Barbarian Guide For Wiping Lobbies And Making People Hate You - Dark and Darker

Barbarian Guide For Wiping Lobbies And Making People Hate You - Dark and Darker


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@ososideways - 17.01.2024 01:31

anyone here using any besides Zwei is honestly cheating themself. only PDR fighter is safe and if we are equal built its only 3 shot. and long sword is exceptionally easier to dodge then Zwei.

@yodatheforce - 16.12.2023 03:03

This is awesome, I’m glad to have watched until the end I laughed so hard. You’re a funny guy.

@TheeOK1 - 30.11.2023 21:06

Are the health increases by max hp or current hp?

@coltermiller1782 - 02.11.2023 03:56

potion chugger works on luck pots btw

@amatuerA11 - 30.10.2023 04:19

i was unaware wizard was that strong. i mainly just play normal goblin caves so guess i dont see them much

@bednoises6391 - 20.10.2023 03:58


@tylerguimond524 - 19.10.2023 08:48

Why Northern Full over Padded Tunic?

@loweloking88 - 16.10.2023 23:30

You didn’t answer when it’s better to fight with the War Mail vs Viking Sword. Also, vs pve in goblins should I use the sword or the maul?

You didn’t say what race is best also. Otherwise, good guide

@casualgames1238 - 16.10.2023 17:29

Where do you think Barb falls on a solo tier list?

@Sundirre - 15.10.2023 17:06

You say fighter is bad, but everytime i go into Highroller GC as fully kitted barb, almost BIS, there is fighter hitting me with crossbow for half hp, then rushing me with sprint and heal and two shot me with falchion

@Sojiro-bb7zx - 13.10.2023 08:56

:( Northern full tunic got a huge nerf. Protects less, and the move speed is now -25. Barb moves so damn slow now, it's almost required to have a movement speed boost from a teammate in order to win any fight against a ranged character

@Recon1127 - 11.10.2023 19:29

Thanks for yapping 20 minutes straight!

@locdngamin880 - 11.10.2023 04:56

I disagree with barb being "easy mode". Shit like that gets classes nerfed into the ground, otherwise decent vid.

@josephdombrowski7946 - 07.10.2023 07:30

You are right, I main barb and always have a blast. I have never got so many 3 man kills in the killfeed on anyone but barbarian

@kallekulmala1876 - 06.10.2023 15:20

It's funny seeing this now since maul arp got nerfed to 20% and iw got mr reduced to 60 💀

@user-fs5fc1vv7y - 05.10.2023 00:57

Seems like felling axe is meta

@CaseCorso - 04.10.2023 19:47

The best thing is how much gold this class will make you after killing hydra life stealing warlocks with +magic healing gear and reselling it at top dollar. Iron will feeling really op now

@Blunechi - 04.10.2023 00:58

Great guide. I will say life siphon is good early when you have shit gear.

@SergioSanchez-cs5yd - 03.10.2023 20:56

in your opinion what class is the best to play solo in gc?

@slowmoao6089 - 03.10.2023 15:20

must be op if your using 2 of the cheapest weapons with stats that bad

@AleexGod - 02.10.2023 17:49

I hate that i have to stop playing fighter and pick up barbarian because fighter is so shit rn i swear man

@ryanlee6380 - 02.10.2023 16:10

The problem with this is that you have a few bad runs and then you're broke, back to starter axe running savage and being squishy as fuck. This is a great end game build if you have lots of money and a good team, but the struggle for barb still exists when you have no gear.

@henrifortier8621 - 02.10.2023 15:52

legit question.. if fist are good when chasing and war maul is just busted why use a one handed weapon at all ? XD thanks

@mouhajerbeya7153 - 02.10.2023 12:52

lol until you get 2 shot by a ranger, Barb phys reduction is low mr is high. Fighter mr is low Phys reduction is high. Yet fighter can use crossbow, if your aim is decent (not even good) then you can 60% any class with one shot from a crossbow that alreaady has built-in armor penetration, Fighter/Ranger/Cleric or Fighter/Bard/Cleric are the real easy mode.

@ThereIsNoSpoon4 - 02.10.2023 07:21

Heard you mention the top classes but I didn't hear ranger.. One trap and you're whole plan goes to shit.. I'm sure it works most of the time though.

@tony9526 - 02.10.2023 07:14

Some gameplay would of been dope

@plutotheotaku - 02.10.2023 06:52

This is exactly where I’m
At, stopped playing fighter , started playing barb and cleric; and wow games much more fun 😂

@flowmah5317 - 02.10.2023 06:48

Yesss! I been telling my friends that warmaul is broken af! I main Barb/Cleric and love using warmaul. Good video this was a fun watch ✌️

@ProprockZ - 02.10.2023 05:53

Hello :) Todd
I have been finding a lot of success on the barbarian now for 2 wipes, maybe give this build a go or tell me what you think :)
Perks: Iron Will, Robust and then both the axe perks, and same stats as you`re saying.
For the weapons what have worked good for me, Have a war maul ofc and a felling axe, i rlly only use war maul on fighters/clerics, the great part about running a felling axe second with both the axe perks, you hit for 140+dmg, so you will one shot, Wizards,Rangers,Rogues,Warlocks, i have been running in too problems when i used the viking sword, they managed to run away from me cuz they could take 3-4 hits from the viking sword. + its a great bonus for the franchise axes DMG, i usually run about 8 axes, 2-4 axes kills everyone trying to run away from you.

