Index Funds are for LOSERS (Seriously)

Index Funds are for LOSERS (Seriously)

Rob Berger

2 года назад

411,852 Просмотров

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Lucas Rabb
Lucas Rabb - 24.10.2023 01:08

The ARKK example has aged so well two years later… 😂

Jeff Forbus
Jeff Forbus - 08.10.2023 11:53

I needed to hear this! Thanks a bunch for sharing your experience!

RPSartre - 25.09.2023 04:31

I have several investment vehicles including my 401k plan, individual account, and a 529 savings plan for my daughter. The only instance where i just invested in one index fund, invested regularly every month, and just relied on dollar cost averaging was the 529 plan (Virginia 529 plan based on one DFA all equity index fund). Needless to say, the 529 plan did so much better than my other portfolios that have been based on index AND managed funds. Recently, I changed all that and all my investment accounts are based on index funds. Don't be a loser - invest in low-cost index funds and buy and hold and watch your investments grow. By the way, look at how the S&P crushed nearly all managed funds YTD. Even in the short term, the index beats the crap out of 99 percent of investment funds. Don't be a shill for Cathy Woods and her type - these people are charlatans and stupid actually. Where are all the shameless gutless Cathy groupies now?!

RyansuBike - 17.09.2023 21:23

how many folks pick the "Prom king" year in a year ou? How many are crowing when the next year the former prom king is drunk and unemployed? . I'll take the boring plodding market return Index fund thank you.

Trendy Brown
Trendy Brown - 16.09.2023 19:06

Even a blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut.

jec1ny - 10.09.2023 06:42

As I write this comment it's September of 2023 and I just looked up the returns for ARK. They don't have a ten year record but the five year compound annual return is .07%. So basically flat. The five year compound annual return for VOO is just a tick over 11%. Once again, over the long run index funds will almost always win.

David Dominguez
David Dominguez - 18.08.2023 13:50

The title alone piqued my interest lol

Naresh Vasishth
Naresh Vasishth - 10.08.2023 03:44

Bogel wrote a book called ENOUGH.
The famous quote for Index Fund.
"There is one thing I have that he will never havr"
What is that?
All the wars
All the divorces.
I have been married for 45 years.
PM of Pakistan 6 times and wants more. Besides he is Bamkrupt.
Another way ti look at life.
The question to b asked "What is the definition of success"
Just an opinion

Connor P
Connor P - 07.08.2023 16:24

Almost threw up 1 second into the video... Go Blue...

The don
The don - 04.08.2023 13:36

He's a pro so he can think so but for those that aren't financially educated even index funds is a blessing in disguise.Some people have lost opportunities simply because they had no idea like me and if I had known I would have been an accident millionaire.

Joe Schmoe
Joe Schmoe - 04.08.2023 05:33

Excellent video.

Christopher Sanchez
Christopher Sanchez - 22.07.2023 15:39

I use index funds in my 401h and HSA accounts. But I use actively traded funds in my IRA. Some years the index funds win, other years the activity traded funds win. They are all good tools using different approaches to accomplish the same goals.

GG - 14.07.2023 09:29

Lmao. Are u shorting and losing?

Janet Hunt
Janet Hunt - 13.07.2023 16:45

Loved this message!

Thonati m
Thonati m - 13.07.2023 07:19

You lost me with that hat. You have got to be kidding me. GO BLUE!

Jack H
Jack H - 01.07.2023 21:15

Thanks Rob, you are my 1/2 of a Valium tab when it comes to investing anxiety! Great!!!

Francisco Monteiro
Francisco Monteiro - 13.06.2023 21:01

Cathie wood? Although I got the message you are trying to pass, this video aged pretty well. 😂

Rimmy Reddy
Rimmy Reddy - 13.06.2023 20:20

I wonder if that person still thinks that after ARK has done horrible.

Neil Desposito
Neil Desposito - 13.06.2023 03:25

Great honest information

Cynthia Byrd
Cynthia Byrd - 07.06.2023 10:44

I love getting paid to hold an asset, especially while it grows in value. One of my favorite ways to do that is by holding dividend paying stocks. Nothing like a dividend index funds to give you diversification AND income! Gotta love it. $192,000 of passive income made in 2022.

Markalot - 31.05.2023 03:24

I love the fact many commenters here have not watched the video. It's great clickbait IMO, and anyone who really wants to learn about investing will watch the entire video. I've been in index funds for 30 years and I've steadily grown a very nice sum of money.

Joshua Carmouche
Joshua Carmouche - 20.05.2023 18:21

Lots of smarter people would disagree with you.

rickybobby - 13.05.2023 00:23

Most people do not have the intestinal fortitude to stomach the volitility of the market...VTSAX set it and forget it.

