Top 10 Best Warcraft Characters!

Top 10 Best Warcraft Characters!

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@yasser1234 - 12.09.2023 00:03

Your main character in shadowlands is one of the most important characters in wow

@George-sy5ej - 19.07.2023 11:30

No Tyrander or Kael? And Thrall over Arthas and Illidan?

@AlexKosSaheli - 14.12.2022 14:38


@levferno483 - 26.11.2022 10:38

Rexxar has been my favorite Warcraft character ever since I first saw him. I wish he had more involvement in the lore.

@MegaAngryspoon - 01.10.2022 03:37

Khadgar not even in honorable mentions smh

@adamhhh5420 - 22.09.2022 15:11

”My son, the day you were born. The very forest of Lordaeron whispers the name, Arthas “

@ashachka - 20.09.2022 20:59

Ah yes, Golden, my favorite character in the Worms of Walk Raft

@kevincitozz - 18.09.2022 06:47


@cardinalwilson8034 - 14.07.2022 22:57

I wish illidan will comeback

@cidlima9629 - 05.06.2022 03:00

Where is Garrosh??????????????

@thekarpi4795 - 02.03.2022 05:24

Awesome video and explanation, found it after 5 years simply searching "watchmojo warcraft" 'cause I love this channel and wondered if it had Warcraft top 10's and it did. The only thing I'll change is:

#1 Arthas
#2 Illidan
#3 Thrall

I mean, Arthas really did an impact on Warcraft's lore by his actions at the end of the Scourge of Lordaeron campaign...

@uptowndunker6346 - 03.02.2022 08:55

Gul don? Really

@elandy8016 - 09.10.2021 17:44

What? Arthas Is the most complex and development characther. He divide player's who support him and who hate him. For me Is the N°1.

@DeffoNotToucan - 26.07.2021 23:47

Vol'jin could've got an honorable mention. Da real mvp <3

@SkeletauR - 05.06.2021 08:42

Where's vol'jin, rexxar n cenarius? Cenarius was my top 1 fav of all time.

@thetimsalaproject - 24.05.2021 19:08

this list is so dumb!

@reyhanfirliawan4640 - 16.03.2021 18:05

I don't know why I return here
After there is some issue that Arthas maybe return on WoW Shadowland

@smaugsauron4000 - 06.03.2021 19:52

Am i The only one who loves deathwing don't disappoint me guys who loves deathwing?

@smaugsauron4000 - 06.03.2021 19:50

But no thrall is no.1 not deathwing fuck watchmojo

@smaugsauron4000 - 06.03.2021 19:49

Fuck thrall deathwing is superior

@smaugsauron4000 - 06.03.2021 19:47

No.1 shoud be deathwing no is thrall because he is a shaman that's why

@lalnunziramualchin5363 - 10.02.2021 19:14

I like Uthur the most

@ilikepotato8833 - 22.12.2020 23:10

Pit lord smile in pain

@zMmoonlight - 29.09.2020 23:51

Where is Maiev

@RifqiRamel - 20.09.2020 10:32

I agreed if there's no thrall there's no warcraft notice the first character we played in warcraft 3

@darkdusty1937 - 16.08.2020 17:02

Im so sad i cannot play an. Offline version on whats the continuation story of warcraft 3

@osmanimolina1029 - 16.07.2020 21:57

Where is voijin....

@justrandom5889 - 05.07.2020 09:33

Thrall the Best Warcheif!

@markanthonygarcia8674 - 21.06.2020 22:21

Im not really familiar with WoW but i just thought that Beastmaster would atleast be in the Honorable Mentions

