Xeno's reaction to The Downfall of FFXIV

Xeno's reaction to The Downfall of FFXIV

XenosysVex Clips

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Waltsu1d - 19.10.2023 09:55

Can somebody make video "Down fall of Xenosys Vex's head"

Ophelia - 13.10.2023 09:02

I am begging ffxiv content creator both former and current to stop looking at ffxiv as a content farm and actually play the game. They’ll see the game is doing just fine. Just cause it doesnt have start of endwalker numbers anymore or some people a pissy cause the game doesnt cater to them anymore mean that ffxiv “needs a big shakeup” or “is dying”

Magus - 13.10.2023 01:30

SE just want's minimum effort with maximum profit. The Game isn't dying but i guess good players or active players will stop playing, because they will be bored (not burned) out at some point. The 1 Hour per week Casuals remain to keep the Game going. And SE doesn't need to increase the Content for them. That's a big win for SE! Instead they will decrease the Dungeons to 1 Dungeon every two Patches, git rid of Ultimates and Savage, because no one does them anymore and bring in Daily Login Rewards with maxed out Raid Gear for the players. It will turn into a Gacha Game, were you can pull for for Glam to maximize profit even more. And of course, don't forget the Shop. :D

alchemi80 - 13.10.2023 00:31

What is this defiance?

Jeremy - 12.10.2023 13:15

Thank you Zepla for starting an amazing trend! 😊

Sleepless Days
Sleepless Days - 12.10.2023 12:24

Some people play the game 3-5 hours a day since 5-8 years and complain, that they bored…. Endwalker have some issues, but it’s still good. Like Yoshi P said: take a break and play other games. I did, and now I’m absolut into it again.

Doonix - 11.10.2023 23:10

I was concerned about the number of recent videos and analyses about the game saying that it's dying and so on, because I started playing it recently, and until a few months ago, everything seemed fine. I'm somewhat self-conscious about this because I have a feeling that every game I start playing and enjoy ends up going bad. The last time this happened to me was with Destiny 2, shortly before I started playing it, It seemed healthy, only with monetization issues, but suddenly the game removed all the main content and went downhill just when I began playing and liking it

Carlos Abreu
Carlos Abreu - 11.10.2023 20:43

Shame, I believe Xenos opinion on this would have been interesting to say the least.

His opening statement of thee dude being deadly afraid of sharing his opinion for the better of two expansion was something i believe Xeno would have things to say.

Storied Writer
Storied Writer - 11.10.2023 20:39

“The Yoshi P indoctrination.” This guy, there is no indoctrination, Yoshi P isn’t forcing people to play ff14 24/7 with out rest it’s the exact opposite. The guy encourages you to play other games, to do the something else with your life, travel, do something new, hang out with friends etc. Final Fantasy 14 isn’t the only thing in existence and this guy act like it is but he does NOT play it anymore.

Namiquana - 11.10.2023 17:41

God I love Xeno man. Strummer has the right attitude to this cringe garbage

TheManTheMythThePanda - 11.10.2023 16:09

ye this topic of FF14 dying comes up at the end of every expansion. Basically every content drought. And also I feel like people thing ff14 is dead if it even so much returns to the playercount from before the wow Exodus. Which by all means it wasnt dead back then why would it be dead if it goes back to a normal times player count

Dremikanix - 11.10.2023 11:05

Jesus Christ with the fucking dormers.

"Let me delete my toon and then make a vid about the game I quit playing"

1003VA - 11.10.2023 07:58

Just ignore these people lol. Their opinions are invalid

OcelotPrime - 11.10.2023 05:41

I used to play XIV. Then I went to bed.

sc5the - 11.10.2023 03:54

ok but wait lynx and xeno r pinnacle of ffxiv hard content though lol

Frosty Eyes
Frosty Eyes - 11.10.2023 03:46

The video is just a full rant. Criticism provide solution not shallow feedbacks.

Nebula - 11.10.2023 03:36

'Midcore' Enjoyers should do older Endwalker Savages, unironically. Gear creep means the DPS checks basically don't exist, so it's all in the execution of mechanics, and aside from KFC Bargain Bucket and Zoo Daddy, it's mostly pretty braindead.

And no, you're not 'midcore' if you do Savage on-content. You're a hardcore player by definition.

NOVA - 11.10.2023 02:06

that dude who made that video is Bitter about the game.. i watched it and i was like Dude get over it. this game is not for you anymore..

Yu - 11.10.2023 02:01

I hope ff14 doesn't become a busy game. The reason I've stayed subbed for the past 3 years is because it's a chill mmo. I like that gearing is simple as it is, I don't need it to be like lost ark or whatever and min max my stats dealing with rng. I'm happy to just pop in, do Savage with my static, then pop out or do other content when I feel like it.

