Putin declares 'special military operation' in Ukraine | Breaking

Putin declares 'special military operation' in Ukraine | Breaking

Fox News

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CaralhoGuy - 24.02.2023 13:39

Today marks 1 year of the announcement and it’s still on going 📢

Lesathdidnothingwrong - 29.11.2022 01:48

Wow they dont even know whats a special military operation.

Kiri Seraph
Kiri Seraph - 15.04.2022 12:11

If that isn't a "special" military operation I don't know what is.

stansteel8 - 24.03.2022 17:40

No that can't be. On Fox News you said Russia was posturing... and Trump was right to believe Putin. Fox is a JOKE. Zero cred. That's what you get when you let a bunch of inbred murdochs run the joint

Joseph Gallardo
Joseph Gallardo - 18.03.2022 22:55

I think I saw a putti cat ? I did I did!

Garage Rescue
Garage Rescue - 28.02.2022 04:10

I trust Putin more than I trust Biden

Florian Crazzi
Florian Crazzi - 27.02.2022 07:18

Hey Trey Yingst , What about the millions of people in Iraq or Yemen ? or that will be OK cause was done by US of Terror .

ArkTiger4c - 26.02.2022 23:48

How many sovereign nations has NATO bombed in just a few decades & created fake states within them ??? you are in no position to demonize or lecture anyone especially when international laws were broken to wage war on most of them !!!

Don Anderson
Don Anderson - 26.02.2022 21:46

Tucker Carlson should move to Russia!!

Mary Buford
Mary Buford - 26.02.2022 21:42

I'd like 2 know y Europe isn't taking out Russian airports and military bases. Meet with the Saudis 4 fuel. Duh

Shea H
Shea H - 26.02.2022 11:52

Boot scoot Putin needs a rod in his pootin

Rouge Campos
Rouge Campos - 26.02.2022 10:48

War is ugly and never fair...but the us need to stay out and let nato do their job last thing we need is to china to start their own war or helping Russia

Emily Tienne
Emily Tienne - 26.02.2022 10:23

Donnie the Orange Clown calls his buddy Vlad a “savvy genius” for attacking and murdering Ukrainians. GOP is cool with that.

philncathe - 26.02.2022 05:47

and what about minister of exterior, is he ok?

Marcel Chagnon
Marcel Chagnon - 26.02.2022 04:02

I blame fox news all bastards

Argos2297 - 26.02.2022 02:38

Alot of people are gonna die before this is done.

Douglas Anderson
Douglas Anderson - 26.02.2022 02:26

Putin’s a madman

Bobby Crush
Bobby Crush - 26.02.2022 00:37

There is only the British in Europe who are standing by Ukraine and helping them.

Charles Porter
Charles Porter - 25.02.2022 23:45

let's put comrade Trump back in office / We know he will sell us out / and we all can become RUSKEY"S (YES that will work)

Doug MacKenzie
Doug MacKenzie - 25.02.2022 23:30

FOX, Trump, and all their adherents love Putin and Russia, and detest the United States. Very clear from the comments below.

Not Pablo Escobar
Not Pablo Escobar - 25.02.2022 22:56

Just seen a Russian tank intentionally run over a civilian occupied car

James Carbono
James Carbono - 25.02.2022 21:19

SOVIET COMMIE KGB THUG PUTIN has shown he has become a RABID DOG!....no turning back from that!
time for some brave Russian citizens to step up and simply EUTHANIZE him.....for both his own good & that of the world

A Wavee
A Wavee - 25.02.2022 21:03

Putin is an international war criminal!

citizenY - 25.02.2022 19:34

revoke Putin's Mar-a-Lago priveleges

Songwriter - 25.02.2022 19:06

Sounds like ol' putie has new advanced Tesla wea-pons he can't wait to use on us.

Roger Pennel
Roger Pennel - 25.02.2022 17:13

The GOP stands with Putin.

Created Luck
Created Luck - 25.02.2022 08:48

so you wanna set up missiles in your country against your niebour for america?