Marcus Andrepont
Marcus Andrepont - 12.05.2023 22:55

Listening to this for the first time. Takes my memory back a few decades. What ever became of the”MAGELLAN FUND”. I know that it became too big to continue it’s path of success. Did it get absorbed into another fund?

JL - 10.05.2023 01:47

Who are you to call index fund investors losers? It's condescending and rude, at least they are investing in something.

gthree0239 - 08.05.2023 06:28

I tend to drive near the speed limit. When going somewhere with my family the all always complain. Honestly it sometimes gets to the point where I have to raise my voice and tell them they need to stop. However, there’s always that guy who’s weaving in and out of traffic. That guy races ahead then hits the red light and who catches up? Me! I do, the tortoise. I back off the throttle when I see the red light coast and time it so that I hit it without ever having to stop. I usually get ahead of the crazy driver. But many times he catches me and passes and the whole process starts all over again. Today this exact thing happened. Me and the crazy guy were headed to the same place. He took a wrong turn and I beat him to the softball game by about 5-10 minutes. The tortoise typically wins in the end.

Jim Ng
Jim Ng - 07.05.2023 21:10

This is the most insightful video for investors. Thanks

Brad Watts
Brad Watts - 05.05.2023 20:09

Totally stealing that awesome analogy

Alexander Peraza
Alexander Peraza - 01.05.2023 00:13

99% of hedge funds underperform the index after a 30 year time frame.

Jim Bob
Jim Bob - 29.04.2023 09:44

Great analogies and great video.

Jay Hay123
Jay Hay123 - 25.04.2023 18:42

The lessons that some of us gathered from Buffets million dollars bet that went from 2007 to 2017. Hint: the hedge fund manager lost. Big time.

Dave Chambers
Dave Chambers - 24.04.2023 19:59

Nice BUCKEYE hat

Daniel Capson
Daniel Capson - 21.04.2023 00:11

and have much lower fees that have to be discussed. The compounded effect of higher fees on the other investments should be considered which strip year over year returns over the long term that can effect the true returns dramatically.

MagikarpLore - 19.04.2023 22:45

Lol Ark is such a meme now.

beetalius - 15.04.2023 18:57

Gamblers never talk about their losses

Blinklynx - 14.04.2023 06:28

Title implies terrible advice, comments say great advice, I guess this is clickbait in action?

Mohit Mehrotra
Mohit Mehrotra - 11.04.2023 15:19

Rob, excellent videos and links. It's interesting & enlightening to see the comparison between diff M1 Portfolios ! its amazing contrast.

Greg Gardiner
Greg Gardiner - 10.04.2023 08:28


Smokey - 09.04.2023 19:10

I agree that the core of anyone's portfolio should be in a total stock market fund or the S&P 500 index fund (more exposure to tech); one of the greater considerations, along with the long-term returns, is RISK.

Tucson Time
Tucson Time - 08.04.2023 07:23

So on point. Speaking truth. Thank you Sir.

Joseph - 06.04.2023 08:03

Total clickbait title. However, index funds are the way to financial success.

Kaushik Patel
Kaushik Patel - 06.04.2023 06:59

can you show me did you EVER able to bit the S&P500 in row for 5 to 10 years???????????????? again you need to prove with the PROOF....if you can then we'll debate that Index Funds for losers or NOT?

Jesus Gonzalez
Jesus Gonzalez - 05.04.2023 07:00

Vanguard, an $8 trillion institution, invests their clients money in a variety of low-cost diversified index and mutual funds. Ark invest on the other hand, is an actively managed hedge fund under the guise of an ETF that has lost more money for investors since its inception than any other ETF in history. The lesson? All index funds are inefficient but some are useful.

Linda Jones
Linda Jones - 04.04.2023 14:15

Fang it. I listen to a lot of these podcasts. The more I try to learn, the more I realize I need to learn. That’s called adulthood in America 🇺🇸, as these are challenging times of change.

Nikola Jevtic
Nikola Jevtic - 04.04.2023 09:18

Yeah, you should buy crypto. Or go all in with game stop or AMC. Find a business with no business model and go with a leverage buy.

NJOROGE ANTHONY - 04.04.2023 03:10

Discuss how ur in shape and help more peeps

David Mills Jr
David Mills Jr - 03.04.2023 22:27

SO what would be the alternative to index funds? What type of investment should I go with? Just curious.

Alan sterling
Alan sterling - 03.04.2023 18:17

So I have noticed that the people that tell me how well their investments are CONSTANTLY doing are also the ones that work the most overtime. They are also the ones that tell me how much they won at the casino over the weekend. If they are always doing so well in the market and the casino, why do they continue coming to work? As much bragging as they are doing the should be able to live off of their gains/winnings.

Can u try to think clearly?
Can u try to think clearly? - 02.04.2023 00:28

Like the Buckeye hat.

Kurt Wong
Kurt Wong - 01.04.2023 23:28

The title is misleading.... why you have to title it that way...