NoRightTurn - 11.10.2023 01:51

The game is so dead. I only had a 35 man queue to log in today. Sadge ☹

Kleisen - 11.10.2023 01:23

that's odd though you and him have many similar opinions regarding the matter

slicemup9 - 11.10.2023 01:21

I don’t think the game is ‘dying’ but the playerbase is absolutely dwindling and not just because it’s the end of an expansion. I know myself and others quit because of A) Awful gearing systems and B) the classes are so dumbed down at this point everything feels exactly the same. Remember when Dark Knight had stances and dark arts? When it wasn’t 1-2-3 bloodspiller for 10 minutes on an Ultimate? I miss how the classes used to have identity and felt substantially different to play.

RedCpt - 11.10.2023 00:55

Dawntrail can literally be the same as Endwalker and it won't die. People are wildin'

jet44444 - 11.10.2023 00:32

Xeno making sense?! Xeno being the voice of reason?

Tyr Obityll
Tyr Obityll - 11.10.2023 00:10

I watched Lynx's video and it helped to reaffirm my dislike to "those savage raiders". What do I mean by "Those" ? Well, people like Lynx complain that game doesn't cater to people like him very much, which in and of itself is not condemnable thing, but and it's a BIG BUTT, he shit's on other FF 14 player types. You play for story? You are a cat-something that cries about bad pixels. You like levelling alt jobs? Wow, we got a roulette main overhere who isn't even goona use his maxed out jobs (Side note, Lynx, if you ever read this, what people decide to do with their maxed jobs is not your fucking bussiness) and so on and so forth, he of course sneaks in "I don't want to crap on anyone", which is weird, since he already did, so it's just a bitch move, to backpedal like that. TL;DR don't let the door hit you on the way out, Lynx.

Trial_With_An_Error - 10.10.2023 23:27

Wasnt Lynx the dude that was involved with the Radience FC? Like the FC that allegedly planned to assault a girl at Fanfest?

Patrik Bateman
Patrik Bateman - 10.10.2023 22:23

this game is actually still growing - if you guys in here want to look at data and stuff - "ffxiv luckybancho census"
pretty interesting, the newest census dropped few days ago.

Gathoderiz - 10.10.2023 21:57

Did he watch it ? Because it's not about player count decline or something like that
I think he would agree with the most points of the video about how the game changed
Sadge moment

Miss Minori
Miss Minori - 10.10.2023 21:57

Kind of wish Xeems would've at least watched it, because it does have a lot of valid points. I do think people saw the title and thought "Oh it's another FFXIV is dying video!", when it wasn't that at all. I do agree with a lot of the points he makes, just because he doesn't play really anymore and skips story, doesn't mean his opinions are invalid. I have friends like that (casual, end-game proggers, Ultimate clearers) and I do agree with a lot of the opinions they have, this is coming from a hardcore casual player that simps a lot for FFXIV at times.

Aurinth - 10.10.2023 21:49

Some influencers just clearly need a reality check. People watching them or even looking up to them doesn't necessarily means they're waiting for their opinion on everything. We don't need to be told that they're not having a fun in the game anymore so some kind of movement should be done. Everyone has this line at a different place. From previous videos of that dude I got a feeling he was expecting to get fulfillment from hardcore content only, meaning he was beyond saving long time ago.

Also this might be flash news for the zoomers out there, but you are never ever going to make a difference. It's either:
- devs are already good at picking up feedback from the people, can sustain the game themselves for years and your screeching on the internet has no value or,
- devs are stupid like WoW devs, don't know what to do and also are unlikely to even consider extracting any meaningful feedback from the players.

Creating some private echochambers in social media as avenues to provide feedback (because you are obviously more important others), is just copium to protect your perceived livelihood.

It's also very funny to watch ex-WoW players to make this mistake again lmao.

Crankork - 10.10.2023 21:29

baited chat EZ Clap

Xilibrius - 10.10.2023 21:27

I'll say I watched probably about the first third of the original video and the fact that it starts off with him deleting his character sporting an ultimate weapon was just pretentious to me. If your hope is that the game will get better then why would you delete your character?

Like unless part of the enjoyment for you was leveling a character from one to max, which doesn't seem to be the case. What point are you trying to make with starting the video? That way it makes it harder for people to take what you say afterwards at face value even if there are valid points because it shows that somebody who really cares about the game wouldn't delete their character because they would hope it would get better and they would return to the game at some point and pick up where they left off.

Everything about it is click/rage-baity to me which is why when he started talking about how the ebb and flow of combat and raid works no matter what type of content it is and that it's all uninspiring and unoriginal that I ended up checking out of the video.