RENEE LOPEZ - 25.02.2022 07:40

America used to be the land of the free and the home of the brave neither apply anymore it all ended with Biden

Eric Clausen
Eric Clausen - 25.02.2022 05:29

The Russian eleet are not humans their eyes glow in the dark so if not humans what exactly are they that makes their eyes glow at least hybrids but not all human I'm thinking half reptilians half human maybe not humans at all.

christopher jones
christopher jones - 25.02.2022 05:24

Politicians make wars, they don`t fight in them. It reminds me of WMD`s in Iraq, Bush, Chenney, Rumsfel & Powell, demanded we attack Iraq to stop their WMD`s, truth is they didn`t have any. Long fogotten. That said, have the people of Ukraine voted for or against Russia alliance, No, only the politicians. Any civilians killed will be a curse on Putin, just as our Gulf wars & Nam.

Hugh O'Byrne
Hugh O'Byrne - 25.02.2022 05:07

Where's their regular caller, who calls Putin a 'genius'? Is Fox not giving him a voice any more?

New Covenant Guy
New Covenant Guy - 25.02.2022 04:40

Putin is a vessel of wrath fitted for destruction. By the US? No, by Almighty God!
“For the Scripture says to the Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth.” Romans 9:17

matthew levisen
matthew levisen - 25.02.2022 04:03

NATO should never of encroached on Russia

Lee Rogers
Lee Rogers - 25.02.2022 03:58

Thanks FIX News....you helped bring us this. Let's go Brandon.

Venus Love Factor
Venus Love Factor - 25.02.2022 03:56

Putin knows this is his chance to take over. Most world politicians are pathetic puppets. Putin took over Crimea before Trump was president, and did nothing when Trump Was president. Now with the utterly incompetent and weak Biden and Harris, Putin is now taking over Ukraine. Weak Democrats in power get what they deserve. Meanwhile they impose draconian measures on US - the people in the US and Canada. Forced population reduction through injections of a synthetic pathogen is NOT GOOD! I do feel sorry for the Ukrainian people who don't embrace Russian heritage. Many people in the Donbass region do though. They all speak Russian and have Russian ancestry.

UncleChristmasStories - 25.02.2022 03:55

Can you imagine if China set up shop with forces in Canada or Mexico

UncleChristmasStories - 25.02.2022 03:53

Russia takes out a Cabal controlled Ukraine regime.

Alex Jones
Alex Jones - 25.02.2022 03:50

This is about u.s. bio weapons labs on Russian boarder, lies of msm

Jess J.J. French
Jess J.J. French - 25.02.2022 03:29

Put an X KGB operative no stranger to violence Biden just a frail Former Congressman career at that I wonder what cornpop has to say about this

Michael Walker
Michael Walker - 25.02.2022 03:04

Question did Germany turn off the oil to Russia if not turn it off make Russia suffer

Brian Diedrick
Brian Diedrick - 25.02.2022 02:49

At least we don't have any mean tweets!!

Michelle - 25.02.2022 02:16

Prayers for Ukraine people. 🙏

great outdoors
great outdoors - 25.02.2022 02:05

Putin and Trump............Pure evil!

orion newman
orion newman - 25.02.2022 02:04

I'm not sure pooter will stop with ukraine. If he doesn't, shits going to get real nasty. I believe he wants all of the territories that were once in the USSR. If that's the case, it means a war like the world has never seen.

Jorge Vial
Jorge Vial - 25.02.2022 01:54

It is sad when your country is no longer feared much less respected. Thanks Joe.

Walt Van Court
Walt Van Court - 25.02.2022 01:51

Is Mr Putin and the freedom fighters for independence winning yet

Carlos Medina
Carlos Medina - 25.02.2022 01:46

If any one still belives fox white helmets shame on them WE THANK GLOBOL DOMIN A TION TO NATO CIA POWE HUNGRY HORES !!GOOD GOB MR, PUTIN 🙈🙉🙊

michael yo**g
michael yo**g - 25.02.2022 01:46

Ukraine is being controlled by a totalitarianism government they the help

michael yo**g
michael yo**g - 25.02.2022 01:44

Russia is doing Ukraine a favour

michael yo**g
michael yo**g - 25.02.2022 01:44

u guys r lieing