@ohdevy - 02.10.2023 03:39

Another thing is with Rage skill it increases your movement and weapon swing speed for a short time AND strength buff. You can literally chase people down that don't expect it if you have good agility gear. Barb is becoming my favorite ❤

@henrifortier8621 - 02.10.2023 02:45

what are your thoughts about just using your fists when chasing ? tried it more and felt op xD

also any perks I should swap for GC play ?

amazing content subbed!

@o282 - 02.10.2023 02:00

What about him in solos?

@davidrousseau100 - 02.10.2023 01:43

Love fighter but only reason I haven't switched over to barb yet is access crossbows but barb is overall better with the new attributes on clothing

@sandroadler3607 - 02.10.2023 01:23

we need gameplay with a Mythic Maul dear Todd, for the Allfather

@astartes3979 - 02.10.2023 01:12

Warlock using eldritch shield and power of sacrifice gives another 30hp with +15 Strength

@Pazuzu1500 - 02.10.2023 00:58

Makes sense why I don’t feel tanky as a fighter even when I have high PDR. I was wondering why I get two tapped so often. Thank you for the educational video. These perks are way cooler than fighter. I think I’m gonna try out barb now.

@Chadthed1ckchamp - 02.10.2023 00:55

Been playing wizard, every single HR lobby is buffball barb.. died with a 3k wiz kit on. Now i transferred the rest of my gold to my barb who iv been neglecting. i cant wait to piss of people as much as they did to me.

@chasecrappell6556 - 02.10.2023 00:45

Just went for lvl1 to 14 with only dying twice after watching this lol. I always mained fighter and this is just a better fighter.

@Raginsplager - 01.10.2023 22:46

You killed me today with your fighter and bard friend was super salty

@gutrap_3062 - 01.10.2023 22:28

can u do some gameplay review to explain how u play

@piretsof5 - 01.10.2023 22:21

Warlocks magic shield is best counter for magic dealers

@Reformed_999 - 01.10.2023 22:17

Great class to play especially with how oppressive warlock is at the moment. I will say one thing. Rangers that have been a green longbow can just kite you and erase your hp which is awful but not surprising. Hard to catch them unless they’re dumb.

@PitFighterPlus - 01.10.2023 22:12

For 3's, I agree a lot with this. 2's a little less, you need a Wizard with Slow + Haste + Invis I feel against competent duos in the Ruins, will want to still have a small horde of Franciscas just incase you run up against double Ranger. All skills being equal and all that. In 1's like Goblin Caves, its always a tossup.

Ranking Barb I lean S tier for 3's in a proper buffball team, A- to B+ depending on comp in Duos, in any form of singles, C.

Glad you're making Barb content, I started playing and Fighter was my main and then I swapped to Barb cause...I love just running at people with an axe and being menacing enough people just don't wanna fight me in Goblin caves (Unless its a Cleric, Wizard or Warlock, whom always seem to take the fight with me). Cause works for me, most of the time in Ruins I'm solo and mining, and working with other teams to take out mobs and letting them be.

I like being the ultra friendly barbarian miner. And if they pick a fight, they get a war maul to the head or a double bladed axe to the skull. Or I die and spend next to nothing getting back up to speed. XD

@bart_ender6116 - 01.10.2023 21:40

Would Warlock be a reasonable buffing character with blood thirst blade and power of sacrifice? 15 Str buff and 3 damage a second reduced by your magic defense to like 1 or 2.

@kyle7359 - 01.10.2023 21:15

I've run into you twice in two days :(

@rekrn12345 - 01.10.2023 21:10

Been telling my friends this for a while and they are all like "uh duh 95% dmg reduction" . Putting aside that isn't even possible anymore either way barb is still way better. Even with second wind the barb still has more effective health. Now with the new magic resist items on top of the barbarians base magic resist there is no reason to bring a fighter anymore.

@GeorgeWKush-tl5do - 01.10.2023 21:07

lol barbarian is not best class in game. Barbarians are ez

@jeremycorbin2178 - 01.10.2023 21:06

Barb is in a weird spot right now. They sort of turn the game into rock-paper-scissors in a way that no other class does, where if they face a melee or short range opponent they 8/10 times wash them, but then don't have a choice except fold to range. I dunno if they're OP though, more like they turn balance on it's head in both extremes when played solo (which levels out in trios).

That said, HP stacking right now is crazy good. You can take a basically base-kit barb and give him some ale, equip rage and warcry, then pair him with a warlock running power of sacrifice and hit like 250hp with strength through the roof; which is absolutely bonkers even if it'd only be at full power for about 6 seconds. Very fun gimmick, would recommend trying

@tylerflick4058 - 01.10.2023 19:40

Tbh war maul just feels so rough to use. It swings so slow and seems so easily countered. Thats why Felling feels nice, swings so fast

@xd_cyrus8350 - 01.10.2023 19:34

moral boost has saved me from dying many times, i would run it instead of berserker, to be fair it is personal preference