Xilibrius - 10.10.2023 21:19

The only thing that'll kill 14 is square enix going under and that's assuming they don't get bought out by a mega corp which they would then still keep 14 alive

MagiusNecros - 10.10.2023 21:18

Game isn't dying. Content just isn't worth doing. Engagement peaked in Heavensward. The streamlining and gutting of meaningful gameplay started in Stormblood and gets simpler each expansion. The main draws of current XIV being underwhelming is content is either too easy or too hard with no middle ground with arguably terrible rewards for both. They phone in each patch with Dead on Arrival additions that rarely keep your attention for days to a week instead of months at a time. And personally their poor gearing system.

All you will have left playing is new players and the most loyal Veterans. The other players will come back for the new expansion, play through it then unsub again as FFXIV is primarily a story driven MMO and Endwalker has a lot of pacing issues on that front. Which is partially because of switching to mediocre journeyman writers and dividing staff for Clive Adventures in FFXVI.

A lot of the newer content is just the same thing they gave you and it isn't all that exciting. Vet players are getting bored so they leave to play a different game that'll respect your time.

The best content XIV has put out is the drama and not the game itself. I was more excited about the doom and gloom, exposure of streamers being cheaters to optimize their Raid Runs.

I'm holding out for 7.0 to change things around but I really think they have so many new players they will focus more on catering to them then jaded folks like myself who are more interested in addressing flaws the design philosophy of the game currently has.

It's another cycle of New player enjoys the game but will never reach the endgame. And Vets are at the endgame and see the gameplay loop for what it is. Do dailies then log off. And you can probably get away with just doing your dailies weekly.

Besides when the next xpac launches there will be a catchup patch that completely removes the grind anyway so why bother doing the content now? Play smarter not harder.

Instead of spending months gearing up your classes it'll just take a week or less to gear up every class when Dawntrail launches.

LightSummoner - 10.10.2023 21:03

Okay, the title is completely clickbait,
and FF14 won't die even if the game offers us the same stuff as in Endwalker,
but most of the points he mentions in his video are simply true,
and I think it was worth watching it without paying attention to the drama in the first 30 seconds.

After all, these are things that many people are aware of, and it's not something new.

But we have to admit that the majority of his points were good, and even someone like Xenos would probably agree with almost everything.

Strykerx31 - 10.10.2023 20:53

Wow, what a Jerk, didn't even watch the video and already critizing him.

SpaceBird - 10.10.2023 19:54

To be fair, his video isn't about the game dying, but more about how the game fails to deliver and the playerbase handwaving any complaints that need to be made.

Stuff like reducing Job difficulty to the boring state they are, while the playerbase is still terrible, makes that a completely pointless decision by the dev team.

The fact that the games player count has tripled since Heavensward, but we dont actually get MORE content, we just get shuffled content, and resources moved to another.
The game makes SE so much money, and none of it gets invested BACK into FFXIV, despite how much it grows.

That are content design is getting stale, with how easy tank and healing is, and how fights are designed.

He points out that the game is still successful, but it delivers content to one side of the playerbase, but not the other, when that wasn't always the case.

KennyS 62
KennyS 62 - 10.10.2023 19:52

The game isn’t dying, the title is pretty much clickbait.

He does make a lot of good points in the video though, that I’m sure Xeno would agree with. But the average player doesn’t care about these, primarily the game being dumbed down etc, hence the game is going to continue to do just fine.

yar yar
yar yar - 10.10.2023 19:39

"where do u think you got the idea?" xD gatekeeper of whining

Jarred Henderson
Jarred Henderson - 10.10.2023 19:33

could someone make a sound bite of the mic adjustment, would make a sweet text sound

Maxime Simard
Maxime Simard - 10.10.2023 19:28

Every players that played pre Asmon know when the dev say go play something else its not BS, most come from WoW where player retention is everything so all systems are made to be grindy AF, if you miss one month might as well come back next expention

Drakshl - 10.10.2023 19:28

Actual nonce

Lux - 10.10.2023 19:26

did he end up watching the video? i would've liked his input, especially because lynx put him in the video

Rucent - 10.10.2023 18:37


Richard Fromage
Richard Fromage - 10.10.2023 18:35

I feel like Lynx kamelli pops out like Rita Repulsa every time there is a lul in FFXIV

Conkergs - 10.10.2023 18:29


But seriously, all these people making the saaaaaaame video, saaaaaaaaame complaint, saaaaaaaaaame end of xiv, saaaaaaaaaaaame same.

Linpel - 10.10.2023 18:28

That guy have a guide for healing..... dungeons...... not criterion or the savage ultra mega hardcore look at me mom version. Dungeons.

Mitsuki Akiyumi
Mitsuki Akiyumi - 10.10.2023 18:27

Think anyone who makes content about XIV dying or etc is full of copium.
