developer I still have 'no idea' what I'm doing. Are there any courses/materials/books that you would recommend to up my linux game a noch?

George - 14.02.2021 23:07

More interview tutorials. Thanks a lot ☺️☺️

hatrez - 27.01.2021 06:52

If I interview someone and the person saying cuddle over and over again. I am sorry but you ain’t getting the job.

I mean ffs just say C T L like literally every other person on the planet.

Franco G
Franco G - 17.01.2021 02:17

The one I was asked which I didn't expect was: If someone changed the permissions on the CHMOD file. How do you change it or fix it.

Richard Maduka
Richard Maduka - 09.12.2020 07:23

SYSTEM CUDDLE?? System needs a hug

Petr Osetr
Petr Osetr - 29.11.2020 20:56

King! Interesting questions to listen to indeed :)

thatguy - 29.11.2020 03:06

You dont have to grep for ESTAB using ss, you can filter on state = established

Boro Wich
Boro Wich - 31.10.2020 22:34

Thanks for the video !!
Still have a lot to learn but i think am in a good way !! ;)

nodrub amogaw
nodrub amogaw - 07.10.2020 09:26

Total time waster wasted MY17 minutes...too many AAAAHHH, ridiculous..NOT helpful at all

Ixian Ghola
Ixian Ghola - 30.09.2020 00:37

Hey thanks for the video! I've been preparing for interviews and I found this to be a super helpful tool. I'm a recent college graduate who has some experience working in operations via internships, I guess you would call me a Linux Admin/ Operations Engineer? The roles were never to well defined. Since working in the industry I've loved Linux but never had to the chance to formally learn it (only really learned it in the field just working with it). Do you have any advice on learning linux aside from just playing with it? I often find myself getting stuck on the nitty gritty questions like how does proc work, How does linux even know to boot up, Grub, disk mounting, PIDs, UIDs, GIDs, jailing. Ideally I'd love to read a book or do a course that teach such concepts, any advice is appreciated!

al Cap
al Cap - 21.08.2020 18:30

Hey man your videos are great I'm using them to prepare!

Filip Stojanovic
Filip Stojanovic - 17.07.2020 00:31

I've ditched Windows years ago and I'm using Linux 24/7, to me it was the most interesting when I didn't know something that is even basic lol
Also I kinda got scared of inodes and the implementation part

Joseph Filla
Joseph Filla - 08.06.2020 01:41

Inodes are the file. Not just a data structures

Кирилл Бикшанов
Кирилл Бикшанов - 02.06.2020 00:06

How inodes works. Great question.

Nahum Eliash
Nahum Eliash - 01.04.2020 17:05

Probably one of the best Linux interview questions!!! thank you very much!

Rahul Meshram
Rahul Meshram - 12.03.2020 06:48

also we need to know how to patch a Linux system like Redhat, SuSE, Ubuntu etc.

and we need to know how to create a patch repository

Chen Chang
Chen Chang - 18.02.2020 02:14

After seeing this, I decide to give up the DevOps track.

Gary McNeely
Gary McNeely - 21.12.2019 10:41

thank you

Escape the Matrix
Escape the Matrix - 28.11.2019 16:12

Just a hunch, but I have a feeling Dave has worn out a keyboard or two in his computing career. lol

Escape the Matrix
Escape the Matrix - 28.11.2019 15:08

Shoot, I was hoping one of the questions would be; "If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?" I was ready for that one! (A Mighty Oak - btw) :-D

Marcin Wojtczuk
Marcin Wojtczuk - 03.11.2019 23:02

Thank you very much for helping out the community. I feel also more a dev than sysadmin, but your knowledge of troubleshooting is really extensive. I become worried that I've never heard about journalctl, but that's because in my youth I've only inspected /var/log/*. I never had to resort to doing any tcpdump in practical work, and so also netcat is not that useful, compared to debugging power of curl.

I hope that if you see someone sees ways around linux in general, he/she would pass. At some point during lazy studing days, I've built Gentoo from scratch. I knew ways around that beauty, but I'm really lost in RHEL now. Like the damn LVM and allocating volumes for docker images....

frannelk - 15.10.2019 00:17

I got these 2 questions on my last Linux interview:

1) How to delete a file which is zero bytes and its name is -xf? This really pissed me off because you never has files with special characters and with zero bytes.....I mean you can go an challenge someone with systems but this question...Pleaae...and this one you can figure out quickly if they give you a console to try, but with with pen and paper no straight forward.

2) What is chroot for and provide an example? This one is very good and they caught off guard, well good lesson to learn.

Joshua Horin
Joshua Horin - 06.10.2019 16:13


asdasda asdasda
asdasda asdasda - 05.10.2019 17:12

if you have to use ssh, its not devops

TheNorthIsCold - 29.09.2019 21:38

The video by itself is pretty good, just casually talking about a distribution and some specific Linux stuff.
But if you called me up to talk about a interview and asked me these questions, i would think "is this guy serious?". What job level are we talking about here, support? 1'st / 2'nd level? something else?

A Linux interview question i have been given that i thought was strange (something like)
1. How do you aggregate and count identical lines in a file represented by a integer.
cat file.txt|sort|uniq -c
2. By reading this output from Apache webserver, what is a probable cause that the service wont start?
Given 3 A4 paper's with output.
3. What is the biggest mistake you've ever made on a server?
If anyone out there get such a question, have the balls to ask "what is the biggest mistake you've ever made?" and wait for them to move on.

M Barajaa
M Barajaa - 29.09.2019 21:08

Hi What is the best Linux course and what study material do you recommend.?

Simon Cardenas
Simon Cardenas - 29.09.2019 02:17

A few questions that I see are missing, and I use quiet often:
1. How would you automate the execution of a daily script (expect to hear cron).
2. You want to check the logs for an apache / nginx server, but you cant find them in /var/log/, where would you look (expect to hear how to identify where apache / nginx is installed, and check into their configs, where the logs are going)
3. How would you access a web service running in server B only accessible from server A, to which you have access, but from your local machine (expect to hear ssh tunnel using port forwarding -L or proxy socks -D).
Great video though, I need to improve my skills on /proc and inodes, I only heard of those things, but have never dig into. Thanks!

SuperGianluka88 - 27.09.2019 21:01

More than DevOps this are sysadmin questions

carlos fernandez
carlos fernandez - 25.09.2019 22:25

Sir , can you help me with a problem that i can not find the way out. I had an old hp laptop that i installed kali linux , but in the process of installation it doesn't recognize my network(wifi) and i skip the step. Now i have the linux running perfect in the laptop but i can't figure out how to connect the laptop on internet. Thanks in advance , i know is a noobie question but i am stuck. Thanks for your help

Aaron Chamberlain
Aaron Chamberlain - 24.09.2019 06:32

Now my question is how I find such interviews. Based off what I do day to day I would say I would nail your interview. I’m looking to move to a more Linuxy job but they all say “you need 3 years of Docker and Security+ and and”