@elnurtuleshov2065 - 14.05.2020 07:15

My Warcraft TOP 10 Characters:
10. Mannoroth. His blood can manipulate the whole race. Remember Grom Hellscream and onter Blademasters and orcs who were manipulated by him?
9. Thrall with Horde.
8. Anduin Wrynn with his WHOLE ALIANCE ARMY.
7. Elemental Lords. Native lords. Different heroes from different races can manipulate with different PARTS of elemental power. Only little parts. Like Archmage.
6. Lich King. Listen, on the Frozen Throne Arthas defeated Illidan, BUT on a honest 1v1 fight Illidan would win him with his mana burn and transformation. Lich King is really strong. He is not strong by his own. But actually he is one of the strongest characters when he is with Arthas.
5. Illidan Stormrage. One of most favourite characters of fans. He was born with golden eyes that make him really strong. He is a leader of whole Outland, Illidari, Naga race. ILLIDAN IS REALLY COOL AND MA FAVOURITE CHARACTER. He defeated Tichondrious which is the strongest DreadLord ever, because Tichondrius is the only DreadLord with divine armor what means that he can be attacked by Chaos Attack. HE FCKN DEFEATED MAGTHERIDON. Not the strongest pit lord, butttt. The second strongest pitlord after Mannoroth. He is also leader of some blood elves, nathrezims, dranaes, demons and lotta little races and some parts of some races which means that his ARMY IS REALLY FCKIIIN HUUUGEEE.
4. Five dragons (Deathwing and his homies). No caption needed. CAUSE DRAGONS ARE STRONG AND CAN KICK YOU ASS IN DIFFERENT MOVIES, NOT ONLY GAMES.
3. Old and Wild gods. No caption needed. Gods are gods.
2. KilJaeden and Archimonde. Well, KilJaeden and Archimonde are eredars and they are actually strong. They are Burning Legion generals. KilJaeden is an only eredar who has wings what make him really cool. Archimonde was defeated by three races, to be clearly, he was not, he defeated Jaina Thrall and Malfurion with Tyrande, but there was a trap by night elves, if there wasnot then Archimonde could destroyed World Tree(remember the last mission on Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos).
1. Sargeras. Great and strong titan who created the Burning Legion that actually destroyed most of Azeroth, lotta little races and huge parts of some big races like human(remember Lordaeron).

@shivasrinivasan80 - 23.04.2020 08:40

Rexxar is an awesome and iconic character. He has an entire expansion campaign for himself in Frozen Throne.

@kentmaulion7644 - 13.04.2020 10:27

No Durotan

@sambitjena5166 - 18.03.2020 08:50

Well, your list sucks. Let me do a top 5 list for you watchmojo
4-the lichking
3-sylvanas winderim
2-ilidan stormrage

@gioduduchadze2430 - 13.02.2020 09:08

I know no wow player that will hear the beginning words of Wotlk cinematic and has no goosebumps, but sure of course it's Thrall -_-

@VivaCr9Lm10 - 24.12.2019 05:45

Garosh should be there. FOR THE HORDE!

@zakfuji6303 - 12.11.2019 14:02

Lmao the pronunciations

@xaoc6084 - 26.09.2019 05:26

I’m glad Kel’Thuzad at least got a mention. He’s easily in my top 3.

@bajkotamas1610 - 14.09.2019 02:31

No Rexxar?! No Ashbringer?! No Saurfang?! No Muradin Bronzebeard?! Wow...watchmojo sure doesnt know any characters besides the first 10 that come up when you type "warcraft" in google....

@bajkotamas1610 - 14.09.2019 02:26

My only problem is that you didnt put Rexxar as AT LEAST a honorable mention. Oh and....WHY ISN'T ARTHAS OR ILLIDAN AT NUMBER 1????!!!! Yes Thrall is awesome, but his story is nowhere near as painfully awesome as those 2!!!

@themastema1189 - 04.09.2019 03:47

Arthas should have been #1 and Sylvanas on the top 3... Also... who's "Medi"?

@talrasha1985 - 29.08.2019 13:25

Lol, Syllvanas is better then Jaina? Pffff

@easternlights3155 - 30.06.2019 11:08

Yaaaay! My man Malfurion got mentioned!!!

@MistahTeeLecksAhFly - 24.06.2019 20:59

Why isn’t Garrosh here?

@MistahTeeLecksAhFly - 24.06.2019 20:54

Fuck Jaina she’s a bitch

@Stormrage_003 - 11.06.2019 15:28

My brother is not worthy of honourable mentions

@lichking3119 - 10.06.2019 15:54

3rd place is no place for a king

@icy3771 - 03.06.2019 17:58

Thrall seriously

@lucifermorningstar2766 - 09.05.2019 12:33

Thrall is more iconic than both Illidan or Arthas? I'm gonna die laughing at this choice
